One Direction: Forever Young: Our Official X Factor Story. One Direction

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One Direction: Forever Young: Our Official X Factor Story - One Direction

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like me, please like me.’

      Standing in front of all of those people was something totally new for me and I was really nervous. It was a big adrenaline rush and I think that’s what gets you through the performance – you’re on a bit of a high, so you don’t really have too much of a chance to think about things.

      I sang Stevie Wonder’s ‘Isn’t She Lovely’, a song I’ve always loved. I tried out loads of different songs beforehand and then chose the one I thought I sounded best on – which was that one, obviously! I even gave a little bow at the end, which was a bit cheesy, but I thought it would be funny.

      Nicole said I had a beautiful voice, which meant so much to me, but Louis said I didn’t have enough experience or confidence and that I was too young. Thankfully Simon disagreed with him and said, ‘I think with a bit of vocal coaching you actually could be very good.’ It was really nice to get the positive feedback. I honestly didn’t expect to get through, so I was chuffed with the good comments.

      Louis gave me a ‘no’, which was disappointing, but both Nicole and Simon gave me a ‘yes’, so I was through to Bootcamp. I was in a total state of shock! That was one of the best moments of my life.

      My family went mad when I went back to see them. I was so incredibly happy, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I kept expecting someone to come over and say, ‘Actually, we’ve changed our mind, you’re not through after all.’ Can you imagine?

      Zayn: I applied for The X Factor last year but didn’t turn up for the audition because I was too nervous. I wasn’t actually going to turn up this year either, but my mum basically grabbed me by the ear and told me I was doing it. It was something I’d always liked the idea of, and always thought I would do, but when it came down to it I panicked. So it took me a while to build up to it.

      In the end I decided to go along to Manchester just for the experience, and if I didn’t make it, then I didn’t. When I got through the first stage and stood before the judges I thought I’d been kept so they could take the mickey out of me. I’d never had any singing lessons before and had only ever sung for my mum and my sisters or small audiences.


      Despite feeling shaky with nerves, Zayn impresses the judges from the start

      The day before the audition I went to sleep at four in the afternoon, then set off at two in the morning to get to the audition. My uncle drove me down, and he’s nearly seven feet tall so there was no missing us in the queue.

      I was really shaky beforehand and when I got out on stage I was suddenly faced by all these people. I had to take a deep breath to calm myself. There were people as far as the eye could see! And Simon Cowell was sitting in front of me; it was amazing but terrifying at the same time. I know he doesn’t exactly hold back with the criticism, so I was really worried about what he would say.

      I sang Mario’s ‘Let Me Love You’, a song that I thought suited my voice and also one that I’d practised a lot. Louis said straightaway that he liked me, and Nicole said there was something special about me. Simon said he agreed with Nicole, but he also commented that I needed to be hungrier for it. I think Simon gets you as a person from the minute he meets you, and I think he was right – at that point I didn’t yet want it the way I should have done, and he knew it. But the further I got into the competition the more and more I wanted it.

      Louis: I auditioned in Manchester and I was one of the last people to try out. I first auditioned for The X Factor in 2009 but didn’t get through, so I was determined to come back and try again. All I wanted to do was get to Judges’ Houses. That was my target. I also wanted to know from the judges if I was any good or not. I wanted to have that experience so I could say I’d done it and not always wonder what it would have been like.

      I thought about it all the time, so when I got the letter inviting me to auditions I was so happy. I wanted to work really hard and prove myself, and this time around I did a month’s worth of singing lessons before I went along to my audition.


      Louis’ singing lessons pay off

      My best mate Stan came with me and we drove down on the Friday night before the Saturday audition. We set off at midnight, got to Manchester MEN Arena at 2am and, incredibly, there were already people queuing.

      I set my alarm, got a couple of hours’ sleep in my car, and then started queuing at 4am. Stan and I took our sleeping bags into the queue and we kept falling asleep, so people would nudge us and move us along every now and then. I’d already decided at that point that if I didn’t get through on the Saturday I was going to sneak back on the Sunday and try again. I don’t know if I would have got away with it, but I was willing to try.

      I waited quite a while in the holding room, then my number was called. Just before you go on stage this guy counts you down and it’s like, ‘3, 2, 1 – on you go!’ As soon as I saw the audience and the judges, the adrenaline kicked in and my mouth went dry. I’d seen that scenario so many times on telly, and now there I was, in that place, with those judges. So much rested on that one moment.

      I performed ‘Elvis Ain’t Dead’ by Scouting For Girls, but Simon stopped me and asked me to sing something else, so I did ‘Hey There Delilah’ by the Plain White T’s. Nicole made me feel a lot better by smiling at me all the way through, which was nice, as you never know what Simon’s thinking. As it turned out, Simon did say he liked me and that I had an interesting voice, Louis also thought I had an interesting voice, and Nicole said something about liking how I looked. That was a surprise because my hair was pretty awful! The sides were really long and I had a bit of a mullet going on at the back. Thank god we got some styling done.

      I got three ‘yes’ votes, but all of the judges said I wasn’t confident enough, which may have been partly because I was so tired. If I ever audition for something again I won’t do it on two hours’ sleep.

      Bootcamp and beyond …

      Liam: In July we all went along to Wembley Arena for Bootcamp. Obviously we didn’t even know each other then, so to think we would go on to become a band is totally surreal.

      Harry: There were 211 acts at Bootcamp in total, and when I arrived and saw so many people I didn’t rate my chances.

      Louis: Because Dannii was on maternity leave and Cheryl was still recovering from malaria, Louis and Simon were the only judges there at the start. On the first day, Louis told everyone, ‘Bootcamp is tough. This is what it’s all about. Showbusiness is tough. To survive in this business you’ve got to be tough.’ It was all a bit scary. Suddenly everything seemed so real and we all had to fight to prove that we deserved to be there and to get through to Judges’ Houses. I’d been having so much fun with the excitement of it all, but now there was everything to sing for.

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