Christmas Baby For The Billionaire. DONNA ALWARD

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Christmas Baby For The Billionaire - DONNA  ALWARD

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The baby would live here, with her. As far as his involvement went, that was negotiable. Now that he knew, she could hardly shut him out of everything and pretend he didn’t exist if that wasn’t what he wanted.

      If she tried to cut him out of the baby’s life, she had the suspicious feeling he’d start throwing his weight around. And he had the money and connections to make things difficult. The fantasy bubble in which she’d held the memories of their time together was truly popped. It was like her mom said—if it seemed too good to be true, it probably was.

      What a tightrope she was going to have to walk. Hopefully he was in town for only a few days.

      He’d gone to check in to his room and she logged in to the reservations system to get the details of his stay. To her dismay, she discovered he’d booked twelve days. That took them well into December. And it was more than enough time for things to go seriously wrong. She tapped her fingers on her desk. How the heck was she supposed to navigate this?

      She thought back to earlier, when she’d admitted flat out that she’d lose in a power struggle. His gray eyes had looked so shocked that she’d even think such a thing. He’d run his fingers through his hair, and his throat had bobbed as he swallowed. Her words had left their mark, and it boded well as far as being able to reach him. He wasn’t a cold and calculating monster, though she knew he was a tough negotiator when pushed. Watching him work closing deals last summer had shown her that, and she’d admired him for it at the time.

      His wounded expression had also touched something in her heart she wished didn’t exist. She cared about him. Two weeks together in the summer had been more than enough time for her to develop feelings. Not love, certainly, but definitely affection. It hadn’t all been sexual. He’d been charming, and funny, and smart. In fact, he’d been nearly perfect. Even if she’d been absolutely fine knowing their time together would be no more than a whirlwind fling, it was hard to erase all of those memories and see him dispassionately as the father of her unborn child. He wasn’t just a sperm donor.

      One morning they’d basked in the sunlight streaming through the bedroom window and he’d told her about why he loved real estate. It wasn’t just about the bargaining or the money. As his fingers had traced down her arm, he’d said it was about finding homes for people, places where they belonged and could be happy. And when he’d realized he’d let her in, he’d immediately backtracked and said it was just a big bonus that his clients were all stinkin’ rich.

      But it had been a defense mechanism, she was sure. And she’d liked that glimpse into the man, and not just the fantasy.

      Perhaps the best way to reach him was to approach the situation on a very human level. She could do that and still keep her other feelings locked away, right?

      She put her hand on her tummy, wondering when she was going to start feeling the baby move. So far she had the bump but she hadn’t really felt much. A few times she wondered if she might be feeling flutterings of movement, but she’d been told they were probably just gas.

      Either way, she’d do what she had to in order to make sure her baby was loved and secure.

      Whatever it took. Even being super nice to Jeremy Fisher.

      The mile-long beach in front of the Sandpiper Resort was beautiful, even in late November. The waves were now more gray than blue, and the wind was raw, but there was a wildness to it that Jeremy loved, and the sound of the waves soothed his troubled mind.

      Because he was, indeed, very troubled.

      He’d left his running shoes on, meaning he’d have to shake them out later as the sand, even in the November chill, was still soft and thick. The wind whipped his hair around and made his jacket billow out behind him. Just a few months ago he’d walked this very beach with Tori. She’d worn a red bikini and had left her hair down, damp with seawater. They’d had so much fun; fun that had been missing in his life for too long. For those two weeks he’d put his troubles aside and let himself go. She had, too, or at least he’d thought so. They’d shared a blanket on the beach and soaked in the sun’s rays; nibbled at a picnic prepared by the hotel kitchen; plucked seashells out of the damp sand that she said she was going to keep in her bathroom.

      And then she’d taken him to her house and they’d spent hours exploring each other.

      Just the memory made his body react, and he briefly considered jumping into the ocean, fully clothed, to cool off.

      It had been easy being with her, because he’d known all along that he’d be leaving again. She wasn’t his usual type of woman; his family and his money generally ensured that his dates were not of the small-town, girl-next-door variety, and being with her had been utterly refreshing. Now he’d be tied to her forever, because she was having his kid and there was no way on earth he would abandon his own child. He’d never planned to have any children, but he had to deal with the reality that he was going to be a father, and he was determined to be a better one than his own had been.

      But how could he demand that Tori uproot her life? That wasn’t fair either, and as much as Jeremy was used to getting what he wanted, he was a fair man. Or at least he wanted to think so.

      He needed a plan. He was having a hard time formulating one because he was still stuck on the idea that he was going to be a dad.

      The idea was terrifying.

      The raw wind bit through his jacket right to his bones as he carried on down the beach. His own parents had divorced when he was two, and he barely remembered his dad. Too often he’d been a pawn in battles between his parents, to the point where he’d often felt like a commodity rather than a son. His mother had remarried when he was four, and his siblings had been much older than him. By the time he’d started high school, his sister had been eighteen and starting college, and his brother, ten years his senior, had already been working in Silicon Valley. Jeremy had gone to prep school, away from home.

      From the outside he’d certainly looked like a child of great privilege. There had always been money. There hadn’t been a lot of love or warm fuzzies.

      He stopped and stared out into the white-topped waves. Yesterday he’d watched as Tori cradled her gently swelling tummy and he’d seen the beatific expression on her face. That sort of maternal affection was completely foreign to him.

      No matter what, he wouldn’t take this baby away from her. And he or she would never be a pawn in some battle. Not if he could help it.

      He started the mile-long walk back to the resort, his thoughts still churning. It would be different if Tori forced his hand. What if she tried to shut him out? He wouldn’t try to shut her out, but he wasn’t about to let her keep him from being a part of the baby’s life. He didn’t want his child growing up feeling unloved, or that he didn’t care. The situation had to be handled with delicacy, that was for sure.

      When he was almost to the resort, he looked up and saw a figure moving around the deck that in the summer had been a patio restaurant. The woman wore a heavy coat and a headband covered her ears, a dark ponytail keeping her hair tamed and out of her face in the brisk wind. The swirl of tension in his gut told him that it was Tori, even though her back was to him. On closer examination, he saw that she was stringing lights along the railing.

      He jogged up to the main resort building and climbed the steps leading from the beach to the deck. “That’s a cold job,” he called out, and her head snapped up, the strands of lights forgotten in her fingers.

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