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P. J. Waller, Town, City and Nation: England 1850–1914 (Oxford, 1983), 300. См. далее: Robert Millward & Robert Ward, «From Private to Public Ownership of Gas Undertakings in England and Wales, 1851–1947», Business History 35, no. 3, 1993: 1—21; а также Wilson, Lighting the Town.
John Henry Gray, Die Stellung der privaten Beleuchtungsgesellschaften zu Stadt und Staat (Jena, 1893); Martin Daunton, «The Material Politics of Natural Monopoly: Consuming Gas in Victorian Britain», из: The Politics of Consumption: Material Culture and Citizenship in Europe and America, eds. Martin Daunton & Matthew Hilton (Oxford, 2001), 69–88.
W. H. Y. Webber, «Gas Meter», and John Young, «Hints to Gas Consumers», из: Gas in the Home—Popular Lectures, 1913, 85–99; а также Graeme J. N. Gooday, The Morals of Measurement: Accuracy, Irony and Trust in Late-Victorian Electrical Practice (Cambridge, 2004).
Christopher Hamlin, «Muddling in Bumbledom: On the Enormity of Large Sanitary Improvements in Four British Towns, 1855–1885», Victorian Studies 32, 1988: 55–83; а также: M. J. Daunton, «Public Place and Private Space: The Victorian City and the Workingclass Household», из: The Pursuit of Urban History, eds. Derek Fraser & Anthony Sutcliffe (London, 1983).
Taylor & Trentmann, «Liquid Politics».
A. Dobbs, By Meter or Annual Value? (London, 1890), 30.
James H. Fuertes, Waste of Water in New York and Its Reduction by Meters and Inspection: Report to the Committee on Water-supply of the Merchants’ Association of New York (New York, 1906), 84.
Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, 1893—94, XL, Part I, Minutes of Evidence, 5 Oct. 1892, 7353—4.
Royal Commission on Water Supply (1900), Cd. 25, Final Report, para. 178, 74.
Fuertes, Waste of Water, 100.
Fuertes, Waste of Water, 56.
Fuertes, Waste of Water, 42.
Royal Commission on Water Supply (1900), Cd. 25, Final Report, paras 176—80. См. также: W. R. Baldwin Wiseman, «The Increase in the National Consumption of Water», из: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 72, no. 2, 1909: 248–303, в особенности 259.
Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water Supply, 1893—94, XL, Part I, 5 Oct. 1892, 7358.
Patrick Joyce, The Rule of Freedom: Liberalism and the Modern City (London, 2003); а также: Tom Crook, «Power, Privacy and Pleasure: Liberalism and the Modern Cubicle», из: Cultural Studies 21, no. 4–5, 2007: 549—69.
Richard Wollheim, Germs: A Memoir of Childhood (London, 2004), 132; Fuertes, Waste of Water, 30; а также: Goubert, Conquest of Water, 131.
Roger-Henri Guerrand, Les Lieux: Histoire des commodités (Paris, 1997), 157.
M. Thiele & W. Schickenberg, Die Verhältnisse von 534 Stadthannoverschen kinderreichen Kriegerfamilien (Hanover, 1919), 8; а также: Clemens Wischermann, Wohnen in Hamburg (Münster, 1983).
Интервью no. 28, P. Thompson & T. Lummis, Family Life and Work Experience before 1918, 1870–1973, Colchester, Essex: UK Data Archive.
Madeleine Yue Dong, Republican Beijing: The City and Its Histories (Berkeley, CA, 2003), гл. 6. См. также: Gamble, Peking: A Social Survey, 235—9.
Claire Holleran, Shopping in Ancient Rome: The Retail Trade in the Late Republic and the Principate (Oxford, 2012).
Sombart, Luxus und Kapitalismus.
Rosalind H. Williams, Dream Worlds: Mass Consumption in Late-nineteenth-century France (Berkeley, CA, 1982), 67.
S. Faroqhi, Towns and Townsmen of Ottoman Anatolia (Cambridge, 1984).
Claire Walsh, «The Newness of the Department Store: A View from the Eighteenth Century», из: Geoffrey Crossick & Serge Jaumain, eds., Cathedrals of Consumption: The European Department Store, 1850–1939 (Aldershot, 1999), 46–71; Claire Walsh, «Shops, Shoppping and the Art of Decision Making in Eighteenth-century England», из: Gender, Taste and Material Culture in Britain and North America, 1700–1830, eds. John Styles & Amanda Vickery (New Haven, CT, 2006); Welch, Shopping in the Renaissance; Jon Stobart, Sugar and Spice: Grocers and Groceries in Provincial England, 1650–1830 (Oxford, 2012); Tammy Whitlock, Crime, Gender and Consumer Culture in Nineteenth-century England (Aldershot, 2005); Karen Newman, Cultural Capitals: Early Modern London and Paris (Princeton, NJ, 2007); John Benson & Laura Ugolini, eds., A Nation of Shopkeepers: Five Centuries of British Retailing (London, 2003); а также: Isobel Armstrong, Victorian Glassworlds: Glass Culture and the Imagination, 1830–1880 (Oxford, 2008), 134—41.