Государственная миграционная политика Российской Федерации. Коллектив авторов
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Указ Президента Российской Федерации от 5 апреля 2016 г. № 156 «О совершенствовании государственного управления в сфере контроля за оборотом наркотических средств, психотропных веществ и их прекурсоров и в сфере миграции». [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: https://rg.ru/2016/04/05/narkokontrol-site-dok.html (дата обращения 12.03.2018).
Приказ МВД России от 15 апреля 2016 г. № 192 «Об утверждении Положения о Главном управлении по вопросам миграции Министерства внутренних дел Российской Федерации» // [Электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http://base.garant.ru/71420170/ (дата обращения 12.03.2018).
Papademetriou, D. & Meyers, D. (eds.) Caught in the Middle: Border Communities in an Era of Globalization. Washington, DC: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2001.
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Гудвин-Гилл Г.С. Статус беженца в международном праве. – М., ЮНИТИ, 1997.
См.: Aleinikoff T.A., Martin D.A. Immigration Process and Policy. St. Paul, 1995; Castles S., Miller M.J. The Age of Migration. N. Y., 2003; Favell A. Philosophies of integration. Immigration and the idea of citizenship in France and Britain. N. Y., 2001.
См.: Bauböck R. How migration transforms citizenship: international, multinational and transnational perspectives. IWE – Working paper series No.: 24, Februar 2002; Bauböck R. Transnational Citizenship: Membership and Rights in International Migration. Aldershot, 1994; Hayduk R. Non-citizen voting: pipe-dream or possibility? Drum Major Institute for Public Policy. October 2, 2002; Penninx R., Kraal K., Martinello M., Vertovec S. (eds.) Citizenship in European Cities. Immigrants, Local Politics and Integration Policies. Aldershot, 2004; Earnest D.C. Noncitizen Voting Rights: A Survey of an Emerging Democratic Norm. Paper prepared for delivery at the 2003 annual convention of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 28–31, 2003; Caglar A. Hometown Associations, Rescaling of State Spatiality and Migrant Grassroots Transnationalism // Global Networks. 2006. № 6 (1).
См.: Gimpel J.G. Latino Voting in the 2008 Election. Part of a Broader Electoral Movement // Backgrounder. January 2009. Washington D.C.: Center for Immigration Studies; Brug van der W., Fennema M., Tillie J. Why some anti-immigrant parties fail and others succeed. A two-step model of aggregate electoral support. Article was offered for publication to Comparative Political Studies on the 18th of August 2003.
См.: Bernstein A., Weiner M. (eds.) Migration and refugee policies. An overview. London, 1999; Geddes A. The Politics of Migration and Immigration in Europe. London, 2003; Doomernik J., Penninx R., van Amersfoort H. A Migration Policy for the Future. Possibilities and Limitations. Brussels, 1997.
См.: Soysal Y.N. Limits of Citizenship. Migrants and Postnational Membership in Europe. Chicago, 1994; Glick Schiller N. Beyond the nation-state and its units of analysis: towards a new research agenda for migration studies. Essentials of migration theory. Working Paper № 33, 2007. Bielefeld: Center on migration, citizenship and development.
См.: Kymlicka W., Norman W. (eds.) Citizenship in diverse societies. Oxford, 2000; Fukuyama F. The End of History and the Last Man. N. Y., 1992; Joppke C. Selecting by origin: ethnic migration in the liberal state. Cambridge, 2005.
См.: Hammar T., Brochmann G., Tamas K., Faist T. International migration,immobilityanddevelopment.Multidisciplinaryperspectives. Oxford, 1997; Brettell C.B., Hollifield J.F. (eds.) Migration Theory: Talking Across Disciplines. N. Y, 2008.
См.: Faist T. The transnational social question: social rights and citizenship in a global context. Working Paper № 14, 2007. Bielefeld: Center on migration, citizenship and development; Massey D., Arango J., Graeme H. Worlds in motion. Understanding international migration at the end of the millennium. Oxford, 2005; Portes A. Immigration Theory for a New Century: Some Problems for and Opportunities // International Migration Review. 1997. No. 31.
См.: Rex J. Multiculturalism and Political Integration in the Modern Nation State. Barselona, 2004; Edmonston B., Passel J.S. Immigration and Ethnicity: the Integration of America’s Newest Arrivals. Washington D.C., 1994; Bommes M. Transnationalism or Assimilation? // URL: http://www.sowi-onlinejournal.de/2005-1/ transnationalism_assimilation_bommes.htm.
Волох В.А. Формирование и реализация государственной политики Российской Федерации в сфере вынужденной миграции на примере института предоставления убежища: Дис… канд. полит. наук. – М., 2007. – 185 с.
См. напр.: Зайончковская Ж.А. Миграция населения и рынок труда в России. –