Filipino Popular Tales. Various
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—Benedict, Laura W., Bagobo Myths (JAFL 26 : 13–63).
—Chamberlain, A. F., Notes on Tagal Folk-Lore (JAFL 15 : 196–198).
—Gardner, Fletcher, Tagalog Folk-Tales (JAFL 20 : 104–116, 300–310).
—Maxfield, B. L., and Millington, W. H., Visayan Folk-Tales (JAFL 19 : 97–112; 20 : 89–103, 311–318).
Journal of Philology.
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal, N.S. (Cited JRASB.) Kathā-sarit-sāgara. See Somadeva.
Kingscote, Mrs. Howard. Tales of the Sun, or Folklore of Southern India. London, 1890.
Kittredge, George L. Arthur and Gorlagon (in Harvard Studies and Notes in Philology and Literature).
Knowles, the Rev. J. H. Folk-Tales of Kashmir. 2d ed. London, 1893.
Kohler, Reinhold. Kleinere Schriften. I. Zur Märchenforschung. Edited by J. Bolte. Weimar, 1898. (Cited Köhler-Bolte.)
Lal Behari Day. Folk-Tales of Bengal. London, 1883.
Lang, Andrew. Custom and Myth. 2d ed. London, 1885.
Legrand, E. Recueil de contes populaires grecs. Paris, 1881.
Macculloch, J. A. The Childhood of Fiction: A Study of Folk Tales and Primitive Thought. London, 1905.
Mcculloch, William. Bengali Household Tales. London, 1912.
Meier, E. Deutsche Volksmärchen aus Schwaben. Stuttgart, 1852.
Metelerkamp, Sanni. Outa Karel’s Stories: South African Folk-Lore Tales. London, 1914.
Mijatovies, Mme. Serbian Folk-Lore. London, 1874.
Orient und Occident, insbesondere in ihren gegenwärtigen Beziehungen, etc. 3 vols. Göttingen, 1860–64.
Pantschatantra. See Benfey.
Panzer, Friedrich. Studien zur germanischen Sagengeschichte. I. Beowulf. München, 1910.
Persian Tales: The 1001 Days. Translated by Ambrose Phillips. 2 vols. London, 1722. (References are to the 6th edition.)
Pitrè, G. Fiabe, Novelline e Racconti Popolari Siciliane. 4 vols. Palermo, 1875.
Pröhle, H. Kinder- und Volksmärchen. Leipzig, 1853.
Radloff, W. Proben der Volkslitteratur der Turkischen Stämme Sud-Sibiriens. 6 vols. St. Petersburg, 1866–86.
Ralston, W. R. S. Russian Folk Tales. London, 1873. (Cited Ralston 1.)
—Tibetan Tales. London, 1882. (Cited Ralston 2.)
Retana, Wenceslao. Aparato Bibliográfico. 3 vols. Madrid, 1906.
Rittershaus, Adeline. Die Neuisländischen Volksmärchen. Halle, 1902.
Riviere, J. Recueil de contes populaires de la Kabylie. Paris, 1882.
Romancero General. 2 vols. Ed. Duran.
Romania: Recueil trimestriel. Ed. par P. Meyer et G. Paris. Paris, current since 1872.
Rondallayre. Lo Rondallayre. Quentos populars catalans, colleccionats per Fr. Maspons y Labros. Barcelona, 1875.
Roth, H. Ling. The Natives of Sarawak and British North Borneo. 2 vols. London, 1896.
Rouse, W. H. D. The Talking Thrush and Other Tales from India. London, 1899.
Schiefner, Anton Von. See Tibetan Tales.
Schleicher, August. Litauische Märchen, Sprichworte, Rätsel und Lieder. Weimar, 1857.
Schneller, C. Märchen und Sagen aus Wälschtirol. Innsbruck, 1867.
Schott, Arthur und Albert. Walachische Maerchen. Stuttgart, 1845.
Scott, Jonathan. See Bahar-i-Danush.
Sellers, C. Tales from the Land of Nuts and Grapes. London, 1888.
Skeat, W. W. Fables and Folk-Tales from an Eastern Forest. Cambridge, 1901. (Cited Skeat 1.)
Skeat, W. W. Malay Magic. London, 1900. (Cited Skeat 2.)
Somadeva. Kathā-sarit-sāgara. Translated into English by C. H. Tawney. 2 vols. Calcutta, 1880, 1884.
Steel (F. A.) and Temple (R. C.). Wideawake Stories = Tales of the Punjab. London, 1894. (Cited Steel-Temple.)
Steere, E. Swahili Tales. London, 1870.
Stokes, Maive. Indian Fairy Tales. London, 1880.
Straparola, Giovan F. Tredici piacevoli Notti. The Nights, now first translated into English by W. G. Waters. 2 vols. London, 1894.
Tawney, C. H. See Somadeva.
Thornhill, Mark. Indian Fairy Tales. London, 1888.
Thorpe, B. Yule-Tide Stories. London, 1853.
Thousand and One Nights. See Arabian Nights’ Entertainment.
Tibetan Tales. Translated from the Tibetan of the Kah-Gyur by F. Anton Von Schiefner. Done into English from the German, with an Introduction, by W. R. S. Ralston. London, 1882. (Cited Ralston 2.)
Tootinameh; or Tales of a Parrot. Persian text with English translation. Calcutta, 1792.
Waldau, A. Böhmisches Märchenbuch. Prag, 1860.
Wardrop, M. Georgian Folk Tales. London, 1894.
Webster, Wentworth. Basque Legends. London (2d ed.), 1879.
Wratislaw, A. H. Sixty Slavonic Folk-Tales. Boston, 1890.
Wuk. Volksmärchen der Serben. Berlin, 1854.
Filipino Popular Tales.
Hero Tales and Drolls.
Suan’s Good Luck.