Obscene stories. Nikolay Lakutin
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Hastily having had Breakfast, and having put himself in order by means of a shower, he came on the website.
"Registration,everything. How to choose a photo? And what I, exactly, want? More precisely, what I would like to find here a girl. Perhaps, serene and stable in family life. Then the picture should be put brutal, so that it was immediately clear that I was like a stone wall, cold, scared and hopeless. All right, jokes aside. I would be boring with peace. We'll spend our whole lives sitting on chairs in front of each other in silent silence, stretching for eternity. Better look for perky, cheerful, then the picture is better to put agranenko provoking to start a conversation with me with any padevogo issue. But with other hand, merry and mischievous I keep hardly will be able. So to look for something in between. Okay, I'll upload a neutral photo with some kind of PostScript, like, "I'm looking! I do! I can!"what I meant, let everyone thinks in their own eyes, but you'll see what I need, and then just going to weed out the fit me".
Designing in a simple design program the right avatar, and voted for an impressive number of girls on the site, the guy through the network told the world about himself. But total immersion was distracted by a call from work. A few words about the work:
"Sranenkoe the "maxima" company in which I worked, has never been respectful to their employees. On a day off, they call on all sorts of stuff. Ask where you can find how, what and where to send it, where on some pieces of paper to celebrate. It's hard to work in a society of jerks who constantly bother at work with their empty chatter, and begin to Shine especially with their stupidity at the time of my non-working shifts. Okay, at least they pay properly, but in General they could pay extra for calls on weekends."
While answering the phone call at work, and discussed the action plan for the coming week, the page of the young man went more than ten girls, twenty pieces of sympathy and even a few personal messages. Dust in the eyes, the mood flared up, – Alright… let's get started! – self-esteem commanded.
Sunny morning in the cosy "odnushki" – the ordinary matter. But this morning some special, thought to herself pretty even without makeup, a young girl, rubbing her sleepy eyes with timid fists.
"Whether the sun in a special way lets caressing rays in a crack of the drawn curtains, whether birdies chirp especially loudly and leaping, and can be just today the reduced working day on the occasion of anniversary of the company, there will be a corporate party and it is an excellent reason to find to itself the fine guy. To fall in love with him to death and to be blinded by him forever," pleasant thoughts warmed the soul.
From the soul reaching for the lush feather bed, startled, like a clumsy puppy, the girl gathered the hair in a single row, grabbed the waistband and with a gentle smile headed for the shower room.
On this festive day, the work was argued with unprecedented ease, communication flowed a wide river, flowing beyond the spacious office and filling everything around with some imaginary celebration. Company "Stealth", which worked the girl pleasured her most of the moments. This and the employees are like zombies by, and interested in Affairs, something to ask, ask advice, share your. Often from work called this bright girl in her day off, to clarify some of the details, to which she was sincerely happy its necessity in its place. Shift schedule, which suited the girl quite, due to the fact that the generally accepted weekend does not always coincide with the days allotted for themselves. In this scenario, the shifts, everything was almost perfect. Well pay though was not the largest in the circle, but were paid regularly, without delay and in General, all missing.
– People, – the colleague addressed to our heroine, – you remember about today's corporate party?
Yeah, sure.
– Well, what do you think about it?
– I think tonight will need to turn off the brain and just go to town in the arms with Rafiq with a neighboring Department, he had me making eyes, well here I it and booster. And the next morning I'll regret it and call myself a fool, banking for all their actions, but it will be tomorrow, and today…
– Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Listen, girl, give it to me. I've had a crush on him since I got here, and I don't know what he's been building you, but please give me a chance to get close to him tonight, because you don't have any special feelings for him. Okay, just for one night.
– Yes you that, girlfriend, I'm kidding, of course, take it in your hands, I didn't think anything of him… All matter is closed.
– Really, thanks, I'll go.
– Good luck.
I confess, Luda was not so windy plans for a beaming Rafiq. His charm and natural eloquence could bribe anyone, but if it's not so simple – to make enemies of rivals the girl did not dare.
The other guys, invited to the corporate party, were either married or busy, and a significant day, charged in the morning, did not want to miss.
– We will act decisively, – commanded the timid domestic voice perfect girls. The working day was reduced to four hours. Some time Folk have appeared amid the interlocking rings of the glasses, but quickly technically kidnapped from the corporate out.
Inquisitive unsatisfied thought and calling friends gave their results. An Institute friend in the company of two more common friends of the girls sat in a cafe nearby, drank cocktails, shot glances at the neighboring tables, attracting the attention of the frequent change of their temporary guests – guys, and flipped through the application in the tablets from Dating sites.
– Lyudka – was heard the clear voices of the three drunken friends – it's been a long time. Come quickly.
A little time needed to introduce briefly in the course of the situation of each girl. The essence was reduced to one. They were all looking for guys. Someone on one evening, and someone forever.
– Look, we girls had an argument. You see that pretty boy? – turned to People classmate, pointing to a picture in the tablet-Here he is, then looking for a friend, and notes that he is looking for, maybe he wants. We're confused as to which one of us to call him. If he's looking for one night, you need to call Alenka, if he wants a serious relationship, I would have called, Nastuha it did not stick, that's what he was referring to his signature? Judge us.
– A call and ask not tried?
Friend looked at him quizzically, then stared at Luda.
– And how do you imagine our conversation with him? Hello, like, Hey, here Alenka wants you just for today and I have tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I'll come take one of us. Is that it?
– Well, why is it off the shoulder,