Before She Was Found. Heather Gudenkauf

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Before She Was Found - Heather  Gudenkauf

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quite so dumb.

       Of course, just as Jordyn was going to tell us, the fire alarm went off and we had to spend the next fifteen minutes standing outside. By the time we got back to the classroom, the bell rang and Jordyn didn’t get a chance to tell us what his deal was.

       But get this! When Violet, Jordyn and I were going to our next class Gabe started walking with us. He made a point to walk between me and Violet. Jordyn was NOT happy. Gabe asked Violet how she liked Pitch so far and she blushed bright red and said it was okay. Then he said, “See you at lunch,” and I swear he was looking right at me! Jordyn huffed off and ignored us for the rest of the day, which was perfectly fine with me.

       Whenever Violet comes over, she lets me use her phone to text back and forth with Gabe. I try not to spend too much time on her phone, though. I mean, best friends don’t ignore each other because one of them has a boyfriend. Okay, maybe Gabe isn’t my boyfriend yet, but I think he might ask me. That’s if Jordyn doesn’t get in the way. I’ve never had a boyfriend before and Gabe is perfect. Things are looking up! It’s going to be a good school year. I can feel it.

       Interview of Jordyn Petit Pitch Police Department Officer Bree Wilson Thomas Petit—Grandfather of Jordyn Petit

      Monday, April 16, 2018

      OFFICER WILSON: Okay. We are at the Pitch Police Department and, um, I’m here with Jordyn Petit and her grandfather, Thomas Petit. For the record, Mr. Petit, you agreed to allow your granddaughter, Jordyn, to answer questions regarding the events of April 15 and April 16. Correct?

      THOMAS PETIT: Yes.

      OFFICER WILSON: You have waived the right to have an attorney present for questioning, correct?

      THOMAS PETIT: We want to do anything we can to help. Jordyn will answer any questions you have.

      OFFICER WILSON: So for the record, Mr. Petit, you have waived the right to have an attorney present for questioning?

      THOMAS PETIT: Yes.

      OFFICER WILSON: Also, I am recording our conversation. Can you please say your full name?

      JORDYN PETIT: (inaudible)

      OFFICER WILSON: Please speak nice and loud.

      JORDYN PETIT: Jordyn Ann Petit.

      OFFICER WILSON: And how old are you, Jordyn?

      JORDYN PETIT: I’m twelve.

      OFFICER WILSON: When’s your birth date?

      JORDYN PETIT: February 2.

      OFFICER WILSON: So you had a birthday not that long ago?

      JORDYN PETIT: Yeah.

      OFFICER WILSON: What did you get for your birthday?

      JORDYN PETIT: Some clothes. A cell phone.

      OFFICER WILSON: A cell phone? What a great present. Do a lot of your friends have cell phones?

      JORDYN PETIT: Some. What happened to Cora? Is she okay?

      OFFICER WILSON: Are you worried about Cora?

      JORDYN PETIT: You said she was hurt.


      THOMAS PETIT: You did. At the bar you said Cora and Violet were taken to the hospital.

      OFFICER WILSON: Please let Jordyn answer, Mr. Petit. There are no right or wrong answers here.

      JORDYN PETIT: You said that someone hurt Cora and Violet.

      OFFICER WILSON: Okay. You spent the night at Cora’s house?

      JORDYN PETIT: Yes.

      OFFICER WILSON: On a Sunday night?

      JORDYN PETIT: It’s spring break, so we don’t have school this week.

      OFFICER WILSON: What time did you go over to Cora’s house?

      JORDYN PETIT: Um. Around six, I think. My grandpa dropped me off at about six.

      OFFICER WILSON: And Violet Crow was there, too? What time did she get to Cora’s?

      JORDYN PETIT: Later than me. Around six thirty. Her brother and his friends dropped her off.

      OFFICER WILSON: Violet’s brother?

      JORDYN PETIT: Yes. Max and his friends.

      OFFICER WILSON: Do you know the name of the friends?

      JORDYN PETIT: Clint something, I think.

      OFFICER WILSON: You don’t know his last name?

      JORDYN PETIT: No. And there was a girl in the car, too. Max’s girlfriend, Nikki.

      OFFICER WILSON: Do you know what kind of car they came in?

      JORDYN PETIT: I’m not sure.

      OFFICER WILSON: The color? Or number of doors it had?

      JORDYN PETIT: I don’t remember. Blue or black, maybe?

      OFFICER WILSON: Okay. After Violet got there, what did you do?

      JORDYN PETIT: We ate pizza and talked.

      OFFICER WILSON: What did you talk about?

      JORDYN PETIT: I don’t know. Just school and stuff.

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