History of the WW1 (Complete 6 Volume Edition). Артур Конан Дойл
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Belated pedestrians upon the beach of the southern towns have recorded their impression of that amazing spectacle. In the clear summer night the wall of transports seemed to stretch from horizon to horizon. Guardian warships flanked the mighty column, while swift shadows shooting across the surface of the sea showed where the torpedo-boats and scouts were nosing and ferreting for any possible enemy. But far away, hundreds of miles to the north, lay the real protection of the flotilla, where the smooth waters of the Heligoland Bight were broken by the sudden rise and dip of the blockading periscopes.
It is well to state, once for all, the composition of this force, so that in the succeeding pages, when a brigade or division is under discussion, the diligent reader may ascertain its composition. This, then, is the First Army which set forth to France. Others will be chronicled as they appeared upon the scene of action. It may be remarked that the formation of units was greatly altered with the progress of the campaign, so that it has been possible without indiscretion to raise the veil of secrecy which was once so essential.
DIVISION I—General Lomax. 1st Infantry Brigade—General Maxse. 1st Coldstream Guards. 1st Scots Guards. 1st Black Watch. 2nd Munster Fusiliers. 2nd Infantry Brigade—General Bulfin. 2nd Sussex. 1st N. Lancs. 1st Northampton. 2nd K.R. Rifles. 3rd Infantry Brigade—General Landon. 1st West Surrey (Queen’s). 1st S. Wales Borderers. 1st Gloucester. 2nd Welsh. Artillery—Colonel Findlay. 25th Brig. R.F.A. 113, 114, 115. 26th Brig. R.F.A. 116, 117, 118. 39th Brig. R.F.A. 46, 51, 54. 43rd (How.) Brig. R.F.A. 30, 40, 57. Engineers—Colonel Schreiber. 23 F. Co. 26 F. Co. 1 Signal Co. | DIVISION II—General Munro. 4th Infantry Brigade—General Scott-Kerr. 2nd Grenadier Guards. 2nd Coldstream Guards. 3rd Coldstream Guards. 1st Irish. 5th Infantry Brigade—General Haking 2nd Worcester. 2nd Ox. and Bucks. L.I. 2nd Highland L.I. 2nd Connaught Rangers 6th Infantry Brigade—General Davies. 1st Liverpool (King’s). 2nd S. Stafford. 1st Berks. 1st K.R. Rifles. Artillery—General Perceval. 34th Brig. R.F.A. 22, 50,70. 36th Brig. R.F.A. 15, 48, 71. 41st Brig. R.F.A. 9, 16, 17. How. Brig. R.F.A. 47, 56, 60. 35th Batt. R.G.A. R.E. 5, 11, Field Cos. |
DIVISION III—General Hamilton 7th Infantry Brigade—General McCracken. 3rd Worcester. 2nd S. Lancs. 1st Wilts. 2nd Irish Rifles. 8th Infantry Brigade—General B. Doran. 2nd Royal Scots. 2nd Royal Irish. 4th Middlesex. 1st Gordon Highlanders. 9th Infantry Brigade—General Shaw. 1st North. Fusiliers. 4th Royal Fusiliers. 1st Lincoln. 1st Scots Fusiliers. Artillery—General Wing. 23rd Brigade 107, 108,109. 30th Brigade (How.) 128, 129, 130. 40th Brigade 6, 23, 49. 42nd Brigade 29, 41, 45. 48th Batt. R.G.A. R.E.—Colonel Wilson. 56, 57 F. Corps. 3 Signal Co. | DIVISION V—General Ferguson. 13th Infantry Brigade—General Cuthbert. 2nd K.O. Scot. Bord. 2nd West Riding. 1st West Kent. 2nd Yorks. Light Infantry. l4th Infantry Brigade—General Bolt. 2nd Suffolk. 1st East Surrey. 1st D. of Cornwall’s L.I. 2nd Manchester. 15th Infantry Brigade—General Gleichen. 1st Norfolk. 1st Bedford. 1st Cheshire. 1st Dorset. Artillery—General Headlam. 15th Brig. R.F.A. 11, 52, 80. 27th Brig. R.F.A. 119,120,121. 28th Brig. R.F.A. 122,123,124. 8 How. Brig. 37, 61, 65. Heavy G.A. 108 Battery. R.E.—Colonel Tulloch. 17th and 59th Field Cos. 5 Signal Co. |
The Cavalry consisted of four Brigades forming the first cavalry division, and of one extra Brigade. They were made up thus: 1st Cavalry Brigade (Briggs).—2nd and 5th Dragoon Guards; 11th Hussars. 2nd Cavalry Brigade (De Lisle).—4th Dragoon Guards; 9th Lancers; 18th Hussars. 3rd Cavalry Brigade (Gough).—4th. Hussars; 5th Lancers; 16th Lancers. 4th Cavalry Brigade (Bingham).—3rd Hussars; 6th Dragoon Guards; Comp. Guards Regt. 5th Cavalry Brigade (Chetwode).—Scots Greys; 12th Lancers; 20th Hussars. D, E, I, J, and L batteries of Horse Artillery were attached to these Brigades. |
