Man of the Hour. Patricia Kay
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“Did anyone see this woman in the store?” he asked.
“I did,” said the younger-looking clerk, a pretty blonde.
Dan glanced at her name tag. “Tell me what you saw, Lucy.”
“I only saw her briefly. She was at the counter in the front where we have a display of turquoise jewelry. I was going to go ask if I could help her, but another customer asked me a question and I forgot about her.”
“Was there anything unusual about her? Other than her hair?”
“I’m sorry. I just didn’t notice anything in particular. She was young, in her teens or early twenties, maybe, that’s about all I remember. And her jacket was black. I did notice that. Black leather. It was nice. Oh, and I think she had on blue jeans.”
Dan smiled. “Good. That’s good. Most people remember more than they think.”
The girl smiled, obviously proud of herself.
“Has the entire mall been secured?” Dan asked the guard.
“Yes. All the outside doors are locked.”
“In all the stores?”
“You checked them all?” Dan said dubiously.
“No, but the order went out.” For the first time, the guard showed hesitation. “Everyone was told to lock their doors.”
“How many security people do you have on duty?”
“Four, counting me.”
“And how many stores are in this mall?”
“Including the big anchor stores?”
Dan realized they would need all the police and security personnel they could round up if they were going to conduct the kind of search that needed to be conducted.
While Romeo and the security guard called for backup, Dan turned his attention to the mother.
“Mrs. March, I want to assure you that we’ll do everything in our power to find your little girl.”
She swallowed. “Thank you.”
“Do you have a picture of her?”
“Yes, yes, I do.” Reaching down, she picked up a handbag from the floor and opened it. A moment later, she held out a photograph. Her hand was trembling.
Dan knew there was no place for emotion during an investigation. The mother’s naked fear and silent plea for him to accomplish a miracle was bad enough. But the sight of the beautiful child in the photo was the ultimate test of his ability to stay objective and professional. She was a real cutie, with a dimpled smile, laughing hazel eyes and curly red-gold hair the same shade as her mother’s.
Although he fought them, he couldn’t stop the memories as the image of another beautiful little girl assaulted him. Pain, as fresh as if the death of his beloved daughter had taken place yesterday instead of nine years ago, punched him in the gut.
For a moment, he stood paralyzed. Then from somewhere he found the strength to push those agonizing memories away so he could concentrate all of his attention and skill on finding this child.
“May I keep this picture?” His voice was more brusque than he’d intended. Softening it, he added, “In case we need it.”
“Y-yes, of course.”
“I just have a few more questions.”
“All right.”
“Is there any chance someone you know could be behind this abduction?”
Her eyes widened in disbelief. “Someone I know? No one I know would ever do anything like this.”
“There’s no ex-husband? Nobody who might wish you harm?”
Her look of outrage faded. She shook her head. “No. I—I’m a…widow.”
“I’m sorry. Look, finding your daughter might take a while. Is there anyone you can call to come and be here with you?”
“I…yes. My brother.” The relief on her face was palpable. She dug a cell phone out of her handbag.
While she placed her phone call, Dan walked over to see how Romeo and the security guard had fared.
“Elena rounded up all ten patrolmen,” Romeo said, “as well as DeChurch, Nichols, Richardson and Cavelli.” The last four were the other detectives in the department.
“And I’ve called in as many of our security guards as I could find,” the guard said.
“Which is how many?” Dan asked.
Dan thought fast. “Okay. Here’s what we’ll do. We’ll divide up the anchor stores first. All customers and clerks will be asked to leave by one of the outside doors where one patrolman and one guard will be stationed. Everyone’s ID will be checked before they’re allowed to leave, and everyone will be quizzed about whether they might have seen the woman and child. Anyone with a small child will get extra attention. While this is proceeding, a team will start on the second floor of each store and systematically search each area. After each area is searched, we’ll cordon if off and put a security guard there to make sure no one tries to go back into that particular area to hide.”
“This might take more manpower than we’ve got,” Romeo said in an aside.
Ignoring the remark—which was true, but unproductive—Dan went on to say that all the people in the other stores or in the public areas would be asked to leave from the north entrance, where two police officers would check each person’s identification.
“Sergeant Navarro will be in charge of the north entrance, which is also where we’ll admit anyone who’s coming to help.” Turning to the mall manager, Dan said, “Can we use your office as our command post?”
“Of course.”
“Okay. Romeo, send all additional help there.”
“What do you want me to do?” This question came from Harold Fury.
“Mr. Fury, you round up all your security guards and bring them to the management office, too. I’ll brief them and give them their individual assignments.”
Once Romeo and Fury were dispatched, he looked over at the mother. She was no longer on the phone. “Is someone coming?” he asked her.
She nodded. “My best friend. I—I couldn’t find my brother.”