Революции в России. Теория и практика социальных преобразований. Сборник статей

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Революции в России. Теория и практика социальных преобразований - Сборник статей

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сношений, без более или менее развитой сети учреждений народного образования, – ни та, ни другая задача в систематическом виде и во всенародном объеме, безусловно, не могли бы быть решены. Россия находится в таком положении, когда целый ряд из первоначальных предпосылок подобного перехода имеется налицо. С другой стороны, целый ряд подобных предпосылок отсутствует в нашей стране, но может быть заимствован ею сравнительно легко из практического опыта соседних, гораздо более передовых, стран, давно уже поставленных историей и международным общением в тесную связь с Россией»44

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      See: Krausz T. Lenin on global history and the global historiography on Lenin. Lecture on the Fifth European Congress on World and Global History (Europen Congress European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH)). 31 August 2017, Corvinus University, Budapest.


      Lenin Collected Works (LCW). Vol. 27. P. 237.


      Ibid. P. 238.


      Ibid. P. 246, 248.


      Ibid. P. 248–250.


      Lenin Collected Works (LCW). Vol. 27. P. 254.


      On this, see for example: Dmitrenko V.P. Sovyetskaya ekonomicheskaya politika v pervie godi proletarskoy diktaturi [Soviet economic policy in the first years of the dictatorship of the proletariat]. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. P. 21–29.


      Production for the market and directly for state requirements raised the issues of disciplined work and remuneration. The Council of Labor Unions introduced strict rules of conduct at state-owned enterprises in April 1918, and after the October Revolution performance-based pay replaced work hours–based pay, meaning that a quarter of the workers at the companies in Petrograd received performance-based pay by July. LCW. Vol. 27. P. 583. See also: Szamuely L. Az első szocialista gazdasági mechanizmusok. Közgazdasági és Jogi Könyvkiadу. Budapest, 1971; Krausz T. Szocializmus-képek a huszas években. Átmeneti korszak és szocializmus // Világosság. 1984. № 4. P. 202–210.


      LCW. Vol. 25. P. 330.


      Ibid. Vol. 27. P. 259.


      Bukharin N., Preobrazhensky E. The ABC of Communism / Translated from the Russian by Eden and Cedar Paul. Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1969. P. 209; in Russian: Bukharin N., Preobrazhenskiy Y. Azbuka kommunizma. Petersburg: Gosizdat Peterburg, 1920. P. 123–125.


      LCW. Vol. 30. P. 506.


      LCW. Vol. 25. P. 471.


      Lenin could not have known that under the decades of “state socialist” and “existing socialist” rule hordes of writers who considered themselves Marxists would mix-and-match state and social property together – arm in arm with the (neo)liberals and neoconservatives. Not to mention the false explanations that have come to the fore since the collapse of state socialism, the most typical and common of which is state socialism being called “communism.”


      See: Lenin’s speech at the 11th Congress in March 1922 // LCW. Vol. 33. P. 279.


      Studies, books, and publications of sources related to the NEP can hardly be followed in recent years. See among more recent works the book under the name of A.N. Yakovlev, and written by colleagues, which contains an extensive large collection of material, Rossiya nepovskaya (Moscow: Noviy hronograf, 2002).


      “The cooperatives must be granted state loans that are greater, if only by a little, than the loans we grant to private enterprises.” (The cooperative order as socialism.) “But it will take a whole historical epoch to get the entire population into the work of the cooperatives through NEP.” See: Lenin V.I. On Cooperation // LCW. Vol. 33. P. 469–470.


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Ленин В.И. Первоначальный вариант статьи «Очередные задачи Советской власти», март 1918 г. // Ленин В.И. Указ. соч. Т. 36. С. 130–131, 138.