Such, was the Army which first set forth to measure itself against the soldiers of Germany. Prussian bravery, capacity, and organising power had a high reputation among us, and yet we awaited the result with every confidence, if the odds of numbers were not overwhelming. It was generally known that during the period since the last war the training of the troops had greatly progressed, and many of the men, with nearly all the senior officers, had had experience in the arduous campaign of South Africa. They could also claim those advantages which volunteer troops may hope to have over conscripts. At the same time there was no tendency to underrate the earnest patriotism of our opponents, and we were well aware that even the numerous Socialists who filled their ranks were persuaded, incredible as it may seem, that the Fatherland was really attacked, and were whole-hearted in its defence.
The crossing was safely effected. It has always been the traditional privilege of the British public to grumble at their public servants and to speak of “muddling through” to victory. No doubt the criticism has often been deserved. But on this occasion the supervising General in command, the British War Office, and the Naval Transport Department all rose to a supreme degree of excellence in their arrangements. So too did the Railway Companies concerned. The details were meticulously correct. Without the loss of man, horse, or gun, the soldiers who had seen the sun set in Hampshire saw it rise in Picardy or in Normandy. Boulogne and Havre were the chief ports of disembarkation, but many, including the cavalry, went up the Seine and came ashore at Rouen. The soldiers everywhere received a rapturous welcome from the populace, which they returned by a cheerful sobriety of behaviour. The admirable precepts as to wine and women set forth in Lord Kitchener’s parting orders to the Army seem to have been most scrupulously observed. It is no slight upon the gallantry of France—the very home of gallantry —if it be said that she profited greatly at this strained, over-anxious time by the arrival of these boisterous over-sea Allies. The tradition of British solemnity has been for ever killed by these jovial invaders. It is probable that the beautiful tune, and even the paltry words of “Tipperary,” will pass into history as the marching song, and often the death-dirge, of that gallant host. The dusty, poplar-lined roads resounded with their choruses, and the quiet Picardy villages re-echoed their thunderous and superfluous assurances as to the state of their hearts. All France broke into a smile at the sight of them, and it was at a moment when a smile meant much to France.
Whilst the various brigades were with some deliberation preparing for an advance up-country, there arrived at the Gare du Nord in Paris a single traveller who may be said to have been the most welcome British visitor who ever set foot in the city. He was a short, thick man, tanned by an outdoor life, a solid, impassive personality with a strong, good-humoured face, the forehead of a thinker above it, and the jaw of an obstinate fighter below. Overhung brows shaded a pair of keen grey eyes, while the strong, set mouth was partly concealed by a grizzled moustache. Such was John French, leader of cavalry in Africa and now Field-Marshal commanding the Expeditionary Forces of Britain. His defence of Colesberg at a critical period when he bluffed the superior Boer forces, his dashing relief of Kimberley, and especially the gallant way in which he had thrown his exhausted cavalry across the path of Cronje’s army in order to hold it while Roberts pinned it down at Paardeberg, were all exploits which were fresh in the public mind, and gave the soldiers confidence in their leader.
French might well appreciate the qualities of his immediate subordinates. Both of his army corps and his cavalry division were in good hands. Haig, like his leader, was a cavalry man by education, though now entrusted with the command of the First Army Corps, and destined for an ever-increasing European reputation. Fifty-four years of age, he still preserved all his natural energies, whilst he had behind him long years of varied