Collins Complete Dog Manual. Collins Dictionaries
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Wherever you put the puppy’s box, surround it with newspaper as he will not want to soil his own nest. When he is accustomed to using the paper, gradually remove some pieces and move the remainder towards the kitchen door. At the door it is then an easy matter to place it outside. Every puppy will indicate that he wants to perform, but each one is different. One may turn in little circles while another will run back and forth sniffing.
Whenever your puppy indicates that he wants to go to the toilet or finishes a meal or awakes from a sleep, put a collar and lead on him and take him outside to the place in the garden where you want him to go. Always use the same one or two words as a command and then praise him rapturously when he performs to order. Never chastise him severely when he makes a mistake in the house unless you catch him in the act. If so, use your voice, never your hand. He regards defecating, and where he wants to do it, as perfectly normal behaviour and will not understand why you are punishing him.
There are some times when the puppy should be taken into the garden, which will stimulate him to perform his toilet: first thing in the morning, after every meal, after any strenuous play, after a daytime sleep and before bed every evening. With the praise system, he should soon relate it to the required performance.
Cats and Other Pets
Do not force your new puppy to accept a cat. Holding a cat near a puppy so he can smell it is not advisable – the cat will object and it could be painful for the puppy if he gets scratched. Anyway, the cat will probably find a high place to keep out of the way for the first few days. Feed them both in different places and don’t let the puppy eat the cat’s food; it may not suit his digestion. Sooner or later the cat will venture closer to the puppy, but if he gets too frisky the cat will defend itself. In this way, the puppy will soon learn to keep out of the cat’s way.
In the fullness of time it is usual for a dog and a cat to live together in harmony in the same house, even after a tense start. However, this does not mean that the dog will tolerate a strange cat running across the lawn.
Take special care to separate him from any pet rabbits, gerbils, hamsters or other small animals, as they are a natural prey for a dog and it would be wise not to tempt him. When your puppy is a little older he can be introduced to any small pets under your supervision, and most dogs will learn to live alongside them.
Dangers and Hazards
Dogs like being outside if the weather suits them, and their garden becomes an extension of their territory. As puppies, they will explore every corner, so for obvious reasons you must make your garden escape-proof and remember that most puppies can squeeze through very small holes. As they grow, some of the taller breeds will jump 1–1.5 m (3–5 ft) if something attracts their attention. Securing wire netting on top of the fencing and then bending it over inwards towards the dog’s territory solves this particular problem.
Make sure also that any gates and garden doors close securely and cannot be opened by an inquisitive dog. Nor should there be a gap at the bottom under which a dog can crawl; if there is, attach fairly strong wire netting to the gate or door at ground level.
Inside the house
There are danger points inside the house, too. When they are young, long, low dogs, such as Basset Hounds and Dachshunds, and large breeds, such as Wolfhounds, should not be allowed to go up and down stairs as their vertebrae can be over-stressed, leading to spinal disc troubles in later life. A child gate at the bottom of the staircase will put an effective stop to this activity.
Checklist |
Inside |
Fit stair gates at the top and bottom of flights of stairs |
Cover up trailing wires |
Unplug electrical appliances |
Turn off electric sockets |
Don’t leave small chewable objects at ground level |
Outside |
All fences should be high enough and secure |
Close gates and garden doors securely |
Attach wire netting to the bottom of garden gates |
Check for holes in netting and fencing |
Lock up poisons and sharp tools |
Electrical sockets, plugs and trailing wires present an almost irresistible temptation to most inquisitive puppies, so cover the wires, unplug appliances that are not in use and switch off the sockets. You could even place a piece of furniture over the socket.
With a puppy around, children have to learn to live on a higher level. Their habit of leaving their favourite toys on the floor will tempt the puppy, which will pick up and chew any small plastic toy. This can be very dangerous, as small pieces may become lodged in the dog’s stomach and even tear the lining, resulting in death or, at best, some very expensive veterinary treatment. Puppies also tend to mark their territory with urine frequently and clothes left on the floor are often targets.
Indoor Kennels and Travel Boxes
One of the great training aids is an indoor kennel, which can be a wooden box with a wire front, a plastic travel box or a simple wire cage. These are all available from good pet stores and also from specialist traders. It is easy to train your puppy to go into it happily by feeding him inside the box; he will very soon enter willingly and the door can then be closed for a short while. This will prove of inestimable value if you want some peace to vacuum the carpet or to go to the shops for an hour. However, do not keep him locked up for long. It is not cruel to box a dog for short periods as they like the security they experience inside it, but make sure that the container is of an adequate size. The dog should be able to stand up, stretch out and lie on his side easily.
A travel box is especially good in the car, where a wild young puppy leaping around while you are going at seventy miles an hour is not conducive to safe driving. It also offers security if your car is ever involved in an accident, as the car doors can fly open, releasing a frightened, loose dog that can become a danger to himself and to traffic.
A plastic travelling box is ideal for most car journeys. (Monika Wisniewska)
At the vet’s
Tell your vet that you are going to acquire a dog and make sure he knows which breed so that he can find out in advance about any potential health problems before you take your new puppy along for his first visit. When the puppy has settled down after a couple of days you will need to introduce them to each other. However, do not place the puppy down on the pavement between your home and the veterinary surgery and, above all, do not set him down on the floor of the surgery. There may be other dogs waiting and because yours is a puppy they are likely to be interested. Keep him well away from their inquisitive noses as there is a danger of infection, and most dogs visiting the veterinary surgery are there because there is something wrong with them.
The vet will give your puppy a general examination and if he considers he is old enough he will vaccinate him. Several diseases are a threat to your dog’s life, parvovirus, distemper and