Коучинг война. В. Л. Савинных

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Коучинг война - В. Л. Савинных

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      Cebrowski Arthur K., Garstka John J. Network-centric Warfare: Its Origin and Future.// Proceedings, January 1998.


      James F. Moore, The Death of Competition: Leadership and Strategy in the Age of Business Ecosystems, Harper Business, 1996.


      Профессор военно-морского колледжа США и геополитики Томас Барнетт является одним из оппонентов такого подхода.


      Cebrowski A. Transforming Transformation – Will it Change the Character of War? Discussion Paper, 2004.


      Eugene Secunda, Terence P. Morgan. Selling War to America. From the Spanish American War to the Global War on Terror. Praeger Security International, Westport, 2007. Р. 3.


      Vanessa Urch Druskut, Jane V . Wheeler. How to Lead Self-Managing Team. MIT Sloan Management Review. Summer, 2004. Р.65-71.


      Болтански Л., Кьяпелло Э. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2011. С. 239.


      http://pluriversum.org/news/strategy/why_khaordicheskie_organizations_are_ important_today/


      Stephen Bungay. The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps Between Plans, Actions and Results. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2010


      Шулстад Р. Лидерство и управление пwосредством влияния. Ч.2. //Геополитика, 17.08.2010,http://www.geopolitica.ru/Articles/1048/


      1 Luis Lázaro Tijerina, Football Coaching and Military Science. Геополитика.Ру, 11.08.2017 https://www.geopolitica.ru/en/article/football-coaching-and-military-science


      The Implementation of Network-Centric Warfare. Department of Defense. Washington, D.C., 2005, p. 4.


      Bosquet, Antoine. The Scientific Way of Warfare; Order and Chaos on the Battlefield of Modernity. N.Y.: Colymbia University Press, 2009.


      Hoffman, Frank G. Hybrid vs. compound war.//Armed Forces Journal, Oct. 2009


      Zweibelson, Ben. Design Theory and the Military’s Understanding of Our Complex World. Small Wars Foundation: Small Wars Journal. August 7, 2011.


      Леонид Савин. Пять стратегических колец Уордена и петля Бойда НОРД// Геополитика, 17.07.2017. https://www.geopolitica.ru/article/ pyat-strategicheskih-kolec-uordena-i-petlya-boyda-nord


      Zweibelson, Ben. Design Theory and the Military’s Understanding of Our Complex World. Small Wars Foundation: Small Wars Journal. August 7, 2011. p.13.


      Milan Vego. On Military Creativity. JFQ70 http://www.ndu.edu/press/military-creativity.html


      FM 22-103, Leadership and Command at Senior Levels. Washington, DC: Headquarters Department of the Army, July 31, 1990, Р. 30.


      B.H. Liddell Hart, Strategy. New York: F.A. Praeger, 1954


      Friedrich von Bernhardi, On War of To-Day, vol. 2, Combat and Conduct of War, trans. Karl von Donat. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1914, Р. 413.


      Aimee Groth. 35 Scientific Concepts That Will Help You Understand The World.// Business insider, May 27, 2013. http://www.businessinsider.com/ scientific-concepts-that-will-make-you-smarter-2013-5?op=1#ixzz2Ub2C9V1T


      Сторонник адаптации теории хаоса к международным отношениям – дипломат Стивен Манн довольно критично отзывался о работах тех авторов, которые отстаивали теорию циклов, в частности, трудах Кондратьева, Сингера и Модельски.


      Gallwey, W. Timothy, The Inner Game of Tennis (1st ed.). New York: Random House, 1974.


      George J. Stein. Information War – Cyberwar – Netwar http://www.airpower. au.af.mil/airchronicles/battle/chp6.html


      Richard Szafranski, Neocortical Warfare? The Acme of Skill.// Military Review, November 1994, pp. 41–55. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College.


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