«Большая четверка». Скотт Гэллоуэй

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      “Alphabet Announces Third Quarter 2016 Results.” Alphabet Inc. October 27, 2016. https://abc.xyz/investor/news/earnings/2016/Q3_alphabet_earnings/.


      Lardinois, Frederic. “Google says there are now 2 billion active Chrome installs.” TechCrunch. November 10, 2016. https://techcrunch.com/2016/11/10/google-says-there-are-now-2-billion-active-chrome-installs/.


      Forbes. May, 2016. https://www.forbes.com/companies/general-motors/.


      Facebook, Inc. https://newsroom.fb.com/company-info/.


      Yahoo! Finance. https://finance.yahoo.com/.


      Группа десяти (G10), или «Большая десятка», – государства (изначально десять), подписавшие в 1962 году парижское Генеральное соглашение о займах. Сегодня в G10 входит 11 стран: Бельгия, Канада, Франция, Германия, Италия, Япония, Нидерланды, Великобритания, США, Швеция, Швейцария. Прим. ред.


      Yahoo! Finance. https://finance.yahoo.com/.


      “Report for Selected Countries and Subjects.” International Monetary Fund. October, 2016. http://bit.ly/2eLOnMI.


      Soper, Spencer. “More Than 50 % of Shoppers Turn First to Amazon in Product Search.” Bloomberg. September 27, 2016. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-09-27/more-than-50-of-shoppers-turn-first-to-amazon-in-product-search.


      Отсылка к популярному роману американской писательницы Сьюзан Коллинз. Прим. ред.


      “Sizeable gender differences in support of bans on assault weapons, large clips.” Pew Research Center. August 9–16, 2016. http://www.people-press.org/2016/08/26/opinions-on-gun-policy-and-the-2016-campaign/augustguns_6/.


      “Sizeable gender differences in support of bans on assault weapons, large clips.” Pew Research Center. August 9–16, 2016. http://www.people-press.org/2016/08/26/opinions-on-gun-policy-and-the-2016-campaign/augustguns_6/.


      Gajanan, Mahita. “More Than Half of the Internet’s Sales Growth Now Comes From Amazon.” Fortune. February 1, 2017. http://fortune.com/2017/02/01/amazon-online-sales-growth-2016/.


      Amazon. 2016 Annual Report. February 10, 2017. http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=97664&p=irol-sec&control_selectgroup=Annual%20Filings#14806946.


      “US Retail Sales, Q1 2016-Q4 2017 (trillions and % change vs. same quarter of prior year).” eMarketer. February 2017. http://dashboard-na1.emarketer.com/numbers/dist/index.html#/584b26021403070290f93a2d/5851918a0626310a2c186ac2.


      Weise, Elizabeth. “That review you wrote on Amazon? Priceless.” USA Today. March 20, 2017. https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/news/2017/03/20/review-you-wrote-amazon-priceless/99332602/.


      Издана на русском языке: Стоун Б. Джефф Безос и эра Amazon. М.: Азбука Бизнес, Азбука-Аттикус, 2014.


      Kim, Eugene. “This Chart Shows How Amazon Could Become the First $1 Trillion Company.” Business Insider. December 7, 2016. http://www.businessinsider.com/how-amazon-could-become-the-first-1-trillion-business-2016-12.


      The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Hunters and Gatherers. Edited by Richard B. Lee and Richard Daly (Cambridge University Press: 2004). “Introduction: Foreigners and Others.”


      Taylor, Steve. “Why Men Don’t Like Shopping and (Most) Women Do: The Origins of Our Attitudes Toward Shopping.” Psychology Today. February 14, 2014. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/out-the-darkness/201402/why-men-dont-shopping-and-most-women-do.


      “Hunter gatherer brains make men and women see things

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