At Your Mercy: Tales of Domination. Various

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At Your Mercy: Tales of Domination - Various

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but hurt and betrayed. We’re not the types to let each other down or let work take priority. But we are the types to want to push the envelope, to force each other into new situations we’d never get to on our own, and this is certainly one of them. I decide to pretend I’m playing the role of the slutty woman who’ll do anything to make up for her lack of payment – after all, I already look the part, and if Colin were to feed me more of that s’mores I’d probably let his entire staff gangbang me, it was that good.

      But I’m not in the mood for food any more, even gourmet desserts. I follow him through the kitchen, the stares of the men and women chopping and sautéing making my nipples press harder against the thin tank top. I’m suddenly sure they can tell I’m not wearing panties. I brush against one woman who I’d thought was so intent on plating a mozzarella and tomato appetiser she hadn’t noticed me, but the smile she gives me makes the air between us sizzle. It’s a hungry smile, a predatory smile, a smile that says, I want you when he’s done. No wonder the kitchen is so hot!

      Then we’re alone again, Colin tugging me away to stare directly at me, as if trying to figure me out. The more he looks at me like that, the more my mind starts to waver and wonder whether I really am in trouble, to wonder just how much of a setup this is. Could Colin truly have thought I would stiff him? I want to say something cute like, ‘Do you do this with everyone who can’t pay their check?’ but the words stay in my mouth. ‘Wow’ is all I manage when Colin leads me back into his office, a cluttered but somehow still homey cube of a room cluttered with papers, open cookbooks, a laptop, a desk, chair and small couch.

      ‘Was that “wow” because you didn’t think I’d drag you back here, Jessie?’ Colin’s voice makes me tremble; it’s low and rough and somehow menacing. ‘I was watching you, you know. I was watching you eat, watching you enjoy the food I crafted with my own hands. I saw what it did to you. I saw these nipples –’ with that he pinches them hard, so hard I almost cry out, but instead let the noise travel up through me, then silently back down, the pain bringing tears to my eyes ‘– and I knew how wet you had to be, how sad for Jake that he wouldn’t get to taste them.’

      He bends down and bites one nipple roughly through my tank top, so I barely have time to process the fact that I was right – the two of them have colluded to make this outrageous encounter happen. I wonder if he’s told his staff, or if they’re simply used to random women joining him in his office.

      Colin is doing much more than tasting my nipples; he’s lifted my tank top and, after licking my cleavage and sighing in contentment, gone back to the left one. He clamps his lips firmly around the bud and laps at it, the sucking sensations becoming stronger and stronger until I feel his teeth sinking into my flesh. I don’t realise I’ve been holding my breath until it eases out of me and I race to get more air.

      ‘I have something for you, Jessie,’ he says, and, while I’m curious, I’m also disappointed that he’s removed his mouth from my buds long enough to speak. ‘Aren’t you going to ask what it is?’ he asks, grabbing my chin so I have to look at him.

      He digs his fingers into my flesh, then drops them while I haltingly get out, ‘What is it?’

      The smile he gives me is pure wickedness, one that could’ve been copied from Jake, but with a different twist. Jake enjoys hurting me for his own mysterious reasons; the rush of energy he gets from breaking me down to my barest, basest level is something you can almost see puffing him up. Colin’s look is different; I get the impression that he wants to know how turned on I am by all this. Now that we both know I’m more than happy to ‘pay’ for my meal with my body, he is free to push me to my limits.

      While I’m staring back at him, he grabs my tank top and rips it down the front. ‘That’s much better, don’t you think?’ He swats at my tits with his hand, lightly at first, like a tennis player lobbing a ball across a court, more for the sound than the impact. When I stare right back at him, not flinching, not letting him see how my pussy reacts, he hits me harder, tilting his hand so he gets the side of my breasts, then directly against my already sore nubs. ‘Hold these pretty breasts for me, Jessie,’ he says, and my hands automatically shift to squeeze them, offering them up to him. Out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of something metallic whizzing through the air before it strikes one nipple like a gong, then the other.

      When I dare to glance down, I see that the outside of a long, skinny spoon is what is striking each nub, and I hold on tighter to my tits so he has an easier target. The spoon strikes me over and over, hammering into my nipples until the heat and pain merge into one glorious sensation. He pauses, then takes each nipple between his thumb and forefinger and twists hard, the spoon trapped between my breasts while he makes his point. He looks at me again, his eyes burrowing into mine, and I simply blink back until I can’t pretend any more, until I have to let out a gasp, then bite my lip as his hold on my nipples deepens. ‘I guess you’re trying to tell me you can take even more, aren’t you? Good thing I have these nipple clamps Jake gave me.’

      This time I suck in air at the sound of Jake’s name. It’s so dirty, so wrong, that Jake has given him so many pointers, that Jake is almost topping me by proxy, and yet all my energy is focused on Colin.

      ‘Hold them again,’ he says, and I do, presenting each breast for the tweezer clamps. Colin tightens them just a wee bit tighter than Jake usually does, and my breath comes out in rougher, louder blows.

      ‘Take off your skirt, Jessie,’ he grunts, and I drop my breasts, feeling the clamps shift and the weights on the ends tug on them as I do his bidding. My white skirt drops to the floor and I step out of it. ‘I have something I bought for you, too,’ he says, and takes another clamp out of his pocket, dangling it in front of my eyes. I know it’s for my clit, and I’m tempted to smile. I’ve never had one there before, but I’ve thought about it, and certainly Jake’s tortured my most sensitive spot more than enough times to let me know I can take a lot there too.

      Colin’s fingers slide along my wetness first, and he murmurs his approval. ‘Very good, Jessie,’ he says. ‘I’d have been disappointed if you weren’t nice and wet for me. You don’t want to disappoint me after that meal, do you?’ he asks before shoving three fingers deep inside me.

      ‘No, I don’t,’ I say, trying to sink down to get more of his touch, but he pulls out and lifts me up with a hand on each hip. ‘I’m gonna fill that pretty pussy, don’t you worry.’

      Then he’s kneeling before me, first priming my clit with his lips, his tongue zooming in on its core, pressing hard against it, then sucking, until I think I might come. Just when I sense myself rushing towards that blissful reward, he pulls his lips back and fastens the clamp around my now extremely engorged clit. The pain is intense, and I’m standing with nothing to hold on to, nothing to lean against. I look around frantically and settle for clasping my hands behind my back, entwining them and willing myself not to tremble so much I fall.

      ‘Now was there something you wanted, sweet Jessie?’ he asks, standing again to press his hand against the back of my neck and draw me close enough that his chest meets my adorned one, his knee rubbing against my wetness.

      ‘Your cock,’ I whisper, already picturing how it will look, what it will feel like.

      ‘I didn’t hear you,’ he says, pressing more firmly on my neck. ‘Say it much, much louder for me. Say it so my staff out there can hear you.’

      Oh God. He means that, which I soon find out when I say it in an outdoor voice, but one that’s certainly not a scream. He twists my lower lip the way he did my nipple earlier. ‘Do you want me to parade you around out there, Jessie, maybe make you go up to each and every person in that kitchen and tell them exactly what you want? They deserve to know, especially your waiter

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