Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England. Various

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Ancient Poems, Ballads, and Songs of the Peasantry of England - Various

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And at my feet their crowns and sceptres lay:

       If crownèd heads and right renownèd peers

       Die in the prime and blossoms of their years,

       Can you suppose to gain a longer space?

       No! I will send you to another place.

      RICH MAN.

      Oh! stay thy hand and be not so severe,

       I have a hopeful son and daughter dear,

       All that I beg is but to let me live

       That I may them in lawful marriage give:

       They being young when I am laid in the grave,

       I fear they will be wronged of what they have:

       Although of me you will no pity take,

       Yet spare me for my little infants’ sake.


      If such a vain excuse as this might do,

       It would be long ere mortals would go through

       The shades of death; for every man would find

       Something to say that he might stay behind.

       Yet, if ten thousand arguments they’d use,

       The destiny of dying to excuse,

       They’ll find it is in vain with me to strive,

       For why, I part the dearest friends alive;

       Poor parents die, and leave their children small

       With nothing to support them here withal,

       But the kind hand of gracious Providence,

       Who is their father, friend, and sole defence.

       Though I have held you long in disrepute,

       Yet after all here with a sharp salute

       I’ll put a period to your days and years,

       Causing your eyes to flow with dying tears.

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