Beyond Temptation. Lisette Ashton
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She left the rest of her sentence unspoken as Harold pushed her to one side and began marching up the stairs.
He climbed four steps. The angry set of his body caused each footfall to pound as he moved away from her. Gayle could see he was an irresistible force heading to meet an immovable object, a spark waiting to set something alight. She suspected Harold finding Robyn in bed with Dominic could be sufficiently incendiary to create a terrible and devastating explosion.
With one last hope of saving the situation, Gayle called his name.
He stopped and turned to glower down at her. His frown was an unspoken question.
Panicked by the sudden need to say something, Gayle said the first thing that popped into her head. ‘Is my spelling really that bad?’
He didn’t bother replying. He simply turned his back on her and continued to march up the stairs towards the closed door of his bedroom.
* * *
There was an instant where Robyn thought she had heard someone call Harold’s name. But she couldn’t be certain. The sound came from a million miles away, muffled and muted by the layers of faux-suede that now surrounded her head. Not bothering to waste time on what was obviously a figment of her imagination, she concentrated on Dominic and his hungry mouth.
His tongue slid viciously against the lips of her sex.
Excitement had already made her wet but now she could feel her hole dripping with a strong, syrupy need. She yearned to pull his mouth away and have his body press against hers. But she didn’t allow herself to give in to that urge. The thrill he evoked in her clitoris was far too great for her to stop him.
Between her legs Dominic grunted with animal passion as he lapped wetly at her sex. She caressed the back of his neck, grinning broadly to herself. A rush of pleasure built in her body and she prepared herself for the explosion of the evening’s first climax.
For a moment, her mood was broken as she sensed a third presence in the room. Her face was buried beneath the sheets and she had to brush them away to see who it was. By the time she was able to look around, the third person was disappearing. As she gazed up from the bed, a dark-suited man stormed out of the bedroom. The door had closed on him before she could put an identity to his glimpsed back.
It could have been Harold, she supposed.
But it could also have been any broad-shouldered man in a tuxedo who was attending the evening’s party.
Dismissing the intruder as a lost guest searching for the bathroom, she glanced down at Dominic’s head. The sight of him buried against her intimate flesh was the final impetus her body needed. She allowed the rush of pleasure to flow through her loins.
He stared up at her.
The lower half of his face was hidden as he worked his tongue deep into her sex. The appreciation she saw in his eyes was heart-warming and Robyn was struck by the first flickering pulse of an impending orgasm. Groaning happily she bucked her hips forward and let the ripple of euphoria wash over her body. Pressing herself hard against the bed, she savoured every pleasurable tremor.
When she opened her eyes, Dominic was standing.
His hands worked clumsily on his belt. She could see the shape of his bulging erection pushing at the front of his pants. Once again she was struck by the urgent need to have his naked body pressed against hers.
And this time she was determined that would happen.
‘Wait,’ she gasped breathlessly. ‘Please, wait.’
He hesitated, uncertain.
She ignored the expression.
Turning her back on him, she crawled over the sheets to her bedside cabinet and pulled open the top drawer. She knew that from this position her exposed sex would be visible to him and she swayed her hips provocatively, knowing he would be looking.
She could mentally picture her own pussy after the tonguing he had just given. The lips of her sex would be peeled wide apart in preparation for him. The pale blonde hairs would be darkened with his saliva and plastered to the wet flesh around her hole. It was an intoxicating image and she couldn’t resist the arousal it inspired. His sigh of excitement told her that he was watching intently and she smiled to herself. With a devilish giggle, she reached inside the cabinet drawer, pondered over her choice for a moment, then turned back to him.
‘Here,’ Robyn said, tossing three small packets towards him. ‘Pick one.’ Moving quickly across the bed she joined him as he studied the packets she had just thrown.
‘Condoms?’ Dominic mused.
‘Which are you going to choose?’ Robyn grinned up at him. ‘Make a choice. Let me know what sort of lover you are.’
He toyed with the three packets, tracing his finger between the black one and the multicoloured one before he selected the orange packet. After studying it curiously for a moment, he dropped it back to the bed.
‘You pick,’ he told her, working on his belt. ‘I don’t mind.’
Robyn shook her head and stopped his hands.
‘I want you to pick one,’ she insisted. ‘You can tell a lot about a person by the type of condom they pick. I want to find out what sort of person you are.’
As she said this, she began to unfasten the belt for him. Her fingers quickly opened the clasp and then she was sliding the strip of leather free from the belt loops. With a deft movement, she teased his zipper downwards. The pulse of his erection trembled through the fabric of his pants. She quickened her actions, eager to encounter and experience his length. Enjoying oral from a comparative stranger was a pleasant enough experience – but it was no substitute for the real thing.
‘They’re only rubbers.’ Selecting one at random, he said, ‘I’ll pick this one.’
Robyn glanced at the black packet he held and shrieked.
‘You can’t use that one.’ Tones of mock-horror were clear in her voice. ‘You don’t know me well enough to use that one. Pick again.’
He studied the black packet suspiciously.
‘What’s so special about this one?’
She pushed his trousers down and found him naked underneath. His long eager length stood proudly to attention. The foreskin had peeled back and the dark red dome glistened wetly with pre-come. Robyn smiled at his cock and stroked her fingers against the warm flesh.
‘That’s a particularly “safe” brand of condom,’ she explained. Arousal added huskiness to her words. ‘It’s particularly thick and secure, for those more intimate sexual acts.’
He was still frowning, missing the point. ‘Aren’t all sexual acts intimate?’ he asked.
She rolled her eyes. She wondered how it was possible for someone