Denim And Lace. Diana Palmer
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Bess’s lower lip trembled. Tears stung her eyes. She wouldn’t cry, she wouldn’t...but the tears spilled over.
Gussie wasn’t moved. “I was going to buy a car with those pearls,” she said angrily, “and you gave them away!”
That stopped the tears. Bess wiped them angrily from her cheeks and glared at her mother. Sell the pearls to buy a car, when they could barely meet their rent, and the money from the sale of the house was all but gone. She glared at Gussie.
“Yes, I sold them,” she said, her voice shaking because it was the first time she’d ever spoken back. “And Cade will keep Lariat for his children. Children I’ll never have, thanks to you. No man is ever going to want me because of you!”
Gussie turned her head warily, watching Bess as if she thought the younger woman had a fever. “That’s enough, Bess.”
“No, it isn’t!” Bess’s voice broke. “I can’t take care of myself and you. Dad always looked after us, but I’m not Daddy. I’m not strong. I can’t cope with a job and bills and you!”
Gussie looked mortally wounded. “That my own child should speak to me like this,” she said huskily. “After all I’ve done for you.”
Bess’s lips were trembling so hard that she could barely get words out. “You’re making this so difficult,” she whispered.
“I suppose I could always go on welfare.” Gussie sniffed, reaching for a handkerchief. “And live in the streets, since my own child doesn’t want me.” She began to cry pitifully.
Bess knew it was an act. She knew that she should be strong, but she couldn’t bear to hear Gussie cry. “Oh, Mama, don’t,” she moaned, going to Gussie, to hold her. “It’s all right. We’ll be fine, really we will.”
“We could have had a nice car,” Gussie sniffed.
“We couldn’t have afforded gas and oil for it though,” Bess murmured, trying to make a joke. “And somebody would have had to wash it.”
Gussie actually laughed. “Well, it wouldn’t have been me, you know; I can’t wash a car.” She hugged Bess back. “I know it’s hard for you, but darling, imagine how it is for me. We were rich and now we have so little, and it’s difficult.”
“I know,” Bess said gently. “But we’ll get by.”
“Will we?” Gussie sat up, rubbing her red eyes. “I do hope so.” She sighed shakily. “Bess, you really will have to see about getting a job soon.”
Bess started to argue, but Gussie was right. Her mother wasn’t suited to any kind of work, and the most pressing problem was how they were going to live. After all the debts were paid, Bess and Gussie were left with little more than six hundred dollars and some of Gussie’s jewelry.
“I’ll start looking first thing in the morning,” Bess said quietly.
“Good girl.” Gussie got up. “Oh, damn the Hollisters,” she muttered, glancing irritably at Bess. “I’ll never forgive Cade for letting you pay off that debt in full. He could have refused the money, knowing how bad off we are.”
Bess colored. “Mother, he’s got debts of his own and Dad’s investment scheme almost cost him Lariat. You know how he feels about heritage, about children.”
“I don’t want to talk about him. And don’t you get any more ideas about that man. I won’t let you get involved with him, Bess. He’s the last man on earth for you. He’d break your spirit as easily as he breaks horses. I absolutely forbid you to see him, do you understand?”
“I’m twenty-three years old, Mother,” Bess said uneasily. “I won’t let you arrange my life.”
“Don’t be silly,” Gussie laughed pleasantly. “You’re a lovely girl and there are plenty of rich men around. In fact,” she began thoughtfully, “I know of a family right here in San Antonio with two eligible sons...”
Cade had been right. Bess stared at her mother in astonishment. “You aren’t serious!” she burst out.
“It doesn’t hurt to have contacts,” Gussie was saying. “I’ll phone them tonight and see if I can wrangle an invitation for us.”
“I won’t go,” Bess said doggedly.
“Don’t be silly. Of course you’ll go. Thank God we still have some decent gowns left.” Gussie waltzed out of the room, deep in thought and deaf to Bess’s protests.
Bess didn’t sleep. Gussie had upset her to the point of depression, and she was only beginning to realize what a difficult life it was going to be. Shackled with her flighty mother, there would never be any opportunity to see Cade again unless she fought tooth and nail. Not that Cade would try to see her. He was right in a way: there could never be a future for them with Gussie’s interference. But it broke her heart.
At least Cade could keep Lariat now, she thought sadly. She’d done that for him, if nothing else.
The next morning she went out early to start looking for a job. She put her application in at two ad agencies and one magazine office, but her lack of experience was a strike against her and her typing skills were almost nonexistent. She and Gussie didn’t have a typewriter for her to practice on and she couldn’t afford to buy one. Perhaps she could rent one, she thought, and practice at night.
When she got back to the apartment at lunchtime, Gussie was in bright spirits. “We’ve got an invitation to dinner with the Rykers tonight,” she said gaily. “They’re sending a car for us at six. Do wear something sexy, darling. Jordan is going to be there. Daniel couldn’t manage, he’s in New York for a business meeting. Anna said she’d be delighted to see us both. You don’t know her, of course, but she and I were at school together.”
“Who is Jordan?” Bess asked warily.
“Jordan Ryker. Anna’s eldest son. He’s president of the Ryker Corporation. They make computers and that sort of thing. You’ll like him, he’s very handsome.”
“I will not be railroaded into a blind date.” Bess put her foot down.
“Don’t start being difficult. We can’t afford pride.”
“I can,” Bess said shortly. “I won’t go.”
“You most certainly will.” Gussie turned and glared at her. “After what you did with our pearls, you owe me one little favor.” She saw that belligerence wasn’t going to work, so she changed tactics. “Now, darling, you’ll enjoy yourself. I’m not trying to throw you at Jordan. It isn’t even a date. We’re just having dinner with old friends.”
It couldn’t be that simple, not with Gussie. Bess sighed wearily, knowing she was going to give in. She didn’t have the heart to fight anymore. She’d lost Cade, and he was the only thing in life she might have cared enough to fight for.
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