Pronombres en inglés con ejemplos. Artsun Akopyan

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Pronombres en inglés con ejemplos - Artsun Akopyan

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los ejemplos:

      You are boys.

      You are girls.

      You are boys and girls.

      You are children.

      You are not men and women.

      They are

      Aprende las palabras:

      they – ellos/as

      people – gente

      Estudia los ejemplos:

      They are people.

      They are young and old.

      They are young and old people.

      They are men, women and children.

      Revisión: Unidades 1—7

      Completa las oraciones.

      1. I ____ a man.

      2. She ____ a woman.

      3. She ____ an old woman.

      4. I ____ a woman.

      5. It ____ milk.

      6. They ______ people.

      7. You ______ children.

      8. He ____ an old man.

      9. ______ are a boy.

      10. ____ is a bottle.

      11. You ______ girls.

      12. It ____ a baby.

      13. They ______ young and old.

      14. He ____ not a boy.

      15. ______ are not a man.

      16. You ______ a child.

      17. You ______ not men and women.

      18. We ______ young women.

      19. It ____ a milk bottle.

      20. ______ are a girl.

      21. She ____ not a girl.

      22. We ______ young men.

      23. You ______ boys.

      24. It ____ a cat.

      25. You ______ not a woman.

      26. He ____ not a child.

      27. You ______ boys and girls.

      28. We ______ not old men.

      29. She ____ not a child.

      30. They ______ young and old people.

      31. We ______ not old women.

      32. They ______ men, women and children.


      1. I am a man.

      2. She is a woman.

      3. She is an old woman.

      4. I am a woman.

      5. It is milk.

      6. They are people.

      7. You are children.

      8. He is an old man.

      9. You are a boy.

      10. It is a bottle.

      11. You are girls.

      12. It is a baby.

      13. They are young and old.

      14. He is not a boy.

      15. You are not a man.

      16. You are a child.

      17. You are not men and women.

      18. We are young women.

      19. It is a milk bottle.

      20. You are a girl.

      21. She is not a girl.

      22. We are young men.

      23. You are boys.

      24. It is a cat.

      25. You are not a woman.

      26. He is not a child.

      27. You are boys and girls.

      28. We are not old men.

      29. She is not a child.

      30. They are young and old people.

      31. We are not old women.

      32. They are men, women and children.

      Me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them

      Las palabras me, you, him, her, it, us, you, y them son pronombres personales de objeto.


      it’s = it is

      Aprende las palabras:

      me – yo

      look – mirar

      at – a

      look at – mirar a

      can – poder

      mirror – espejo

      recognize – reconocer

      in – en

      mask – máscara

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