Witchcraft in America. Charles Wentworth Upham

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Witchcraft in America - Charles Wentworth Upham

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his own fancy. Lilly delivered it to the printer, who, being an arch-Presbyterian, had five of the ministers to inspect it, who could make nothing of it, but said it might be printed; for in that he meddled not with their Dagon." (Lilly's Life.) Which opposition to Lilly's book arose from a jealousy that he was not then thoroughly in the Parliament's interest—which was true; for he frankly confesses, "that till the year 1645 he was more Cavalier than Roundhead, and so taken notice of; but after that he engaged body and soul in the cause of the Parliament."' (Life.) Lilly was succeeded successively by his assistant Henry Coley, and John Partridge, the well-known object of Swift's satire.

      'Straws, laid across, my pace retard.

       The horse-shoe's nailed, each threshold's guard.

       The stunted broom the wenches hide

       For fear that I should up and ride.

       They stick with pins my bleeding seat,

       And bid me show my secret teat.'

      θελκτήρια πάντα τέτυκτο‧

       Ἔνθ᾽ ἔνι μὲν φιλότης, ἐν δ᾽ ἵμερος, ἐν δ᾽ ὀαριστὺς,

       Πάρφασις, ἥ τ᾽ ἔκλεψε νόον πύκα περ φρονεόντων.

      'has not he, within a year,

       Hang'd threescore of 'em in one shire,

       * * * * *

       Who after prov'd himself a witch,

       And made a rod for his own breech?'

      The Knight's Squire on the same occasion reminds his master of the more notorious of the devil's tricks of that and the last age:—

      'Did not the devil appear to Martin

       Luther in Germany for certain,

       And would have gull'd him with a trick

       But Mart was too, too politic?

       Did he not help the Dutch to purge

       At Antwerp their cathedral church?

       Sing catches to the saints at Mascon,

       And tell them all they came to ask him?

       Appear in divers shapes to Kelly,

       And speak i' th' nun of Loudun's belly?

       Meet with the Parliament's committee

       At Woodstock on a pers'nal treaty?

       ... &c. &c.'

      Hudibras, ii. 3.

      Chapter IX.

       Table of Contents

      Glanvil's Sadducismus Triumphatus—His Sentiments on Witchcraft and Demonology—Baxter's 'Certainty of the World of Spirits,' &c.—Witch Trial at Bury St. Edmund's by Sir Matthew Hale, 1664—The Evidence adduced in Court—Two Witches hanged—Three hanged at Exeter in 1682—The last Witches judicially executed in England—Uniformity of the Evidence adduced at the Trials—Webster's Attack upon the Witch-Creed in 1677—Witch Trials in England at the end of the Seventeenth Century—French Parliaments vindicate the Diabolic Reality of the Crime—Witchcraft in Sweden.

      The bold licentiousness and ill-concealed scepticism of Charles II. and his Court, whose despotic prejudices, however, supported by the zeal of the Church, prosecuted dissenters from a form of religion which maintained 'the right divine of kings to govern wrong,' might be indifferent to the prejudice of witchcraft. But the princes and despots of former times have seldom been more careful of the lives than they have been of the liberties, of their subjects. The formal apology for the reality of that crime published by Charles II.'s chaplain-in-ordinary, the Rev. Dr. Joseph Glanvil, against the modern Sadducees (a very inconsiderable sect) who denied both ghosts and witches, their well-attested apparitions and acts, has been already noticed. His philosophic inquiry (so he terms it) into the nature and operations of witchcraft (Sadducismus Triumphatus, Sadduceeism Vanquished, or 'Considerations about Witchcraft'), was occasioned by a case that came under the author's personal observation—the 'knockings' of the demon of Tedworth in the house of a Mr. Mompesson. The Tedworth demon must have been of that sort of active spirits which has been so obliging of late in enlightening the spiritual séances of our time.

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