Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You. John Van Auken

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Edgar Cayce on the Spiritual Forces Within You - John Van Auken

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      Our Mind—Ever the Builder!

      Edgar Cayce’s deep-trance channeling brought a vision of the mind that few have seen. From his view, the mind is the shaper, the maker, and ever the “builder” of the person, of the soul. And what the mind is fed becomes its reality, even if that reality is an illusion, or worse, a perversion of the truth. And who is to blame for this? None other than ourselves. Cayce would not back away from the concept that each of us was given free will, and whether we engage it or not is our own doing or undoing. Therefore, we each have to take responsibility for what we feed our minds and what we think about most of the time.

      “In the material, the mental, and the spiritual experience of many souls, many entities, it has been found that there be those influences that do have their effect upon the thought of those that would do this or that. Who gives it? Self!

      “Just as it is when an entity, a body, fills its mind (mentally, materially) with those experiences … that add to the carnal forces of an experience. Just so does the mind become the builder throughout. And the mental mind, or physical mind, becomes carnally directed!

      “The mind is the builder ever, whether in the spirit or in the flesh. If one’s mind is filled with those things that bespeak of the spirit, that one becomes spiritual-minded.

      “As we may find in a material world: Envy, strife, selfishness, greediness, avarice, are the children of Man! Longsuffering, kindness, brotherly love, good deeds, are the children of the spirit of light.

      “Choose you (as it has ever been given) whom you will serve.” w(5753-1)

      How does one feed one’s mind spiritually? By deeper reflection and expanded awareness coming from within the higher mind. Cayce taught that our spirit already knows the Spirit of its Maker; all we have to do is give it some time and space to connect with that higher consciousness, as in this next reading:

      “But he that looks within is higher, for the spirit knows the Spirit of its Maker—and the children of same are as given. And, ‘My Spirit bears witness with your spirit,” says He that gives life! What is Life? A manifestation of the first cause—God!” (5753-1)

      Even when it comes to illnesses, Cayce directs us to the deeper mind. For him psychosomatic was not only a mental disorder, it was the cure! Mind over matter was a reality from his perspective.

      “(Q) What should I do to improve my mental condition in regards to ailments?

      “(A) Think in wholly constructive manner; that is, as this: There is creative in the system that which may meet the needs of the physical body in its everyday activity, and sufficient to store energy for the resuscitation of used forces. Make that known in self. As the mind accepts a condition as being positive, it acts upon that condition, yet when negative forces are continually set before self, and expected—and the expectancy is as of such to make the reaction of such a nature as to destroy, then negative forces become the more active. Necessary, then, that the body—any body—keep the near normal of a constructive building in the mind; for Mind is the Builder.” (202-4, his emphasis)

      He encouraged us to set aside some time to analyze ourselves!

      “Oft analyze, in self’s own inner self, the why’s of those desires and hopes, consider as to whether these are in keeping with the spiritual purposes.

      “For, while mind is the builder, it is the purpose, the intent with which an individual applies self mentally, that brings those physical results into materiality. And these should be kept coordinant one with another. For, as has been given, there must be those meetings of self in material manifestation of the ideals and purposes of the spiritual and mental aspirations of an individual. And be not deceived, God is not mocked; whatsoever a man sows, that must he also reap. And with what measure you mete [give], it will be measured to you again.” (257-252)

      Being mindful of one’s thoughts is a good first step from Cayce’s view, as in this following teaching:

      “As the mind and the body and the soul are the triune, so is there the feeding of the spiritual self in the ways and manners as the physical body is fed—by thought. For the mind is the builder, and as the soul thinketh so it is. Then during the period [of meditation] let it be in that attitude of constructive hopefulness.” (261-27)

      How about this? Constructive hopefulness. Now that’s the way live, even in the midst of difficulties or uncertainties.

      Setting an ideal or standard around which we will hold our mind in constructive hopefulness is a powerful tool.

      “Keep self in attunement with an ideal. Let the ideal be that in keeping with those conditions as have been outlined for the body. These are the truths most to be kept most before self: mind, the builder—but guided spiritually brings for those elements in the life as, when they have grown to seed, bring those conditions of a gratifying nature to the individual and individual development. Wherein there are allowed those of the carnal, or of the material nature to be predominating—these may have for the time being their glossiness and their gratification of physical desires, but ‘there is a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is death.’” (270-25)

      In that last line Cayce is quoting from Proverbs 14:12 and 16:25. Humanity has come to understand the “midlife crisis” quote well. It is when we pursued the material dream, and yet around midlife, we find that “having it all” is not satisfying. We find that we want more out of life than material success and things. True happiness comes to us as we connect with the more eternal things of life: love, friendship, kindness, gentleness, making a difference in another person’s life, and so on. These are the things that bring us contentment and peaceful happiness.

      In this next teaching, Cayce shows how our motivation generates the impulse, then our mind builds on it, but in the end our will directs. We can often know what’s best, even desire to do our best, but somehow our actions run off the track. Our will is the power needed to be developed in order to express our mind’s wisdom. And our will needs to be exercised just like a muscle or brain cell. The more we engage our will, the more effective it becomes, and we hold closer to our ideal or standard to live by.

      “Keep self in that balance which is in accord with being in that attitude of sincerity with self towards the ideal, and better conditions are the natural result; for mind is the builder. As to what the impulse creates for same, is with the will of the individual.” (279-17)

      He warns:

      “If you fill your mind with the cares of the world day by day, you may not in the moment give the best that is in the life of those that live the Christ-life—even as Jesus gave the new commandment, ‘that you love one another.’” (281-39)

      As difficult as it may be to believe until it is experienced, love in one’s life is more fulfilling than material things. To love and be loved, to help another person feel loved, to go through a day with the spirit of love is to know happiness and joy and deep, lasting contentment.

      “ … where the heart is does the mind (the builder) dwell the more often. Then, in the storehouse of such knowledge may the entity gain that which will not only enable it in the present to find interesting study and worthwhile activity, but to lend self to that force or opportunity of self-development that will enable the soul forces to be advanced and expanded in influences and abilities of the

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