The Marriage Wish. Dee Henderson

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when I was taking a walk.” In for a penny, in for a pound. “He fixed me breakfast last time.” It was clear she had thrown him a hard curveball. Jennifer reached over to put her hand on his arm. “Relax, Peter. You would like him. He’s active in his church, single. He’s a nice man. He’s read all the Thomas Bradford books now. We’re friends.”

      “You like him a lot?”

      Jennifer nodded, surprised with how true the answer was. “Very much.”

      “Does he know about Jerry and Colleen?”

      Jennifer looked away. “He knows about Jerry,” she replied.

      Peter’s hand touched her arm. He offered an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry I’m prying, Jennifer.”

      “That’s okay. I’ve been kind of ducking telling you about him.”

      “I notice,” Peter replied dryly. “That’s why you couldn’t stay for dinner Saturday?”

      She nodded.

      Peter gestured toward the other room. “Did he ask you out again?”

      Jennifer chuckled. “We already have a date arranged, brother, dear, that was a hi-how-are-you call.”

      “It takes half an hour to say hi? You who can’t stand talking on the phone?”

      Jennifer thumped him with a pillow pulled off the couch. “Yes. Now lay off,” she ordered with a grin.

      “I can’t wait to tell Rachel.”

      Jennifer groaned. “Don’t you dare elaborate, Peter. She already suspects something.”

      “Have you told Beth yet?”

      “Are you kidding? She’d be buying a maid of honor dress within the hour.”

      “Face it, Jennifer. You’re surrounded by serious matchmakers.”

      “Just don’t you join their numbers,” Jennifer warned.

      Peter laughed. “When do I get to meet him?”

      “Never,” Jennifer muttered beneath her breath.


      “I don’t know,” she replied. The second half of the game began, buying her a reprieve. The 49ers finally won the game but it took them until the final few seconds, a field goal giving them a two-point lead.

      Alexander was asleep again. Even Tom was nodding off. The caramel popcorn was three-quarters gone, Jennifer and Peter having both begun to work seriously on it during the fourth quarter of the game. Peter got slowly to his feet as the commentators gave the game wrap-up. Jennifer began packing up the remains of the chips and dip and the snack crackers. If they left it with her she would eat it. While her doctor would definitely like her to gain ten pounds, she didn’t think this was what he had in mind. Tom held the sack for her. “Thanks, Tom.”

      “Alex, it’s time to go home, son.” Peter gently woke the boy. Alex reluctantly got to his feet. “Who won?”

      “The 49ers,” Peter replied. Alex could not keep his eyes open. Peter picked him up. “I’ll be back in a minute, Jennifer. Let me get this one settled in the car.”

      Jennifer nodded. “Tom, can you reach the porch light for your father?”

      The glasses back on the tray, it took only a couple minutes to put the room back in order. Jennifer carried the tray into the kitchen.

      “Thanks for having us, Jennifer.”

      She smiled at her brother. “Same time next week?”

      He smiled. “Deal. I’ll get Tom to help me make some homemade ice cream.”

      Jennifer groaned. “I am so full that doesn’t even sound good.”

      Peter looked at the bowl of caramel popcorn. “We did a pretty good job on that,” he agreed. He smiled. “Let me know when you hear from Scott again.”

      She pushed him toward the door. “Go home, Peter.”

      The phone rang as she was getting ready for bed.

      “What’s this I hear about you having a date?”

      Jennifer sat down on the bed. “And hello to you too, Rachel.”

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