Driving Force. Elle James

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Driving Force - Elle James

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the next hour, they followed Charlie around the ballroom as she spoke with everyone, laughed, joked and talked about the need for funds to help keep children from being sold and trafficked in the US as well as abroad.

      “Gentlemen, I shall be retiring to the ladies’ room for a few minutes.” She held up her hand. “I will not need your services in that area. Feel free to get a beverage and some of the appetizers. I don’t plan on being here more than another hour.”

      Gus clamped down on his tongue to keep from saying thank God. He’d read that the gala started around 6:00 p.m. and didn’t end until well into the wee hours of the morning.

      At least Charlie didn’t feel the need to dance into the night. She’d made that clear up front. They’d stay for a couple hours and then head home.

      One hour down, one to go.

      The patent-leather shoes he’d rented with the tuxedo were chafing at his ankles. He’d love it if he could kick off the shoes and walk barefoot through the crowd.

      Gus and Declan followed Charlie through the throng of beautifully dressed people toward the hallway where the facilities were located. They gave her just enough room that she wouldn’t feel crowded but stayed sufficiently close to get to her should someone try to jump her.

      Out of the corner of his eye, Gus noticed a woman dressed in a long figure-hugging black gown standing near a giant potted tree. She had hair as black and silky as her dress and deep, dark eyes almost as black as her outfit. Striking was the word Gus would use to describe her. But what drew his attention to her was that her gaze never left Charlie. It followed her all the way into the ladies’ room.

      “Wanna go for that drink or appetizers while I stay and guard the door?” Declan asked.

      “No,” Gus said, his attention on the woman in black.

      Declan must have heard something in Gus’s voice. He frowned, glancing around. “Something bothering you?”

      “My gut is sending up warning flags,” Gus murmured.

      Declan stiffened. “About?”

      With barely a lift of his chin, Gus motioned toward the woman in black. “Her.”

      “Wow. She screams black widow in that killer dress,” Declan said. “You are talking about the black-haired beauty near the potted tree, right?”

      “I am.”

      The woman looked left, then right. She spotted Declan and Gus and the slightest frown appeared and then disappeared on her brow.

      “Did you see that?” Gus asked. “She frowned when she noticed us watching her.”

      “I thought I imagined it, but yes. I saw it.” Declan turned his attention to Gus and smiled. “I’ll pretend we’re having a manly discussion about sports or something while you continue to watch.” His grin broadened, and he spoke a little louder. “How about those Patriots?”

      “You know I’m an Alabama fan,” Gus said, also in a conversational volume. In a whisper, he added, “She’s moving.”

      “Which way?” Declan asked. “Alabama is college football. The Patriots are a real team.”

      “Toward us,” Gus muttered without moving his lips. Then he snorted. “I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.”

      “Yeah. You watch your team. I’ll watch mine.”

      The woman in black sailed past them, her head held high, her silky black hair flowing around her shoulders, her chin tilted upward, displaying a long, regal neck.

      Damn she was beautiful. But something about her didn’t fit in with the other women in the room. She was thin, but athletic, and she walked with confidence and purpose.

      Perhaps it was the purpose that made her different than the other women in the room. Most were content to socialize and mingle. Not the woman in black. She appeared to have something on her mind and was in a hurry to get it off.

      “Passing you now,” Gus said, his gaze remaining on the ladies’ restroom as the woman in black walked away.

      “Got her in sight,” Declan affirmed. “Appears to be in a hurry.”

      “Unlike every other woman in the room.”

      “Maybe she forgot to let the dog out at home.”

      “Yeah.” Gus relaxed a little, since the woman in black appeared to be leaving and, as such, no longer seemed a threat.

      Charlie emerged from the ladies’ room laughing and talking to another guest similar in age to the wealthy widow. When she spotted Gus and Declan, she nodded, letting them know she was okay. Then she walked away with the other woman, rejoining the crowd in the ballroom.

      Gus and Declan followed, not too far behind.

      Several men came between Charlie, Gus and Declan.

      Before Gus or Declan could work their way around the group of men, the woman in black appeared beside Charlie and hooked her elbow in her grip.

      “She’s back, and she’s got Charlie,” Gus said to Declan.

      Gus shoved his way through the men, without excusing himself. He didn’t have time for pleasantries when someone had Charlie and was leading her toward an exit door.

      Caught in the group of men, Declan fell behind.

      Trying not to stir up panic, Gus half walked, half ran after the two women who disappeared through the exit door into another part of the grand hotel.

      His heart beating faster, Gus gave up trying to keep it cool and broke into a sprint, hitting the exit door hard, just seconds behind the two women.

      The woman in black was hustling Charlie toward another door at the end of the hallway, talking in a low tone as they moved.

      Charlie skipped to keep up.

      Her abductor shot a glance over her shoulder, spotted Gus and glared.

      “Stop!” Gus shouted.

      The woman didn’t follow his command, just kept moving, dragging Charlie along with her.

      Unencumbered by another person, Gus caught up to the two women as they reached the exit door to the outside.

      “Gus,” Charlie looked over her shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here.”

      “Let go of Mrs. Halverson,” he demanded.

      “Not until I have some answers,” she said. “She’s the only one who can help.”

      Gus pulled the gun from beneath his jacket and pointed it at the woman. “Let go of Mrs. Halverson.”

      The black-haired woman released her hold on Charlie and raised her hands. “I don’t want to hurt her. I need to talk to her.”


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