Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes. Various

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Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes - Various

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of the mixture of gelatin, celluloid, alcohol, and acetone, at the moment when the heating is to be accomplished in an autoclave heated with steam, capable of supporting a pressure of 2 to 5 pounds, and furnished with a mechanical agitator. This method of proceeding abridges the operation considerably; the paste comes from the autoclave well mingled, and is then submitted to the action of rollers. There is but little work in distilling the alcohol and acetic acid in the autoclave. These may be recovered, and on account of their evaporation the mass presents the desired consistency when it reaches the rollers. Whichever of the two methods of preparation may be employed, the substance may be rolled as in the ordinary process, if a boiler with agitator is made use of; the mass may be produced in any form.

      Preparation Of Uninflammable Celluloid.

      —The operation of this process by Woodward is the following: In a receiver of glass or porcelain, liquefied fish glue and gum arabic are introduced and allowed to swell for 24 hours in a very dry position, allowing the air to circulate freely. The receiver is not covered. Afterwards it is heated on a water bath, and the contents stirred (for example, by means of a porcelain spatula) until the gum is completely liquefied. The heating of the mass should not exceed 77° F. Then the gelatin is added in such a way that there are no solid pieces. The receiver is removed from the water bath and colza oil added, while agitating anew. When the mixture is complete it is left to repose for 24 hours.

      Before cooling, the mixture is passed through a sieve in order to retain the pieces which may not have been dissolved. After swelling, and the dissolution and purification by means of the sieve, it is allowed to rest still in the same position, with access of air. The films formed while cooling may be removed. The treatment of celluloid necessitates employing a solution completely colorless and clear. The celluloid to be treated while it is still in the pasty state should be in a receiver of glass, porcelain, or similar material.

      The mass containing the fish glue is poured in, drop by drop, while stirring carefully, taking care to pour it in the middle of the celluloid and to increase the surface of contact.

      When the mixture is complete, the celluloid is ready to be employed and does not produce flame when exposed.

      The solution of fish glue may be prepared by allowing 200 parts of it to swell for 48 hours in 1,000 parts of cold distilled water. It is then passed through the sieve, and the pieces which may remain are broken up, in order to mingle them thoroughly with the water. Ten parts of kitchen salt are then added, and the whole mass passed through the sieve.

      This product may be utilized for the preparation of photographic films or for those used for cinematographs, or for replacing hard caoutchouc for the insulation of electric conductors, and for the preparation of plastic objects.

      Substitute For Camphor In The Preparation Of Celluloid And Applicable To Other Purposes.

      —In this process commercial oil of turpentine, after being rectified by distillation over caustic soda, is subjected to the action of gaseous chlorhydric acid, in order to produce the solid monochlorhydrate of turpentine. After having, by means of the press, extracted the liquid monochlorhydrate, and after several washings with cold water, the solid matter is desiccated and introduced into an autoclave apparatus capable of resisting a pressure of 6 atmospheres. Fifty per cent of caustic soda, calculated on the weight of the monochlorhydrate, and mingled with an equal quantity of alcohol, is added in the form of a thick solution. The apparatus is closed and heated for several hours at the {158} temperature of 284° to 302° F. The material is washed several times for freeing it from the mingled sodium chloride and sodium hydrate, and the camphor resulting from this operation is treated in the following manner:

      In an autoclave constructed for the purpose, camphene and water strongly mixed with sulphuric acid are introduced and heated so as to attain 9 pounds of pressure. Then an electric current is applied, capable of producing the decomposition of water. The mass is constantly stirred, either mechanically or more simply by allowing a little of the steam to escape by a tap. In an hour, at least, the material is drawn from the apparatus, washed and dried, sublimed according to need, and is then suitable for replacing camphor in its industrial employments, for the camphene is converted entirely or in greater part into camphor, either right-hand camphor, or a product optically inactive, according to the origin of the oil of turpentine made use of.

      In the electrolytic oxidation of the camphene, instead of using acidulated water, whatever is capable of furnishing, under the influence of the electric current, the oxygen necessary for the reaction, such as oxygenized water, barium bioxide, and the permanganates, may be employed.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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