Right Here Waiting for You: A brilliant laugh out loud romantic comedy. Rebecca Pugh
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Sophia cleared her throat. ‘Thanks.’
‘So, that’s a definite yes then?’
‘Yes. It’s a definite yes.’ Sophia’s stomach was slowly beginning to tighten with tension. Gulping down more coffee, she tried her best to ignore it. ‘I suppose now I have to find something nice to wear, don’t I? I don’t think jeans and a T-shirt will cut it.’
‘Nope. I refuse to let you show up in jeans and a T-shirt. That’s completely against the rules and you know it.’
‘I suppose it’s about time I wore something else besides these old things.’
‘It’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it. Just make sure you RSVP so we’re definitely down on the list. Do it today, as soon as you’re home. Man, I’m looking forward to this.’
‘I’ll do it!’ she laughed. ‘As soon as I get home.’
‘Good. Anyway, I’ve got exciting news. As of last night, I’m back in the dating game. I signed myself up to one of those dating sites. I’ve decided it’s time to move on and take back the reins of my love life.’
And just like that, Sophia’s laughter from seconds before turned to silence. She blinked at him, unable to think of a suitable reply. Good for you? Well done, Michael? You’ll be snapped up in a heartbeat? She knew that last one would certainly be true.
‘Oh… Wow, that’s… Are you sure you’re ready for that? I mean, it hasn’t really been all that long since you broke up with Tanya. You don’t feel it’s too soon?’ She was speaking so hurriedly, it was a wonder Michael could understand her. ‘Sorry,’ she laughed, shaking her head. ‘It’s surprising, that’s all. I’m very happy for you.’
Michael cocked a brow. ‘Yeah, I can see where you’re coming from but it has been a while now. Don’t you think so?’ He shrugged and turned his attention to the window. People passed by the café, lost in their own conversations. Michael watched them. ‘I suppose I’m just lonely. I love Harry, more than anything else in the world. You know that. But it’s nothing to do with that side of things. It’s more the… you know… physical side.’ He looked back at her then. ‘Surely you know what I’m referring to?’
‘Oh, right. Yes, I know what you mean now.’ She wrapped her arms around herself and turned her attention to the outside world too. She couldn’t ignore the jealousy she was feeling. She wanted to be happy for him but it was hard when she felt the way she did. For such a long time, she’d hoped that, when Michael finally decided to try his hand at love again, it would be her he would turn to. After all, hadn’t she been the one who was there in his time of need? Or was it completely selfish of her to think he owed her something in return for simply being a friend to him? Hope was such a tricky thing.
‘Well, don’t you miss that?’ pressed Michael. ‘The physical side of it? Someone to hold on to at night?’
‘I guess I do sometimes, but not hugely.’
Michael nodded. ‘I guess everyone’s different. Still, it’s kind of exciting. Putting myself out there again. Just hope I don’t make a fool of myself.’
Sophia sighed. What an idiot he was for thinking he could ever do that. Any woman would be lucky to spend an evening with this man by their side. Not only was he kind, considerate and funny, but he was handsome and didn’t even realise it, which only made him more appealing. If getting back out there was what he wanted to do, who was she to try and stop him?
‘Michael, I’m happy for you. If this is what you want to do, then I say go for it. Who knows where it will lead? Life’s all about taking chances, isn’t it? Anyway, I’d better get going. I’ve got a few things waiting to be dealt with back at the house before my shift later. It really is amazing how much washing one little girl can pile up.’ Sophia gulped down the last of her coffee and got up. ‘We’ll catch up soon, okay? Let me know how the dating site goes.’
They shared a brief hug before Sophia turned and left the café. She wasn’t sure she really wanted to keep up with his dating progress, but they were friends first and foremost, so she felt it necessary to be there for support if he needed it. She hurried down the street with her heart thudding, feeling so incredibly foolish as she blinked her tears away. Stupid, stupid, stupid. To think that she even had a chance! She should have been quicker. She should have told him how she felt. But she hadn’t wanted to rush things after how terrible his relationship had ended up being with Tanya. And now it was too late.
‘This one, or this one?’ Sophia held up two tops.
‘The left one, definitely. So how are you feeling about tonight? Are you nervous?’
‘I don’t know.’ Sophia began to undress, climbing into a pair of jeans and tugging the top that Magda had chosen for her over her head. ‘It’s not like anything major is going to happen. We’re just going to hang out, that’s all.’
‘Yeah, right,’ Magda snorted. ‘I know for a fact that Tom Archer is only after one thing from you tonight, and it doesn’t include watching movies.’
Sophia blushed and laughed nervously. ‘Don’t be stupid, he’s not like that. He’s nice. He’s different to the other boys we know. You’ve even said that yourself.’
Magda laughed. ‘Just be careful, okay? That’s all I’m saying, and if anything does happen, please use protection.’
‘Bloody hell! You sound like my mother,’ Sophia smiled. ‘So, what do you think?’ She turned and looked down at herself before looking back up at Magda.
‘You look beautiful, as always.’
‘Thanks, Magda. I’ll share all the juicy details with you tomorrow at break.’
‘Can’t wait. And remember, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!’
‘I’m going to be going away for a couple of weeks.’
‘Oh?’ Greg raised his head in interest at the other end of the dining table. ‘And where are you going?’
‘I’m going to visit my father. I’m going to go back to Worthington Green.’
Greg’s eyes narrowed. ‘Your father? I thought you and he didn’t speak any more.’
It was because of Greg that Magda’s relationship with her father had withered away to nothing. ‘We don’t, but life is too short, isn’t it? I’d like to see him again. I have no other family and I feel as though I’ve let my relationship with my father slip away. I miss him.’
‘Nonsense. You have my family,’ Greg said simply, as if that should have been enough for her.
‘I’m talking about my family,’ Magda challenged, raising her voice slightly. She could hardly call Greg’s parents her ‘family’. There was no warmth between them, no relationship or bond. ‘I shan’t be gone too long. Perhaps two weeks, maybe more if things go well. It all depends, I suppose.’