Synchro. José Miguel Sánchez Guitian
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“Free him!” he said, addressing his men.
One of the police agents, hidden behind a balaclava, proceeded to remove the mechanism that was immobilizing the arrested man’s hands behind his back.
“I am commissioner García, in charge of the operation; I apologize for the inconveniences we might have caused… but the…”
“The man pointed at my head with a gun!” Aster interrupted and repeated, “that madman pointed at my head!”
“We apologize, it’s the tension of an intervention”.
Aster looked at the tall blonde who was being directed to the police car.
“Her too. Let her go”.
“Her? This woman has shot a police agent during her service”.
“I don’t think you realize what’s about to come at you”, Aster was starting to lose his temper. “There’s that mad policeman who aimed at my head”, he took a deep breath. “Every single man in this operation is going to have a bad time responding judicially to this fuck-up”. He pointed at the woman. “You better free the only person who has fulfilled her duty tonight right now”.
Commissioner García looked at the agent who was holding Ramona and nodded.
Ramona felt her liberated hands and rubbed her wrists to get the blood flowing again; without saying a word she turned to walk proudly back into the mansion. Juno was waiting for her by the entrance door.
“First thing tomorrow I want your supervisor and the director of the Police Department of Mexico City in my office with the full report of this operation…” Aster wiped his forehead with his hand and after a pause said: “I want the name of the agent that pointed at my head. Give me his name”.
García doubted for a second.
“Inspector Álvaro Guzmán”.
Attorney Aster went to his own vehicle without asking any further questions.
The police cars turned off their flashing lights and retired, defeated and silent, down the winding roads.
Inside the mansion, after the shock of the failed police intervention, the party got back its rhythm; like someone who falls while dancing, recovers from their fall and continues dancing just as before.
They were playing rap-gun music, the psychedelic images dressed the pool’s surface, waiters replaced drinks in people’s hands while they commented the experience they had just lived.
As instructed by Esther Nassar’s, a short waiter walked through the crowd holding a black box in his hands and offering its contents to the guests.
Don conversed excitedly with his daughter Esther and with the young creator of Synchro, Julián Konks. Next to him stood Ana who would not leave his side.
A group of ten people under the effects of Synchro danced synchronized to the rhythm of the raucous and rowdy music. They smiled and laughed without having to look at each other.
Esther showed her phone screen to her father, who watched in wonder the behavior of the guests around him, united by the ingestion of a microchip.
“See? Right now, I’ve selected the dance and laugh mode, but if we press this here, we can select the relax and take it easy mode”, said Esther as she touched the screen.
After a few seconds, the group that was doing the synchronized dancing slowed down. Some hugged without knowing each other, others sat or lied down on the grass with a smile on their lips.
“I have no words”, said Don Nassar who wasn’t missing a single detail of the guests’ behavior.
Julián, at his side, laughed as he watched the faces of people enjoying a moment of programmed relaxation.
Esther showed him the screen once again.
“We could send them whatever sensations we want”, Don said and pointed at the ‘tantric sex’ mode and then at ‘wild sex’. He laughed.
“Let’s be prudent; the effect lasts approximately an hour and I don’t want to host an orgy on my engagement party”.
Esther looked around searching for Juno, he had left during Ramona’s and attorney Aster’s arrest. She could not see them in the garden.
The group continued stretching out and relaxing under the effects of the app that Esther held in her hand.
Further away, other groups had formed, all smiles and long gazes at the sky amidst a stillness only interrupted by the music and astonished interest of those who had not joined in the black pill fun.
Julián spoke to Esther and her father:
“Watch this, look, it’s funny. See that woman in blue? The one that is lying down and waving her arms?” he pointed at a woman of about forty dressed in an elegant blue dress who was rolling on the grass in complete bliss. Don nodded. “She moves first and then the others follow. Look; the radius of connection is of about twenty meters”. He then indicated a group that was further down and where everyone was dancing synchronized.
Julián spotted Carlo Stamas and a group of lawyers, men and women, who, inhibited, moved to the music’s beat. He also spotted his associate Anthony Somoza who was standing apart, staring at the pool without engaging in any conversations. He brought his attention back to his own group; Ana squeezed his hand and returned him to the reality of his position, CEO of a company, talking to its most important investors, the Nassars.
Don watched the woman in blue. It was true; whenever the woman moved the rest of the group soon followed.
Julián continued his explanation:
“This is what we denominate a ‘dominant subject’; it always happens. Every group has a dominant subject; the rest adapt to their emotions”.
“Are their brains stronger?” inquired Don.
“No, strength is not exactly the right term for this; it’s a matter of alexithymia… Every human produces endorphins that will make them feel a certain pleasure. Let’s just say that within each brain there is a high degree of suffering; pain, for example, is a way of expressing this suffering. These are degrees of alexithymia. The dominant subject, their brain, is the one generating the largest number of endorphins and therefore has less alexithymia. Synchro increases the production of endorphins; the dominant subject is that which most endorphins generated.
“Frankly, I am impressed, young man”, Don measured his words carefully. “This is the drug of the future. It doesn’t require crops, nor chemicals, it doesn’t need to cross borders, no transport, no complicated distribution… You just download an app on your phone… that simple”. He pointed at the group that continued to relax on the lawn. “Look at them… they are happy, their minds are connected, thoughts shared”.
Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.