"Everyman," with other interludes, including eight miracle plays. Various

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blind reckoning in time of distress!

      Everyman. Good-Deeds, I pray you, help me in this need, Or else I am for ever damned indeed; Therefore help me to make reckoning Before the redeemer of all thing, That king is, and was, and ever shall.

      Good-Deeds. Everyman, I am sorry of your fall, And fain would I help you, and I were able.

      Everyman. Good-Deeds, your counsel I pray you give me.

      Good-Deeds. That shall I do verily; Though that on my feet I may not go, I have a sister, that shall with you also, Called Knowledge, which shall with you abide, To help you to make that dreadful reckoning.

      Knowledge. Everyman, I will go with thee, and be thy guide, In thy most need to go by thy side.

      Everyman. In good condition I am now in every thing, And am wholly content with this good thing; Thanked be God my Creator.

      Good-Deeds. And when he hath brought thee there, Where thou shalt heal thee of thy smart, Then go you with your reckoning and your Good-Deeds together For to make you joyful at heart Before the blessed Trinity.

      Everyman. My Good-Deeds, gramercy; I am well content, certainly, With your words sweet.

      Knowledge. Now go we together lovingly, To Confession, that cleansing river.

      Everyman. For joy I weep; I would we were there; But, I pray you, give me cognition Where dwelleth that holy man, Confession.

      Knowledge. In the house of salvation: We shall find him in that place, That shall us comfort by God's grace. Lo, this is Confession; kneel down and ask mercy, For he is in good conceit with God almighty.

      Everyman. O glorious fountain that all uncleanness doth clarify, Wash from me the spots of vices unclean, That on me no sin may be seen; I come with Knowledge for my redemption, Repent with hearty and full contrition; For I am commanded a pilgrimage to take, And great accounts before God to make. Now, I pray you, Shrift, mother of salvation, Help my good deeds for my piteous exclamation.

      Confession. I know your sorrow well, Everyman; Because with Knowledge ye come to me, I will you comfort as well as I can, And a precious jewel I will give thee, Called penance, wise voider of adversity; Therewith shall your body chastised be, With abstinence and perseverance in God's service: Here shall you receive that scourge of me, Which is penance strong, that ye must endure, To remember thy Saviour was scourged for thee With sharp scourges, and suffered it patiently; So must thou, or thou scape that painful pilgrimage; Knowledge, keep him in this voyage, And by that time Good-Deeds will be with thee. But in any wise, be sure of mercy, For your time draweth fast, and ye will saved be; Ask God mercy, and He will grant truly, When with the scourge of penance man doth him bind, The oil of forgiveness then shall he find.

      Everyman. Thanked be God for his gracious work! For now I will my penance begin; This hath rejoiced and lighted my heart, Though the knots be painful and hard within.

      Knowledge. Everyman, look your penance that ye fulfil, What pain that ever it to you be, And Knowledge shall give you counsel at will, How your accounts ye shall make clearly.

      Everyman. O eternal God, O heavenly figure, O way of rightwiseness, O goodly vision, Which descended down in a virgin pure Because he would Everyman redeem, Which Adam forfeited by his disobedience: O blessed Godhead, elect and high-divine, Forgive my grievous offence; Here I cry thee mercy in this presence. O ghostly treasure, O ransomer and redeemer Of all the world, hope and conductor, Mirror of joy, and founder of mercy, Which illumineth heaven and earth thereby, Hear my clamorous complaint, though it late be; Receive my prayers; unworthy in this heavy life, Though I be, a sinner most abominable, Yet let my name be written in Moses' table; O Mary, pray to the Maker of all thing, Me for to help at my ending, And save me from the power of my enemy, For Death assaileth me strongly; And, Lady, that I may by means of thy prayer Of your Son's glory to be partaker, By the means of his passion I it crave, I beseech you, help my soul to save.-- Knowledge, give me the scourge of penance; My flesh therewith shall give a quittance: I will now begin, if God give me grace.

      Knowledge. Everyman, God give you time and space: Thus I bequeath you in the hands of our Saviour, Thus may you make your reckoning sure.

      Everyman. In the name of the Holy Trinity, My body sore punished shall be: Take this body for the sin of the flesh; Also thou delightest to go gay and fresh, And in the way of damnation thou did me bring; Therefore suffer now strokes and punishing. Now of penance I will wade the water clear, To save me from purgatory, that sharp fire.

      Good-Deeds. I thank God, now I can walk and go; And am delivered of my sickness and woe. Therefore with Everyman I will go, and not spare; His good works I will help him to declare.

      Knowledge. Now, Everyman, be merry and glad; Your Good-Deeds cometh now; ye may not be sad; Now is your Good-Deeds whole and sound, Going upright upon the ground.

      Everyman. My heart is light, and shall be evermore; Now will I smite faster than I did before.

      Good-Deeds. Everyman, pilgrim, my special friend, Blessed be thou without end; For thee is prepared the eternal glory. Ye have me made whole and sound, Therefore I will bide by thee in every stound.16

      Everyman. Welcome, my Good-Deeds; now I hear thy voice, I weep for very sweetness of love.

      Knowledge. Be no more sad, but ever rejoice, God seeth thy living in his throne above; Put on this garment to thy behove, Which is wet with your tears, Or else before God you may it miss, When you to your journey's end come shall.

      Everyman. Gentle Knowledge, what do you it call?

      Knowledge. It is a garment of sorrow: From pain it will you borrow; Contrition it is, That getteth forgiveness; It pleaseth God passing well.

      Good-Deeds. Everyman, will you wear it for your heal?

      Everyman. Now blessed be Jesu, Mary's Son! For now have I on true contrition. And let us go now without tarrying; Good-Deeds, have we clear our reckoning?

      Good-Deeds. Yea, indeed I have it here.

      Everyman. Then I trust we need not fear; Now, friends, let us not part in twain.

      Knowledge. Nay, Everyman, that will we not, certain.

      Good-Deeds. Yet must thou lead with thee Three persons of great might.

      Everyman. Who should they be?

      Good-Deeds. Discretion and Strength they hight, And thy Beauty may not abide behind.

      Knowledge. Also ye must call to mind Your Five-wits as for your counsellors.

      Good-Deeds. You must have them ready at all hours.

      Everyman. How shall I get them hither?

      Knowledge. You must

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