Battleaxe: Book One of the Axis Trilogy. Sara Douglass
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The shape that held the light stepped forward and became more distinct. The light itself spread and grew stronger and Axis started to distinguish his surroundings. He was in a large grove in the middle of a forest, black trees pressed close about the edges of the circle of light. There were shapes, however, many shapes, moving restlessly among the trees. Axis was glad the light was not strong enough for him to see them properly. The creature holding the light was standing slightly to one side of the centre of the grove, and as Axis focused on it he almost cried out in horror. Although it had the trunk and limbs of a muscular man, clad only in a brief loin cloth, the creature had the head of a full-grown stag. Massive antlers branched out from its forehead and its eyes were red with hate. It wove its head threateningly from side to side as it strode towards him, baring its broad yellow-stained teeth. “Leave!” it screamed, and Axis screamed with it.
He sat bolt upright in his bedroll, still terrified. At first he thought that he had screamed aloud, but the other men about the campfire paid him no heed, trapped as they were in their own ill dreams. Axis leaned forward and put his face in his hands. Would it never end? He felt a warm shape bump into his side. His heart leapt in fear, before he realised it was only the cat. Axis pulled it up to his chest as he lay down and tried to get a few more hours’ sleep before dawn. He slept soundly and dreamlessly until Belial awakened him just as the sun was staining the eastern horizon.
An hour after dawn the small group breakfasted and took their horses not fifty paces from the Silent Woman Woods. A biting wind blew over the land and they all shivered inside their cloaks. The horses shifted uneasily, the nervousness of their riders transmitting itself to them. Belial stared at the path leading into the Woods.
“It won’t be wide enough for two of you to ride abreast, sir.”
Axis sat still and silent, then said, “How far in is the Keep, Gilbert?”
Gilbert looked discomforted. “I’m not completely sure, BattleAxe.”
“I thought you knew most things, Gilbert,” Axis said dryly. “You do know exactly where the Keep is, don’t you?”
Gilbert’s face splotched a patchy red in embarrassment. “At the end of the path, BattleAxe.”
Belial swore under his breath. “Is that all you’ve got to say, you useless lump of …”
“Belial,” Axis said mildly, “it is not a good thing to curse the Brotherhood of the Seneschal. If Gilbert says the Keep is at the end of the path, then the Keep is at the end of the path. Of course, it might help if Gilbert knew how long this Artor-forsaken path is, wouldn’t it, Gilbert?”
Gilbert swallowed. He wished he were back in the Tower of the Seneschal. “We have not had any communication with the Keep for some time, BattleAxe.”
Axis frowned. “Jayme said he was going to send a rider in to tell them we were coming.”
“The Brother-Leader sent a rider, it is true … it’s just that he hasn’t come back out again.”
All the men shifted nervously now. Timozel and Arne, the youngest men present, traded frightened looks and fingered their axes.
Axis remembered how unsure Jayme had seemed about the records the Keep contained. “And just how long is it since the Brother-Leader has heard anything from the Keep, Gilbert?”
Gilbert rolled his eyes skyward, as if he found something terribly interesting among the clouds. His skin was pasty-white in the dawn light. “Thirty-nine years.”
“Thirty-nine years?” said Axis incredulous. “Gilbert, how does anyone know there is a Keep in there? Jayme told me that Brother Ogden was chief Brother in the Keep. How does he know that if there’s been no communication for thirty-nine years?”
Arne, a dour-faced and dark-haired man, chuckled suddenly in grim humour. “Because that’s who the Seneschal sent to take charge thirty-nine years ago, BattleAxe!”
Axis stared at Gilbert. “Is that right?”
Gilbert nodded unhappily. “The Brothers are an uncommunicative lot,” he muttered.
Axis swore under his breath. Why hadn’t Jayme told him this? “Belial. If we’re not out in three days, send in a party after us. If that party doesn’t come out within three days, then send no-one else in. Break camp and go back to Carlon. You can tell Jayme that if anyone else has to go back into the Woods then it will have to be him. And if he doesn’t want to go into the Woods, then he can go and stop the Forbidden at Gorkenfort.”
Belial nodded and backed his horse off a little. “May Artor keep and hold you in His hand, BattleAxe.”
“Now and forever,” the others muttered.
Axis turned to the other three. “Arne, Timozel, are you ready?” They nodded. Axis turned to Gilbert. “Brother Gilbert, you may take the lead. Your prayers might help to keep the demons at bay. Timozel, you follow me; Arne, bring up the rear. Are you ready, Axe-Wielders?”
“We follow your voice and we are ready, BattleAxe!” Timozel and Arne shouted.
“Then let us ride,” Axis cried and spurred Belaguez into a gallop.
Belial stood and watched them until they disappeared into the gloom of the Woods, then he slowly turned his horse. He would set guards by the trail night and day until his BattleAxe came back. Halfway back to camp he came across Faraday standing alone in the waving grass, watching the spot where the riders had disappeared.
The men slowed their horses to a walk once they entered the Woods. Within thirty paces of the tree line they were completely lost in gloom. Every man sat straight and tall in the saddle, eyes shifting constantly from side to side, expecting attack at any moment. They could hardly conceive of a world where there were no wide-open spaces, where the sky was not instantly visible. The three Axemen had pulled their swords from their weapon belts and held them at the ready. Gilbert occasionally whimpered in fear and would have stopped had not Axis kept Belaguez pressed against his horse’s rump.
The gloom and the silence enveloped them. Not even birds called from the trees. About one hundred paces in, Timozel abruptly cried out from behind. “BattleAxe!”
Axis pulled Belaguez to a halt and whipped around in the saddle. “What is it?”
Timozel was bent double, half out of the saddle as he leaned further and further down his horse’s offside. “It’s my axe!” he gasped, “it’s …”
Now Axis could feel it too, a massive weight hanging down by his right hip as if a gigantic hand had seized his axe by the haft and was pulling it towards the ground. He grunted and tried to pull the other way, but whatever had hold of his axe was too strong. The next moment he was pulled out of his saddle, and though he desperately grabbed the pommel he felt himself being dragged inexorably to the ground. Axis heard Gilbert cry out in horror, but he had no time to see what was wrong with him. The pressure on his axe increased – whatever invisible hand had hold of the haft was unbelievably strong – and, an instant after he heard Timozel hit the ground, Axis was pulled