Works of John Bunyan — Complete. John Bunyan

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Works of John Bunyan — Complete - John Bunyan

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When hands on me they laid,

       'Twas this from which they pluck'd me out,

       And vilely to me said,

      15. You heretic, deceiver, come,

       To prison you must go;

       You preach abroad, and keep not home,

       You are the church's foe.

      16. But having peace within my soul,

       And truth on every side,

       I could with comfort them control,

       And at their charge deride.

      17. Wherefore to prison they me sent,

       Where to this day I lie,

       And can with very much content

       For my profession die.

      18. The prison very sweet to me

       Hath been since I came here,

       And so would also hanging be,

       If God would there appear.

      19. Here dwells good conscience, also peace

       Here be my garments white;

       Here, though in bonds, I have release

       From guilt, which else would bite.

      20. When they do talk of banishment,

       Of death, or such-like things;

       Then to me God sends heart's content,

       That like a fountain springs.

      21. Alas! they little think what peace

       They help me to, for by

       Their rage my comforts do increase;

       Bless God therefore do I.

      22. If they do give me gall to drink,

       Then God doth sweetn'ning cast

       So much thereto, that they can't think

       How bravely it doth taste.

      23. For, as the devil sets before

       Me heaviness and grief,

       So God sets Christ and grace much more,

       Whereby I take relief.

      24. Though they say then that we are fools

       Because we here do lie,

       I answer, goals are Christ his schools,

       In them we learn to die.

      25. 'Tis not the baseness of this state

       Doth hide us from God's face,

       He frequently, both soon and late,

       Doth visit us with grace.

      26. Here come the angels, here come saints,

       Here comes the Spirit of God,

       To comfort us in our restraints

       Under the wicked's rod.

      27. God sometimes visits prisons more

       Than lordly palaces,

       He often knocketh at our door,

       When he their houses miss.

      28. The truth and life of heavenly things

       Lift up our hearts on high,

       And carry us on eagles' wings,

       Beyond carnality.

      29. It take away those clogs that hold

       The hearts of other men,

       And makes us lively, strong and bold

       Thus to oppose their sin.

      30. By which means God doth frustrate

       That which our foes expect;

       Namely, our turning th' Apostate,

       Like those of Judas' sect.

      31. Here comes to our rememberance

       The troubles good men had

       Of old, and for our furtherance,

       Their joys when they were sad.

      32. To them that here for evil lie

       The place is comfortless,

       But not to me, because that I

       Lie here for righteousness.

      33. The truth and I were both here cast

       Together, and we do

       Lie arm in arm, and so hold fast

       Each other; this is true.

      34. This goal to us is as a hill,

       From whence we plainly see

       Beyond this world, and take our fill

       Of things that lasting be.

      35. From hence we see the emptiness

       Of all this world contains;

       And here we feel the blessedness

       That for us yet remains.

      36. Here we can see how all men play

       Their parts, as on a stage,

       How good men suffer for God's way,

       And bad men at them rage.

      37. Here we can see who holds that ground

       Which they in Scripture find;

       Here we see also who turns round

       Like weathercocks with wind.

      38. We can also from hence behold

       How seeming friends appear

       But hypocrites, as we are told

       In Scripture every where.

      39. When we did walk at liberty,


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