Mrs Sommersby’s Second Chance. Laurie Benson

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Mrs Sommersby’s Second Chance - Laurie  Benson

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style="font-size:15px;">      ‘Pardon?’

      ‘Mrs Sommersby? What did you say to her...exactly?’ Having the need to do something with his mouth so he would just stop talking, Lane took a sip of coffee and waited.

      His friend chose that very moment to take a bite of bread, prolonging the time it took him to answer. ‘I don’t remember my exact words.’

      ‘Well...what is it that you think you might have said to her?’

      ‘Well... I think I might have asked if she’d care to take a turn with me in the darkened gardens during a ball we attended together. It was probably a cold night and I may have offered to keep her warm as we looked at the stars.’

      ‘Have you had much success with that suggestion?’

      ‘You’d be surprised.’ Hart took another bite of bread.

      An inexplicable lump formed in Lane’s throat. ‘So you are intimately acquainted with the woman?’

      ‘Mrs Sommersby?’ Hart shook his head. ‘No, I thought you were just referring to the suggestion in itself. I’d had a bit of success with it in the past.’

      ‘But not with her?’

      Once again, Hart shook his head, but this time the movement was slower. ‘No, no. If I recall correctly, she was flattered, but I am certain she definitely declined.’ Picking up his cup, he looked over to where Mrs Sommersby was sitting. ‘Before Sarah, I had a marked preference for older women.’

      ‘She’s not that old,’ Lane replied, sounding almost indignant, which was strange since he had no reason to feel insulted on her behalf.

      ‘Well, she is certainly older than the girls the mothers try to throw into your path when you are an earl attending a ball, I can tell you that. I found older women more at ease with themselves and they know their desires much better than a girl out of the schoolroom usually does. And if you find the right one, you don’t have to fear being trapped into marriage.’

      ‘Is that why you spent your time with married women?’

      ‘I had no desire to deflower a virgin and then leave her reputation in tatters. And I never saw the appeal of paying for sex. Married women whose husbands had mistresses were my haven.’

      ‘But you said you propositioned Mrs Sommersby and she’s a widow.’

      ‘Yes, but she’s a widow who had made it known that she was not interested in marriage. With her looks and lively character, and that bit of information, I was taken with her for an entire Season.’

      ‘An entire Season?’

      ‘It was a number of years after her husband died and as I said, years ago. And just because I was taken with her doesn’t mean that I was celibate for all those months.’ The smile on his face reached his eyes. ‘Perhaps that was why she turned me down. She’s a shrewd one, that one.’

      ‘Perhaps she simply didn’t find you attractive.’

      ‘We both know that cannot be the reason.’

      ‘Have you always been this confident in your charms?’

      Hart appeared to give the question consideration. ‘Yes. I suppose I have been. But that doesn’t signify now. Now I am a contented married man who can look back with pleasant nostalgia on the life I led. What about you? You are not one to place your relationships out for the world to see. Are you as confident with women as you are with business? I’ve not witnessed that side of you in all the years we’ve known each other.’

      The waiter came to their table to clear away their plates, saving Lane from having to answer.


      Damn. He hated the thought that went into answering questions like this. Years ago, Lane learned no good came from analysing his feelings. It was best to move through life without thinking too much about what anything made him feel. He had become quite skilled at it.

      ‘I do well for myself.’

      The vague comment made Hart laugh. ‘With the money you’ve made I’m sure you do and I’ve been told you are not hard on the eyes.’

      Lane sat up a bit taller. ‘By whom?’

      ‘Miss Violet Westfield, one of Sarah’s friends. She saw us together some time ago. I can introduce you when you are back in London, if you like?’

      Was his wife’s friend as attractive as Mrs Sommersby? Not that Mrs Sommersby was an outstanding beauty, but she was pretty and there was just something about her. He turned back to take a look to try to determine what it was.

      ‘If we can get the funding we need, it might be some time before I’m back in London,’ he replied, keeping his eyes on Mrs Sommersby.

      ‘And your decision is based solely on your need to remain here on business?’

      When Lane looked back at Hart, he wanted to hit that all-too-perceptible smirk off his face.


      ‘Hmm. Well, I’m sure you have things that you need to address back at the coffee house and I promised Sarah that I would be home by noon to go with her for a drive around the countryside, so why don’t I ask for the bill and we can leave?’

      ‘I’ll take care of it. Why don’t you go on ahead? I’m going to sit here and finish my coffee.’

      ‘Your coffee?’ That smile was back on Hart’s face. ‘I see. Well you wouldn’t want to leave any coffee in that cup of yours, now would you?’

      ‘No, I would not. And stop looking at me like that. I told you, I’m just finishing my coffee.’

      ‘If that’s what you want to call it, that is fine with me. I can’t imagine where you might find another cup of coffee in this town.’

      ‘You really should go. It would be a pity if you returned late to your wife and caused her to bar you from your bedchamber tonight.’

      ‘That is not likely to happen—however, I’ll let you enjoy your coffee in peace.’ He stood up and adjusted his cuffs. ‘I will stop by to see you before I leave for London.’

      ‘When do you expect to have an answer for me?’

      ‘Sarah and I had planned to leave on Friday. You’ll have your answer in about a week or so.’

      A week of not knowing if they would be able to proceed was going to feel like an eternity. His grip tightened around the handle of his cup. One of the worst things about needing other people to help finance his business ventures was that it put him at someone else’s mercy. More than anything he hated having to depend on other people. After living the first sixteen years of his life in the Foundling Hospital, he had learned very early on to live his life without being dependent on anyone for anything. It took a great deal of effort to relinquish some of his control.

      ‘Do try not to be such a curmudgeon while I am gone. You wouldn’t want Mrs Sommersby to find out what a

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