The World of Eshú and Pomba Gira. Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth

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The World of Eshú and Pomba Gira - Maribel Pedrera Pérez – Maga Beth

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and seduce the male they choose and Pomba Giras show this by choosing the Eshu they prefer: they have full freedom to move through all fields.

      Pomba Gira is another energy that works to provide happiness for those who ask for it, but from a feminine point of view. She will listen to you sooner than Eshu will, but she will also take revenge sooner if you make her angry, since she will behave like a true woman.

      Her favourite drink is champagne, but she will accept any sweet drink you find, especially, strawberry-flavoured drinks since it is an aroma Pomba Gira loves.

      Cigarettes must be fine and better if they are blond and menthol flavoured tobacco.

      Her favourite foods are always expensive foods. She is very capricious but she can afford it, because what people ask her well deserves this sacrifice in offerings.

      You can also offer her the same food as Eshu, but she will never drink in china like him but in glass.

      She is usually found at crossroads.

      She eats raw eggs without breaking them with some dendé over them.

      Dendé and honey flour is what she likes the most.

      Pomba Gira´s purpose is love, pleasure and sexual freedom. She will make possible impossible connections.

      She is mainly invoked for night business and this is where she is most worshipped. With just one red rose and a glass of the best champagne your business will prosper and you will earn much more money.

      Men who want to have a good lover who pleases them do not hesitate to ask her for help. She knows all the secrets of sex and how to attract men to women like flies to manure.

      You only have to ask her for help and she will help you. Do not forget, she always asks for something more in return. Not only you should take care of her and thank her with offerings, but you should also be eternally grateful.

      Pomba Gira is part of Eshu's organisation chart. She is in one of the two kingdoms of Eshu, in Eshu Kalunga, but she also has her own organisation chart which I will describe next.

      The main head is Her Highness Rainha Pomba Gira. You may ask her anything, her power is infinite and she gives everything, but she is too capricious to always give you what you want: if she feels like it, she will listen to you, if not, you will go completely unnoticed.

      Rainha Das Encruzilhadas, Rainha Da Lomba, Rainha Da Praia and Rainha Das Ciganos depend on her. Each of these queens is in charge of different phalanxes that obey and follow their orders.

      Rainha Das Encruzilhadas is the owner of roads and crossings, of everything that moves and advances. Everything that is born and grows is part of her. She will make you go forward or will paralyse you forever: you will be a puppet in her hands. Her different phalanxes act in the same way, i.e. opening and closing roads. Her phalanxes are:

      –Pomba Gira 7 Encruzilhadas

      –Pomba Gira 7 Saias

      –Pomba Gira 7 Cuores

      –Pomba Gira Rozinha

      –Pomba Gira Menina

      –Pomba Gira Roza

      Pomba Gira Rainha Da Lomba is above Pomba Gira Das Encruzilhadas. She sees and observes everything. She is bold, warlike, and fast and protects women above all. She does not like sick or dependent relationships. She likes self-confident but honest women. She also helps women of the streets, who deserve enormous respect. Her phalanxes are:

      –María Padilla

      –María Farrapo

      –María Mulambo

      –María Quitería

      –María Mirongueira

      –Pomba Gira 7 Cobras

      –Pomba Gira 7 Catacumbas

      –Pomba Gira Dos Fornos

      –Pomba Gira Da Kalunga

      –Pomba Gira Das Almas

      Pomba Gira Rainha Da Praia is the owner of water and true, clean and pure loves. She removes moorings done to you and she makes people of the opposite sex closer to you, but only those that are worthwhile. Her phalanxes are:

      –Pomba Gira Beira d’agua

      –Pomba Gira Da Praia

      –Pomba Gira Menina Da Praia

      –Pomba Gira Das Almas Da Praia.

      Pomba Gira Rainha Das Ciganos is the owner of fun, everything that is esoteric, easy money, beauty and attraction. She helps you to obtain things fast but you also lose them fast. Things are not to be kept but to keep changing. She always gives you what you need at the time. Her phalanxes are:

      –Pomba Gira Cigana Da Praza

      –Pomba Gira

      –Cigana Do Pandeiro

      –Pomba Gira Cigana Da Rúa

      –Pomba Gira Cigana Menina

      –Pomba Gira Cigana Do Povo

      –Pomba Gira Cigana Do Oriente

      –Pomba Gira Cigana Do Amor

      –Pomba Gira Cigana Da Fe

      –Pomba Gira Zoraida

      –Pomba Gira Zonoroida

      The use of flowers has a different meaning for Pomba Giras:

      – White roses are used for peace and health, especially for children. You may offer them to Pomba Gira Menina, among others.

      – Red roses are used for unbridled passion and active sex and you may offer them to any Pomba Gira you like.

      – Yellow roses should be offered especially to the Ciganas since they attract lovers and extramarital relationships.

      – Jasmine flowers are offered to Praia because they are the most self-sacrificing.

      – Daisies are used to hide feelings and can also be offered to any of them.

      – Violets can be offered to any Pomba Gira from Kalunga since they represent solitude.

      – Gladioli are for Pomba Gira das Encruzilhadas, they represent burning desires and fidelity in love.

      – Don't forget that carnations are always for Eshu since they represent impulsivity, attraction and hidden loves.

      Everyone knows more or less who Pomba Gira is: a female Eshu who has the strength and power of seduction in all her weapons. She is charming, suggestive, striking, attractive, and

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