The Best Works of Balzac. Оноре де Бальзак

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The Best Works of Balzac - Оноре де Бальзак

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the same study—the unity of geological

       structure. In him this was the presentiment of genius sent to open

       a new path in the fallows of intellect; in me it was a deduction

       from a general system.

       "My point is to ascertain the real relation that may exist between

       God and man. Is not this a need of the age? Without the highest

       assurance, it is impossible to put bit and bridle on the social

       factions that have been let loose by the spirit of scepticism and

       discussion, and which are now crying aloud: 'Show us a way in

       which we may walk and find no pitfalls in our way!'

       "You will wonder what comparative anatomy has to do with a

       question of such importance to the future of society. Must we not

       attain to the conviction that man is the end of all earthly means

       before we ask whether he too is not the means to some end? If man

       is bound up with everything, is there not something above him with

       which he again is bound up? If he is the end-all of the explained

       transmutations that lead up to him, must he not be also the link

       between the visible and invisible creations?

       "The activity of the universe is not absurd; it must tend to an

       end, and that end is surely not a social body constituted as ours

       is! There is a fearful gulf between us and heaven. In our present

       existence we can neither be always happy nor always in torment;

       must there not be some tremendous change to bring about Paradise

       and Hell, two images without which God cannot exist to the mind of

       the vulgar? I know that a compromise was made by the invention of

       the Soul; but it is repugnant to me to make God answerable for

       human baseness, for our disenchantments, our aversions, our


       "Again, how can we recognize as divine the principle within us

       which can be overthrown by a few glasses of rum? How conceive of

       immaterial faculties which matter can conquer, and whose exercise

       is suspended by a grain of opium? How imagine that we shall be

       able to feel when we are bereft of the vehicles of sensation? Why

       must God perish if matter can be proved to think? Is the vitality

       of matter in its innumerable manifestations—the effect of its

       instincts—at all more explicable than the effects of the mind? Is

       not the motion given to the worlds enough to prove God's

       existence, without our plunging into absurd speculations suggested

       by pride? And if we pass, after our trials, from a perishable

       state of being to a higher existence, is not that enough for a

       creature that is distinguished from other creatures only by more

       perfect instincts? If in moral philosophy there is not a single

       principle which does not lead to the absurd, or cannot be

       disproved by evidence, is it not high time that we should set to

       work to seek such dogmas as are written in the innermost nature of

       things? Must we not reverse philosophical science?

       "We trouble ourselves very little about the supposed void that

       must have pre-existed for us, and we try to fathom the supposed

       void that lies before us. We make God responsible for the future,

       but we do not expect Him to account for the past. And yet it is

       quite as desirable to know whether we have any roots in the past

       as to discover whether we are inseparable from the future.

       "We have been Deists or Atheists in one direction only.

       "Is the world eternal? Was the world created? We can conceive of

       no middle term between these two propositions; one, then, is true

       and the other false! Take your choice. Whichever it may be, God,

       as our reason depicts Him, must be deposed, and that amounts to

       denial. The world is eternal: then, beyond question, God has had

       it forced upon Him. The world was created: then God is an

       impossibility. How could He have subsisted through an eternity,

       not knowing that He would presently want to create the world? How

       could He have failed to foresee all the results?

       "Whence did He derive the essence of creation? Evidently from

       Himself. If, then, the world proceeds from God, how can you

       account for evil? That Evil should proceed from Good is absurd. If

       evil does not exist, what do you make of social life and its laws?

       On all hands we find a precipice! On every side a gulf in which

       reason is lost! Then social science must be altogether


       "Listen to me, uncle; until some splendid genius shall have taken

       account of the obvious inequality of intellects and the general

       sense of humanity, the word God will be constantly arraigned, and

       Society will rest on shifting sands. The secret of the various

       moral zones through which man passes will be discovered by the

       analysis of the animal type as a whole. That animal type has

       hitherto been studied with reference only to its differences, not

       to its similitudes; in its organic manifestations, not in its


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