Operation: Midnight Cowboy. Linda Castillo
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Pauline arched an eyebrow. “Are you going somewhere?”
“I thought I’d do some exploring. Bo said he would leave a map of the ranch for me.”
“I have it right here.” Wiping her hands on her apron, Pauline went to a small built-in desk and pulled a single sheet of paper from its surface. “Are you going to ride Lily?”
Rachael assumed she was referring to the gentle horse Bo had told her about. “I thought I might take the four-wheeler out for a while.”
“Ah.” Pauline crossed to the refrigerator and pulled out two bottles of water. “Take these.”
“Thank you.” Rachael dropped the bottles into her backpack.
Pauline went back to the stove. “Supper is served at six o’clock sharp.”
Her stomach rumbling, Rachael took another long whiff of the air. “Believe me, I won’t be late.”
She let herself out the back door. The air was crisp, but the sun warmed her back as she took the cobblestone walk to the barn. The earthy smells of horses and hay met her when she entered. She was midway down the aisle when a commotion just outside the rear door caught her attention.
Several yards from the barn, Bo Ruskin stood in a steel, round pen with a beautiful young horse. On the end of a long rope, the horse was obviously frightened, snorting and throwing its pretty head high into the air. Dust billowed as horse and man danced on the sandy ground.
Rachael approached the round pen slowly so she wouldn’t scare the animal. She watched, mesmerized, as the horse reared, flailing its front hooves at Bo. But the cowboy stayed a safe distance away and held the rope secure. All the while, he talked to the frightened animal in a calm, lulling tone.
“Easy, boy,” he cooed. “Come on now. You can do it.”
Sweat stained the back of his shirt between his shoulder blades. Dust coated his jeans from the knees down. The horse galloped in a circle around him on the end of the rope, tugging violently. But Bo remained calm, never losing patience with the animal, his tone never altering.
“Settle down,” he whispered. “You know I’m not going to hurt you.”
Rachael had never been unduly interested in horses—just a short phase in her preteen years—but watching the lanky cowboy work the animal, she felt something unfamiliar and vaguely uncomfortable stir inside her. A feeling she didn’t want to acknowledge. A yearning she thought she’d never feel again in her lifetime.
Appalled by the realization that she was more mesmerized by the man than the horse, she stepped back into the barn and pressed her back against the stall door. What the hell was she thinking? Bo Ruskin had been her husband’s friend. He’d been there the night Michael had died. How could she feel anything for any male when only two short years had passed since her husband’s death?
A hard and ugly guilt churned in her stomach. The logical side of her brain told her the return of her hormones was a normal thing. After all, Rachael hadn’t yet seen her thirtieth birthday; her life was far from over.
But the emotional part of her psyche—the part of her that was still a mourning widow—berated that part of her for betraying the husband she’d loved and lost.
“You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.”
Rachael jolted at the sound of Bo’s voice and spun to see him standing just inside the barn door. Silhouetted by the sun, his image bestowed the impression with a tough, athletic build born of hard and physical labor. He wore a large silver-and-gold buckle and a leather belt adorned with an intricate design. Lower, she caught a glimpse of a part of his anatomy she did not want to think about.
“I won it in a rodeo down in Cody last year.”
Rachael’s gaze snapped to his. “What?”
“The belt buckle.”
“Oh.” A hot blush heated her cheeks. “How did you win it?”
“I rode a bull by the name of Bone Cruncher. Made the eight seconds, but I broke my leg on the dismount.”
“Sounds like the bull lived up to his name.”
He grinned. “Yeah, but I got the buckle.”
“It’s…nice.” But Rachael didn’t dare look at the buckle in question. It was to close to…something else she did not want to see.
The hat he wore shadowed his eyes, but she knew they were on her. Probably wondering why she was acting like such an idiot.
“I—I didn’t mean to disturb your work,” she blurted when she could no longer stand the awkward silence.
“I reckon both of us have had just about had enough for the day.”
She blinked.
“The horse.” Amusement danced in his eyes for an instant, then he looked over his shoulder toward the round pen where another man was walking the horse. “I’d like to use him as a stud, but if he keeps up that attitude I might have to geld him.”
Rachael knew it was a silly reaction—animals were neutered all the time—but she blushed. “He’s beautiful.”
“He’s a handful, that’s for sure. Doesn’t like to be told what to do.”
“I know the feeling,” she muttered.
He laughed outright. “I bet you do.” His gaze landed on the backpack she held at her side. “Running away from home already?”
“I was thinking about borrowing your four-wheeler and doing some exploring.”
“Did you get a map from Pauline?”
She patted the bag. “Along with some water and a few tortillas.”
“She makes the best tortillas in the world.” He motioned toward a small outbuilding a few yards from the barn. “I’ll show you how to fire up the ATV. You’re welcome to it anytime.”
He started toward the shed. Rachael fell in beside him, silently berating herself for acting like some silly school girl. Bo Ruskin wasn’t the first attractive man she’d ever dealt with. Unfortunately, he was the only man in the last two years that had caused her to go totally brain-dead.
They reached the shed, and he opened the door. A large four-wheel ATV sat inside. Wordlessly, he slid onto the seat and turned the ignition key. The engine started on the first try.
“Helmet is over there,” he said, motioning to one of two helmets hanging neatly on the wall. “Red one will probably fit you best.”
Rachael picked up the red helmet. When she turned around, he’d already eased the vehicle forward and out of the shed. Leaving the engine running, he slid off the seat and motioned for her to get on. “You ever driven one of these things before?”