How to Build a Human: Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are. Philip Ball

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How to Build a Human: Adventures in How We Are Made and Who We Are - Philip  Ball

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not be equally strong, or present at all, in all individuals, making homosexuality a natural and common phenomenon in animals.)

      Once those differences exist, they are apt to get amplified, diversify, sometimes way out of proportion. If you’re going to have sex, it’s likely that your behavioural traits will evolve to let you spot the fittest partners and to advertise your own fitness. Each sex will evolve methods of assessing mates, and outward indicators of fitness will elicit attraction in the opposite sex. Some of these make physiological sense: a lot of muscle suggests dominant males with good survival skills, wide hips in females imply superior child-bearing capacity. Other sexual signals may end up being rather arbitrary – it’s not obvious why body hair on our male ancestors would of itself confer any survival advantage. (Perhaps this was an example of “useless” signalling of fitness, like the peacock’s tail?) Some displays are simply about standing out from the crowd, like exotic bird plumage. Other facets of sexual attractiveness may be subtle: it seems likely, for example, that symmetrical facial features indicate that one’s developmental processes, which commonly unfold independently in the mirror-image halves of the body, are robust against random variations, giving the individual better health prospects. For all the elaborateness of some mating rituals in other animals, they might – if they could – count themselves lucky that these sexual signals and responses don’t get refracted through culture as they do with humans to the point where it can all get overwhelmingly confusing.

      Now, this is certainly one way to talk about the evolution and origin of sex, but it invokes an uncomfortable amount of teleology. Sex doesn’t really exist in order to create genetic diversity. Nothing happens in evolution in order to produce a particular end result. It makes intuitive sense for us to speak like this, but the fact is that sex evolved because those early organisms that became able to fuse their cells and chromosomes somehow produced more robust populations than those that lacked this ability. Sexual reproduction might be a more or less inevitable consequence of evolution by natural selection, once it gives rise to a particular kind of complex organism, much as snowflakes are an inevitable consquence of the laws of physics and chemistry playing out in a particular environment. Evolutionary biologists say that sex is a successful evolutionary strategy, although this again imputes a sort of foresight to evolution that it doesn’t possess.

      While these arguments for the value of sex surely have a lot going for them, they can’t be the whole answer. Sex is not essential for all higher vertebrates. Parthenogenesis occurs in many different types of animal, including insects such as mites, bees and wasps, and some fish, reptiles and amphibians. In a few such cases, reproduction can happen either with sex or without. Sometimes that’s by design – for example, parthenogenesis is thought to be an option for mayflies as a defence against a lack of males. (The same useful trait arises in the women of the male-free society in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s utopian feminist novel Herland (1915).) In other cases it occurs by accident, unfertilized eggs just happening rarely to develop into embryos. Komodo dragons are among the larger creatures that can reproduce this way.

      The reasons and mechanisms for parthenogenesis are varied and sometimes rather complicated. But one thing you can say for sure is that, in organisms for which it can take place, evolution has not seen fit to rule it out. To put it another way, there is nothing obviously necessary about sex, and assessing the benefits of sexual reproduction over other methods of propagating is a subtle and perhaps context-dependent business.4 As far as evolution is concerned, it is just a matter of whatever works.

      * * *

      There’s a complication with sex. Each of our body cells has two sets of chromosomes, and therefore dual copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. But if one of these cells in a female simply fused with one from a male, the resulting cell would have four sets of chromosomes. That’s too many, and the cell couldn’t function properly. So organisms that reproduce sexually have evolved special kinds of cells that possess only one copy of each chromosome. These are the gametes, and they are found only in the gonads: the ovaries and testes.

      Gametes are made from a specialized type of cell called a germ cell. The germ cells have doubled chromosomes (they are said to be diploid) just like somatic cells, but in a special kind of cell division called meiosis they divide into gametes in which these chromosomes have been carefully segregated into two. Cells with just a single set of chromosomes are said to be haploid.

      Normal cell division (mitosis) involves replication of the chromosomes accompanied by their separation so that each daughter cell receives the full complement. Meiosis is even more complicated, because the existing chromosomes have to be divided precisely in two and shipped off to their respective destinations.

      Actually it’s worse than that. Meiosis happens in two stages, and the overall result is that a single, diploid germ cell replicates its chromosomes once and divides twice to end up with four haploid gametes. As in mitosis, the process by which the chromosomes are divided uses a spindle-like structure made from fibrous protein. The chromosomes become attached to the fibres and are drawn towards opposing poles of the spindle located in the two lobes of the dividing cell.

      Crucially, the chromosomes undergo some shuffling in this process. The pre-meiosis germ cell, recall, has one of each of the 23 types of chromosome from the mother, and a second copy of each from the father. Which of the poles of the spindle each chromosome is drawn towards is random, and so the diploid cells made by division of the germ cell have a random combination of maternal and paternal genes.5 The haploid gametes that eventually emerge from the process then have a thoroughly scrambled single set of chromosomes: with 23 pairs of chromosomes in all, there are 223, or about 8 million, possibilities. These are combined with a similar range of options in the other gamete when egg and sperm unite, so you can see that having sex is a good way to produce genetic diversity.

      Formation of the so-called primordial germ cells happens early in the development of a human embryo, around two weeks after fertilization. This is even before the gonads have started to form, which is to say, before the embryo has yet “woken up” to which sex it is. It’s as if the embryo is putting these cells aside while deferring the matter of whether they will be eggs or sperm. The gonads themselves will guide this process, sending out chemical signals that tell the primordial germ cells which sort of gamete to become. They’re ready to do that around week six of gestation, by which time the germ cells have migrated across the developing embryo to their destination. For yes, that development involves not merely cell division but also cell movement, a physical sorting in space to arrange the parts in the proper disposition.

      Germ cells were first postulated by the German zoologist August Weismann in his 1892 book The Germ-Plasm: A Theory of Heredity. As that title suggests, this was a hypothesis as much about evolution as about embryology. The “plasm” here reflects the widespread notion, before Boveri and Sutton’s chromosomal theory of inheritance, that heredity was somehow transmitted via the “protoplasm” substance inside cells. As we saw earlier, Charles Darwin speculated that the particles responsible for inheritance, which he called gemmules, were collected from the body’s cells and transmitted via sperm and egg. Weismann was a staunch advocate of Darwinism, but he was convinced that there was a fundamental distinction between the somatic cells that made up the body’s tissues and the special cells called germ cells that gave rise to gametes. Any changes to the “plasm” of somatic cells could therefore play no part in heredity. To demonstrate that changes to the body of an organism are not inherited, Weismann cut off the tails of hundreds of mice and followed their offspring for five generations, each time removing the tails. Not once were any offspring born without tails.6 Any notion that “acquired characteristics” could be inherited, as in the pre-Darwinian theory of evolution proposed in the early nineteenth century by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, could no longer be sustained.

      In Weismann’s view, then, somatic cells are irrelevant to evolution. They are destined to die with the organism. But germ cells beget more germ cells – there is an unbroken line of germ cells

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