THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THORSTEIN VEBLEN: Economics Books, Business Essays & Political Articles. Thorstein Veblen

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THE COMPLETE WORKS OF THORSTEIN VEBLEN: Economics Books, Business Essays & Political Articles - Thorstein Veblen

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of the early nineteenth century the corresponding course of events runs somewhat different, owing, chiefly at least, (1) to a slower rate of transmission of any price disturbance, and (2) to the greater range and value of "outlying" industries which are very tardily if at all drawn into the exuberant movement of prosperity. In this connection it is worth noting that during this earlier period of the nineteenth century the production of specifically productive goods had not been carried to the point afterward attained, either in the differentiation and specialization of industries occupied with this class of goods or in the relative volume of this class of industries.

      Let ea = earnings; pr = sale price of output; exp = expenses of production of output; mar = margin of gain on output = pr - exp; cap = intitial effective capitalization; yp = year's purchase at (current rates = int) = 1/int, disregarding risk; cr = normal credit extension on given cap = cap/n = f(cap/int).

       Then at the initial phase,

      ea = (mar = pr -exp)outp,

       cap = ea x yp = ea/int,

       cr = cap/n,

       At the subsequent phase, of exaltation,

      ea' = ea + delta ea = mar' x outp

      = [(pr' = pr + delta pr) - exp] outp

       =(mar + delta mar) outp > ea,

      cap' = ea'/int = (ea + delta ea)/int > cap,

       cr' = cap'/n = (cap + delta cap)/n > cr.

       At the concluding phase, of depression,

      ea`` = ea' - delta ea' = mar`` x outp

      = [pr' - (exp' = exp + delta exp)] outp < ea'

      cap`` = ca``/int = (ea'- delta ea')/int < cap',

       cr`` = cap``/n = (cap' - delta cap')/n < cr'.

      For simplicity of statement, in all this no account is taken of the element of risk, nor of the fluctuations of discount rates or the variations of volume of output. If these be included in the calculation as variables, the result is much the same. They are functions of the variables already included, and their inclusion would, on the whole, accentuate the oscillations shown by the computation as it stands.

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