Edgar Cayce on Vibrations. Kevin J. Todeschi

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Edgar Cayce on Vibrations - Kevin J. Todeschi

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is absolutely essential in any discussion of vibrations because, from Cayce’s perspective, the one force that is currently theorized by the Superstring theory would best be described as the Creative, or God, force. Examples of this premise permeate the readings and include the following:

       All force is vibration, as all comes from one central vibration and its activity into, out from, and its own creative forces, as given, with that of the divine as manifested in man, is same vibration–taking different form.


       . . . for matter is an expression of spirit in motion . . .


       Electricity or vibration is that same energy, same power, ye call God. Not that God is an electric light or an electric machine, but that vibration that is creative is of that same energy as life itself.


       As is understood, Life–God–in its essence is Vibration . . .


      The all-pervading presence of vibration has its foundation in the one force of the divine spirit, and all vibration is ultimately that spirit in motion and the variety of ways in which spirit has manifested in the material world. That one force and the vibrations associated with all aspects of the material world continue to affect each and every one of us. With that in mind, this book was written with the hope that it might make a contribution to our collective understanding of the nature of vibrations, how we continue to create and shape those vibrations, how vibrations impact the world around us, how all of life is vibration, and how vibrations are ultimately spirit in motion.

      1 The Edgar Cayce readings are numbered to maintain confidentiality. The first set of numbers (for example, “2419”) refers to the individual or group for whom the reading was given. The second set of numbers (for example, “1”) refers to the number of the reading for that individual or group.



       Edgar Cayce on Vibration

       For, all vibrations are part of the universal consciousness with each and every entity.


      The first mention of the term vibration in the Edgar Cayce material appears to have occurred on July 26, 1909, when Edgar Cayce was asked to give a reading by a father who was concerned about the health of his son. The child was twenty-one-months old and was suffering from dizzy spells and an infection in the knee that was creating problems with the boy’s right leg, causing the child to be weak and hesitant to take more than a few steps. The boy also had a difficult time sitting up straight. In spite of the fact that the boy’s parents had sought conventional medical help, the doctors had been unable to treat the child’s condition.

      More than forty years later, the boy’s sister supplied the Edgar Cayce archives with her memory of her brother’s situation:

       The doctors thought there was an infection in the knee joint, for he cried whenever he put any weight on his right leg and finally could not walk at all . . . it was becoming painful for him to sit up. His knee was badly swollen and inflamed and the doctors were planning to put his leg in a cast.

       4468-1 Reports

      Complicating the family’s situation at the time of the reading was the fact that the father was in Indiana on an extended business trip, while the mother, the son, and the couple’s other children were in Little Rock, Arkansas. When the boy’s father heard from his wife that their son’s condition had worsened, he immediately wrote to Edgar Cayce for a reading. In spite of the fact that Edgar Cayce was in Alabama at the time of the reading and the boy was in Arkansas, Cayce was somehow psychically able to provide a thorough description of the problem as well as a suggested course of treatment. More than one year later, the father would sign a sworn affidavit for a Boston research society, testifying to the efficacy of Cayce’s work. This is the content of that affidavit:

       November 21, 1910

       The following is my testimony regarding the illness of my child and the invaluable service Mr. Edgar Cayce rendered in affecting his cure.

       On or about July 17th, 1909, our baby boy 21 months old was taken very sick with a high fever, temperature 103, for 24 hours a physician was summoned and baby continued worse beginning to jerk considerably, which continued several days. Even after fever subsided, and was unable to hold himself up. Previous to being sick he was a very stout and healthy child walking and running everywhere. Two weeks went by and he was still unable to sit or stand, although without fever. Appetite good, but when he would attempt to stand he would fall and cry. Physician attending him all the time. After the fever subsided the doctor assured me the worse was over, so I continued my work on the road. It was after my leaving home that they discovered that baby’s inability to walk. My wife became alarmed and wrote me the situation. I wrote Mr. Edgar Cayce at Bowling Green, Ky. [Cayce would be in Alabama at the time of the reading] and asked him to diagnose the case, giving him Mrs. Putman’s address in Little Rock Ark. He immediately sent her a diagnosis and a copy of same to me at Terre Haute, Ind.

       At the time the above occurred my wife was visiting in Little Rock and on receiving Mr. Cayce’s diagnosis returned to Bowling Green, Ky. and placed baby under the care of Dr. T. W. Posey, osteopath. After reading diagnosis given by Mr. Cayce, Dr. Posey pronounced it true to his own. He treated the child nearly two months and dismissed him as cured. He is now three years old and in seeming perfect health. I take worlds of pleasure in making this sworn statement in behalf of Mr. Cayce, as it is very likely that our little boy would not be with us today in a bright, happy, healthy condition, both mentally and physically, had it not been through his assistance. I hope that his testimonial will aid some one else to find as much joy through his assistance as we have.

       Respectfully, F. O. Putnam, 1600 Park Ave., Little Rock, Ark.

       Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of Nov.


       [signed] E. R. Ratterres–Notary Public

      The reading stated that the child’s condition had caused a breakdown of the functioning of his internal organs. As a result, he was experiencing nausea, an enlarged liver, an excess of bile, immobility, an overtaxing of the kidneys, and a problem with circulation. The bowels were also impacted with excess waste material, which was aggravating the situation. If left untreated, Cayce warned that the condition might lead to paralysis as well as a curvature of the spine. The suggested treatments included a stimulation of the child’s nervous system, especially through the use of “vibrations” resulting from osteopathic adjustments and manipulation and a stimulation of the child’s elimination processes. The reading would be the first time that the Cayce information tied vibrations into the subject of health and healing, but it would certainly not be the last. Between 1909 and 1944 more than one thousand readings would discuss the importance of vibrations in connection with health, healing, and the treatment of illness and disease.

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