The True Story of Salem: Book 1-7. Charles Wentworth Upham

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The True Story of Salem: Book 1-7 - Charles Wentworth Upham

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Wigglesworth. John Wise. Samuel Whiting, Sen. Joseph Capen. Samuel Willard. Nehemiah Walter.

      Cases of Conscience Concerning Witchcrafts

       Table of Contents

      'The First Case that I am desired to express my Judgment in, is this, Whether it is not Possible for the Devil to impose on the imaginations of Persons Bewitched, and to cause them to Believe that an Innocent, yea that a Pious person does torment them, when the Devil himself doth it; or whether Satan may not appear in the Shape of an Innocent and Pious, as well as of a Nocent and Wicked Person, to Afflict such as suffer by Diabolical Molestations?

      The Answer to the Question must be Affirmative; Let the following Arguments be duely weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary.

      Argu. 1. There are several Scriptures from which we may infer the Possibility of what is Affirmed.

      And that evil Angels have sometimes appeared in the likeness of living absent persons, is a thing abundantly confirmed by History.

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