The Secret Cove in Croatia. Julie Caplin
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‘That sounds like a very good idea,’ said Douglas. ‘We could stock up on some wine for the rest of the trip.’ They’d already made inroads into Ivan’s demi-john and Siri and Douglas were big fans.
‘Let’s hope they sell decent stuff, then,’ said Simon, folding his arms. ‘Sometimes the local stuff can be a bit earthy. No offence, Ivan, but I’m something of a wine connoisseur.’
Douglas wrinkled his nose. ‘Yes, he is.’
‘That’s why you should listen to me. Remember the last time you got carried away. Bought that case of bloody Beaujolais Nouveau.’
‘Oh, Lord, yes – still giving it away to the lower end clients.’ Douglas rolled his eyes. ‘Got a bit carried away at the chap’s tasting. He assured me it was decent. Ruddy well should have been at the price.’
‘You were done, mate. You know anything about wine, Nick?’ asked Simon with deceptive casualness.
Nick shook his head. ‘No, I’m more of a real ale man myself.’
‘Yeah, I can see that,’ said Simon before smoothly turning to Ivan. ‘And where would you recommend we eat this evening? The captain always has the inside track on the best places.’
‘There’s a very good new restaurant a short walk from here, just up the hill. Would you like me to reserve a table for you?’
‘That would be capital,’ said Douglas. ‘We’ll do the wine tour, have a couple of drinks and then dinner at eight-thirty.’
‘Excellent,’ said Ivan. Before anyone had chance to agree or disagree, he walked off, pulling his phone out and climbing the stairs to the upper deck.
As soon as everyone had finished eating they all scurried away to their cabins to get ready for a trip to the beach and now Maddie was left to tidy up in silence, with the delicious prospect of the whole day to herself as soon as she’d done the cabins.
‘You have the boat to yourself. A day off,’ said Ivan, catching her in the galley. ‘You’re welcome.’
‘Thank you.’ She grinned back at him. ‘Nicely done.’
He shrugged. ‘Why not? They’ve not been here before. The restaurant is very good.’ He grinned. ‘It’s run by an old friend of mine, who appreciates me sending custom his way.’
Ivan rubbed his fingers together. ‘It is an excellent restaurant. The guests have a fine meal. My friend gets their custom. I am rewarded. You have the night off from cooking. I have friends in Bol I like to catch up with. I’ll stay the night with them …’ He mimed having a drink. ‘Everyone is happy. And you can be in charge.’
‘Me?’ she squeaked. ‘Are you sure?’
‘The guests will be out for most of the day. You have my mobile number. And I won’t be far away.’ He pointed to the hillside, where the houses ranged along the contours. ‘My friends are just there.’
‘OK.’ She grinned, butterflies dancing in her stomach at all the options open to her. ‘I’d better get finished in here.’ She wasn’t going to waste a single second. A whole day free.
Maddie was just about ready to scream. How long did it take to get ready for a trip to the flaming beach? She wasn’t the only one; Siri was tapping her fingers on the rail by the gangplank, Simon was on the quayside pacing and Nick was sitting on a bollard, his face tipped up to the sun.
‘I think we should just go without her,’ said Siri. ‘The day’s a-wasting.’
Douglas and Cory were in the shop opposite and it looked as if Douglas was in the process of buying Cory a pretty cotton scarf and a straw hat.
‘Nick, why don’t you go and drag Tara out, like a good little caveman?’ said Simon.
Nick’s mouth tightened but his expression was hidden behind his sunglasses. ‘She’ll be ready in her own good time. Why don’t you go on ahead? We’ll catch up with you.’
Simon ignored his response and carried on pacing. While they’d been waiting Maddie had managed to slip in and clean all three of their rooms. She’d also mopped the deck where they’d had breakfast and the galley was now spotless.
At last Tara appeared. There was a collective gasp and one of the passing tourists walked straight into a bollard and a sharp slap from his wife. She stopped at the top of the steps in front of the gangplank to strike a pose, one hip angled out, so that the men could appreciate her full beauty.
Star Wars came to mind. Maddie stared at the scarlet bikini with its gold metal straps, reminiscent of Princess Leia’s slave girl outfit, and the high-heeled matching sandals that accentuated the length of Tara’s long slender legs. There was a resounding silence and then she clanked down the gangplank, which rather spoiled the effect.
‘Planning on reducing the local adolescent population to gibbering wrecks?’ asked Simon, a touch acidly.
Tara shot him a sneer and walked over to Nick, her hips swaying, and placed a proprietorial arm on his. Maddie tried hard not to smile at the stunned expression on his face. Actually, she decided, it was more shocked and horrified, not that she blamed him.
Luckily Tara wasn’t watching Nick’s reaction; she was too busy checking out who was looking her way.
‘Are you going to be all right walking to the beach?’ asked Nick in a strangled voice, looking down at her shoes. ‘It’s quite a long way. Haven’t you got any flip-flops or anything?’
‘Darling Nicky –’ she reached up and kissed him on the cheek, rubbing her hand over his biceps ‘– I’m sure if I run into any trouble you could carry me.’
Easily charmed, thought Maddie crossly, as Nick’s face creased into a doting smile. The man was a complete idiot.
‘I could tuck you under one arm with no problem at all,’ he said. ‘Here, let me take that for you.’ He reached for her enormous striped beach bag. ‘Are you going to … have you got a cover-up or anything?’
‘Darling, you are so cute. Cuver up.’ She emphasised his northern vowels. ‘I love it when you’re all buttoned-up and northern. So prudish.’
Simon sniggered, while Siri tutted. ‘For God’s sake, Tara, put something on. You can’t go parading through the streets looking like that. There’s nothing prudish about it.’
‘Bloody hell, Tara, that’s some swimming cossie,’ Douglas blurted out, bellowing across the road before coming to join them. Next to him, Cory in a white crocheted bikini top and tiny navy shorts turned puce.
‘You’re just attention-seeking,’ continued Siri in a low voice, ‘and trying to upstage Cory. Job done, so cover yourself up. Surely in that huge bag you’ve got something. What the hell have you got in there? We’re going to the beach for the day, not on safari for a week.’
With ill grace, Tara yanked a sheer red chiffon tunic out of her bag, which still left little