HENRY HARRISON BROWN Premium Collection: Dollars Want Me + Concentration: The Road To Success + How To Control Fate Through Suggestion + The Call Of The Twentieth Century + The New Emancipation. Henry Harrison Brown
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Читать онлайн книгу HENRY HARRISON BROWN Premium Collection: Dollars Want Me + Concentration: The Road To Success + How To Control Fate Through Suggestion + The Call Of The Twentieth Century + The New Emancipation - Henry Harrison Brown страница 11
The new century looked upon the world of humanity just emerging from the swaddling clothes of duality. Yes, in presence of this wonderful Exposition I dare to proclaim, that Man is all this wonderful manifestation of science and art is, yet in the long clothes of babyhood. Thus far he has only been trying to catch the sunbeams of that which is not himself. He is now just beginning to know himself as power, and to realize that what God has done in the universal, Man, his son, can do through special creation. Man is not a special creation, but he is a special creator.
Man toys today with good and evil, church and school, science and religion, matter and spirit, sacred and secular, God and man, life and death, attraction and repulsion, and a long catalogue of illusions that, like the beliefs of children in fairies and brownies, are soon to be discarded. Then will the manhood of the race come. It will see only good and life and love and truth, and from these it will build its own world on grander, more beautiful scale than God without Man has done. We live in a world God made, Man has been remaking it, and yet it shall be a world that Man altogether controls, for God who gave him at birth, dominion, will leave him to enjoy the world eternally which like his Father has been created out of Thought.
I am—What?—All God is, or I could not be. What he does as absolute creator, I am to do as special creator. What he is in Principle, I am to be in detail. I am Spirit! I am divine! I am unfolding my divinity. As fast as I unfold I become Man, because human. I enfold all the past, I encompass all the future, and all that can be, I am in possibility, and in possession now.
I am all this because God is first of all Power, and is in me as power. He is Omnipotent. Again, I am Life for God is Life, and He is in me. I am wisdom, for God is wisdom and He is in me. God is Love, and I am Love, for I am God manifest. I am Thought and Thought is the Omnipotence, the Life, the Love of God, transformed into Human expression. As thought I am an Individual expression of God and all God is behind my thought, that I, man, express.
I LET Thought express itself, and Lo! ―cities spring and point their spires of faith to heaven.‖ I am thought, and I impose upon external nature my Thought, and call it natural law, and I work under that law.
Because thought controls, I send fine vibrations through the space about me, wireless messages by a messenger I call electricity because I do not know who he is, and I vainly think he is the same I call Lightning, when he is only a relative of his as the C on the piano is a relative of G.
And science grows arrogant and makes the most colossal assumption it was ever in man to make— one that marks the downfall of all the cob houses of speculation. That colossal assumption is: "All is Electricity." Electricity is the last idol of civilized man." All is not electricity. But Electricity is, like Thought, a manifestation of the One. Can Electricity and Thought be correlated—transfused into each other? I will not try to answer. Both are One in the Universal Energy, and since Energy is one, I believe that Man will convert his thought into other forms at will, just as he is now able to transform other modes of motion. We can change a higher into a lower pitch or reduce the potential of any power/ so man may transmute his thought into any form of vibration he may wish. I see no reason, since I am All, why I may not from myself radiate electricity from the dynamo of my Soul, just as is done now from the Universal dynamo of God.
Telepathy grounds us in the consciousness that we are in reality but centers of energy, Intelligence, of Love and of Truth in the One that through us as centers as much as we desire of the current of Infinity may find conscious expression. This fact dissolves in Truth the scientific themes as Cleopatra's pearl was dissolved in ancient wine. There is left only "the One who inhabiteth eternity" expressing Itself, as the Human Soul. I am as Conscious Law that which I think I am, and since Thought is creative, I live in the world I think into existence. The real world of imagination, the sub-conscious world of Mind.
The wireless message of health passes from the Human dynamo in St. Louis to the bed of pain in the distant city, the Soul awakens to its knowledge of self as Life, Power and Health. From this thought Rich Health blooms where before was pain and weakness. Mind is all, and Conscious mind is director of that which is still in the Unconscious. This is the most mighty perception of Truth man has yet received: The Conscious directs the expression of the Unconscious. Conscious directs the God in the Soul in its objective manifestation. From this we know that the present wonders of electricity will yet place before the more glorious materializations of Mind as the candle of our fathers pales in the electric glare.
Ideas are man's possessions. The wonders of yonder Exposition are but materialized Ideas through Human brains and Human hands. Sun and star, flower, bird and Man are but the materialization of ideas in the Mind of God. Without hands God wrought these marvels. As His son I have all the Father possesses. Why should I not from myself project to the objective the ideas which I am?
O suns flying with attendant worlds, ye are but thoughts of God manifest to human consciousness! O rock and tree, singing bird and blooming rose, ye are but God's thought in time and space made manifest. But greater than ye are the thoughts of God in Man, for to him ye are subject, as clay to hand of potter. He molds you to his will, but lo, still greater are the marvels of mind. Thought is power thought is creative thought materializes to my desire in flesh and blood. As God materializes his thoughts, so will his son's ideas take shape and form, as worlds and plants take shape from the One Over-Soul. I have but to LET the God-in-me work as it works outside me, to carry out my will, and a world shall grow about me as under God's direct thought this one grew for me.
The grand dreams of human imagination, "without sound of hammer" or without tool or material save the Omnipotent Substance, shall find objective expression in more glorious cities than that in the vision of John the revelator.
"My Father worketh hitherto, and I work." Principles are eternal. As God builds so I, his son, build. I have but to know my power. The twentieth century calls upon Man to Know himself as the bodying forth of God, and to live, act and create as God acts and creates, and thus to leave behind him the animal and to be indeed the God he is. Out of the centaur the Human will be completely born when the next century makes its call. Now it is a call to Man to come forth and no longer as part beast struggle with environment that belongs to brute, but to cast off the swaddling clothes of creative power and as Man rule in the world made for him until he learns his power to build a better for himself.
Ideas are centers in the Absolute Energy. Like all centers, they rotate till they condense Infinite Substance, so as to be visible to objective vision. Ideas control the world. They are the only world in which men live. I am that which I think I am, because I think in ideas, and the ideal controls my expression. Thus ideas take form. Just as the astronomer tells what he sees, and reasons there from, so I tell what I see, and state all my deductions from facts.
One of "NOW" Folk is the most remarkable telepathist of whom I have known. I chose a blank card from a lot of similar ones. A friend made a private mark upon one side. I then held it with the unmarked side before my friend and asked him to see upon it the photograph of a certain person. At last he said. "I see him." He created the picture there through concentration. The card was then shuffled with twenty others, and the pack was placed in his hand, with the request that lie pick out the photograph. He did so. He did many times. This card has been kept by strangers for months and then placed among others so like itself that no one could distinguish it, and picked out because he saw the face upon it. He mentally photographed a picture upon a card, and this card was shuffled with many others and placed in the hands of another sensitive, who found it without difficulty. When asked to draw the outline of the picture upon it pith pencil, he traced exactly the outline the first had photographed.
This demonstrates