Genuine Mediumship; or, The Invisible Powers. Atkinson William Walker
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Mental Whirlpools
The contagion of thought-vibrations is manifested by such vibrations coming into contact with the minds of other persons within the field of mental induction of the first person, and there setting up similar vibrations. We know that orators, actors, preachers and others addressing audiences of persons, send forth strong mental currents which tend to awaken corresponding vibrations in the minds of their hearers. We weep, smile, grow angry, feel happy, according to the character of the thought-waves, of the person on the platform or the stage, providing that we accept the same. And, according to the same principle, persons scattered over large areas are influenced and affected in the same way by whirlpools of mental vibrations set into original motion by some strong, masterful public man. A writer has said concerning this point:
Mental Tidal Waves
"We know how great waves of feeling spread over a town, city, or county, sweeping people off their feet, and causing them to lose their balance. Great waves of political enthusiasm, or war-spirit or prejudice for or against certain people, or groups of people, sweep over places and cause men to act in a manner which they afterward often regret when they come to themselves and consider the matter in the light of cold reason. People are swayed by demagogues or magnetic leaders who wish to capture their votes or patronage; and they are often led into acts of mob violence, or similar atrocities, by yielding to these waves of contagious thought. On the other hand, we know equally well how great waves of religious emotion spread out over the community upon the occasion of some great 'revival' excitement or religious fervor."
Immunity to Thought Influences
Persons becoming acquainted for the first time with the above recited facts of mental vibrations, mental currents, mental waves, and mental contagion, frequently raise the objection that if all this be true, why are we not constantly swept off of our feet by these great waves of mental vibrations, whereas, in fact, we are seldom or never aware of them? The question is a natural one, and is capable of a satisfactory answer. In the first place, many of these mental currents neutralize each other, and thus both cease to exert any marked effect. And again, most persons are really "immune" to most of the thought waves reaching them, this by reason of the protective resistive power bestowed by Nature, and acquired during the evolution of the race.
To understand this, we have but to think of our immunity to the great majority of sounds and sights on the streets of a busy city. On a busy street corner, we are assailed by an infinitude of sounds and sights—but we hear but few of these, and see still fewer. The rest of these impressions are lost to us, although we have ears to hear and eyes to see. We hear and see only those impressions which are strong enough to awaken our attention. In the same way we fail to perceive the numerous thought vibrations and mental currents constantly surrounding us, and our attention is attracted and awakened by those sufficiently strong and vigorous to awaken our attention. The analogy is a very close one, and the understanding of one set of phenomena gives us the key to the other.
Mental Attunement
It should not fail to be noticed, moreover, that we habitually receive and accept more readily those thought vibrations which are in harmony with our own average habitual mental states; and, according to the same general principle, we tend to habitually reject and fail to receive those vibrations which are inharmonious to us for the same reason. Here, you will notice, we have an illustration of the principle of "attunement" which, as we have informed you, is operative on the plane of thought and mental vibrations as well as on that of wireless telegraphy. Just as it is a psychological fact that we tend to see and to hear those things which are in harmony with our beliefs and opinions, and our interest, so is it a metaphysical fact that we tend to accept and absorb the mental vibrations which are in harmony with our opinions, beliefs, and interest, and to reject those which are opposed thereto.
Moreover, the person who acquaints himself with the law of mental vibrations and thought-transference acquires a practical knowledge which enables him to render himself immune to objectionable and undesirable mental currents or thought-waves. We are not necessarily open to the influence of every stray current of thought or feeling that happens to be in our immediate vicinity. Instead, by the proper methods, consciously or unconsciously practiced and manifested, we may, and often do, insulate ourselves so that these undesirable mental influences fail utterly to affect us; and, likewise, we may actually attract to ourselves the desirable mental currents. These principles and methods will be given later in this part of this book; they are mentioned here merely to acquaint you with the fact that they are existent and known to those familiar with this subject.
Voluntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations
Under the head of Voluntary Transmission of Mental Vibrations may be placed the following two general classes of phenomena, viz., (1) Voluntary Efforts to Exert Mental Influence upon Others; and (2) Voluntary Efforts to Produce the Phenomena of Telepathy, along Scientific Lines. Each of these general classes of phenomena will now be presented for your inspection and consideration.
Voluntary Mental Influence
Under the category of Voluntary Mental Influence we find much of the phenomena formerly classed as "Magic"—and by this we mean both White Magic, or efforts to produce results beneficial to the person influenced, and Black Magic, or efforts to produce results beneficial to the person exerting the influence, and often to the positive detriment of the person influenced.
White Magic. Under the category of White Magic may be placed all those efforts of mental healing, and similar phases of metaphysical therapeutics; and the accompanying efforts directed toward the general happiness and welfare of the person "treated." The word "treatment" has sprung into use in this connection, in America and Europe, by reason of its employment by the numerous metaphysical cults and schools flourishing there. We hear on all hands of persons being "treated" for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity in this way. While in some cases, the "magic" is worked on higher planes than those of thought-vibrations, it is nevertheless true that in most instances the entire process is that of mental induction, along the lines described in the preceding pages of this book. In such cases the person influenced opens himself to the helpful thought of the person "treating" him, and thus a co-operation and mental "team work" is secured, often with the most beneficial results. This phase of the subject is too well known to require lengthy consideration in this book, and is more properly the subject of the many books devoted to this special phase of mental power.
Black Magic. It has well been said that there are always two poles to everything in Nature, and continued experience and investigation seems to substantiate this statement. Whenever we find a force or power producing beneficial results, we may usually feel assured that the same force or power, turned in another direction, or possibly reversed in its action, will produce results of an opposite character. And so it is with this subject of "Magic" which we are now considering. While we would be very glad to pass over this phase of the subject, truth and duty to our readers compel us to state that White Magic has its opposite pole—that opposite pole known as Black Magic, or the use of psychic force for selfish and unworthy ends. There is no use trying to pursue the ostrich policy regarding these things—it is always better to face them boldly, and then to take means to avoid the evil contained in them.
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