Freya North 3-Book Collection: Love Rules, Home Truths, Pillow Talk. Freya North
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‘Thea – our offer has been accepted. We stand to exchange and complete simultaneously – in a month.’
Suddenly, the pretty passenger with the gamine crop was jumping for joy and whooping with delight, proclaiming ‘We’ve got it, we’ve got it!’ breathlessly to everyone. ‘Our offer’s been accepted!’ she was singing. ‘We’re buying this great flat!’ Her fellow passengers grinned at her spontaneous emotion. Just as Saul anticipated they would when he envisaged her reacting in precisely the way she did.
Thea out-talked Peter Glass when he came in for a session at ten. He knew the development Thea spoke of and assured her that the agreed purchase price was a good one. He couldn’t really comment on her tumble of ideas for a colour scheme on a theme and variations of taupe but he let her gabble on in the hope that she’d soon return her undivided attention to his frozen shoulder.
‘Well, good morning, Gabriel!’ Thea greeted a somewhat taken aback Mr Sewell an hour later. ‘And how are we, this gorgeous day?’
‘I’m fine, Miss Luckmore,’ he said rather pointedly which went unnoticed by Thea who practically skipped her way up to her room.
‘Come on then!’ she smiled expansively at Gabriel. ‘Hop on the bed and let’s have a look at you.’
I know we haven’t exchanged – and I know the process might be beset with hassles and stress but sod it, I have a good vibe and a long lunch hour and it’s a beautiful day so I’m going to stroll all the way to the Ruth Aram shop and buy something gorgeous for our new home. A lamp maybe! Perhaps something funky and functional for the kitchen! Or a stunning piece of ceramic just because it’s beautiful!
She phones Saul to see if he wants to join her, perhaps even squeeze in a celebratory sandwich lunch somewhere, but his phone is off and she imagines he is either up against a deadline to extol the new generation Bluetooth for T3 magazine or perhaps out of range in some picture editor’s office.
No! No, he’s not! He’s not doing Bluetooth or pictures because there he is! Just ahead of me! Over there! Saul! Saul! O most auspicious day!
Saul is wending his way down Berwick Street ahead of Thea. The scamp and bustle of the market absorb Thea’s voice so she attempts to pick up her pace and weaves between stallholders and browsers to try and catch up with him. She sees him turning left.
‘Hey! Saul – Mr Mundy!’
He hasn’t heard. And there’s a bloke riding a moped on the pavement sending pedestrians scattering like skittles. Thea skips her way on and off the kerb with the deftness of Gene Kelly in Singing in the Rain only it’s not raining, it’s gloriously sunny. She turns the corner just in time to see Saul disappearing into a doorway some yards ahead.
Damn. Quick. Let me try his phone again. Bugger – still off. He must have gone into some meeting. Bluetooth and pictures or what have you.
Momentarily disappointed, Thea decides she’ll stroll along this street anyhow because it won’t be too much of a detour and, although it’s mostly sex shops and dodgy video clubs, there may be some interesting shops further along.
Here. This is where Saul is having his meeting. In here.
Doesn’t look like an office.
There’s no front door!
Well, there is, but it’s been propped open. But there’s certainly no sign of a reception area with a cold-water dispenser and the company logo on laser-etched glass. The open doorway reveals just a bare hallway and a staircase, with gloss paint chipped like a tart’s fingernails.
There are two signs taped to the door jamb, each beneath a buzzer.
Thea stands at the threshold and backs away. How odd – because she’s sure this was where Saul went. Positive, in fact. Perhaps it’s all very C. S. Lewis, she thinks to herself – you go in one place and come out quite somewhere else. She checks the buildings to either side. One is a minicab office with a sleepy Ugandan sitting on the doorstep with a clipboard on his knee. The other is a business selling perspex of all colours, thicknesses, shapes and sizes. It’s closed, though. Back 1 Hour the note says. No, this building in between is definitely where Saul went in.
Thea hovers back outside the building. Black Beauty and Top Models. Fleetingly, she imagines Kate Moss and her pals sitting upstairs watching daytime television and the thought is so incongruous she grins. But anyway, it’s ‘MODELS! top’, not ‘top models’, so Thea lets the image go.
All it says is ‘BLACK BEAUTY 1ST FLOOR’ and ‘MODELS! top’. But there must be someone else, another business, in there because Saul’s gone in.
‘Excuse me.’ Thea approaches the Ugandan, relaxed on a rickety chair, tapping a Biro on his clipboard.
‘You want a cab, lady? Where you going?’
‘No, thanks. I’m just. Do you know what else is in that building?’ Thea asks. The man glances and shrugs. ‘Is there a small studio or company that makes gadgets?’ Thea asks. ‘You know, boys’ toys and the like?’ The minicab man chuckles. ‘Is there something to do with publishing in there?’ Thea persists.
‘No. Just the girls,’ the man tells her, ‘just those girls.’
‘Oh,’ says Thea, frowning. How peculiar. She stares at the building. There’s probably a writer’s tiny garret right at the top. Saul’s probably gone to commission some freelancer or other. ‘Is there a tiny office right at the top?’ she asks. The minicab man shrugs and shakes his head. Thea reads this as the man not actually knowing the answer. The perspex shop is still closed. Maybe they have a small storeroom in the next building and Saul needs some perspex.
Wait! Oh my God, Black Beauty!
Thea spins an explanation so plausible and heart-warming that she starts swooning at Saul’s thoughtfulness.
He’s researched it! It’s some book specialist devoted to Anna Sewell’s great tome! He’s buying me a first edition!
Is he?
Is he, Thea?
Is that what he’s buying in there?
She sees that the minicab man is putting his chair inside and shutting up shop, walking off towards the market. The street is quiet. There’s another man, sauntering up the street, jangling a bunch of keys. Perspex for sale. What kind of a trade is that? How much perspex must you sell in a day to make a living? How long has Thea been there? She has no idea. How long has Saul been in there? She just can’t figure it out.
‘Exuse me,’ she approaches the perspex man as he’s unlocking the shop door, ‘what’s next door?’