Another Batch of Warm Buns: Spanking short stories of erotic, play and discipline. Susan Kohler
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Jesse Guerrero, the building’s head janitor, always came in late in the afternoon to straighten up the swank Law Offices of Eldrich and Tremain. He wasn’t really there to clean, it was only an excuse to take a break and visit a friend. During the day, with the offices still busy and fully staffed, he only did light touch ups: Just wiping off tables and desks, emptying trash cans, re-shelving books and straightening the chairs in the law library, wiping off the table in the conference rooms, and sponging up the small kitchenette and the tables in the lunch room. Most of the staff hardly noticed him. He prided himself on being polite, quiet and unobtrusive while the staff was busy.
Later in the evening when the offices were deserted, except of course for the occasional late working law clerk, paralegal or junior partner, Jesse and his cleaning crew did all the major work. He and his crew polished the offices to a high luster. Every surface was completely cleaned. All the wood was polished, the counters sprayed and wiped completely clean. The desktops were carefully cleared, cleaned, and any papers and anything else was put back so that they were in the exact place they were before cleaning, although the office rule was that all sensitive papers were to be locked up every night.
Jesse noted if there was a clerk leaving things out he or she should not, without reading the confidential papers. He reported to one of the firm’s senior partners if he felt there was a problem, although he and his crew had all signed confidentiality agreements.
He knew the firm could be open to a major lawsuit if any information were to be leaked. After the desks were cleaned, all the floors were moped, vacuumed or scrubbed; he searched out dirt and grime until the offices were gleaming and perfect.
For about the last week, getting everything perfect had been easier said than done. There was a problem with a paralegal or young lawyer working in the law library late every night that week. She was beautiful and haughty, looking down on the cleaning crew as if they were insignificant bugs. She acted as if Jesse should feel honored to clean up her mess, and she really made a terrible mess. The law library was disorganized, with books and papers strewn all over, and wads of paper near the trash can but not in it. The small kitchenette had crumbs and spilled coffee covering almost every surface, even after he had cleaned it once that evening. The ladies room had to be cleaned twice. Even her desk was all cluttered, including several files marked “confidential” with papers peaking out of them. There were scraps of food in her office and the law library, and coffee spilled everywhere. Food and coffee both stained the carpet. Not only that, but in the smoke free building, there were cigarette butts and ashes everywhere. There was a cigarette burn on the side of an expansive coffee table. Jesse was livid.
“Ma’am, could you please try not to spill food on the carpet?” Jesse asked politely, controlling his temper. “And remember, it’s against the law to smoke inside the building, not to mention disgusting.”
“If you don’t like cleaning up after people, why are you a janitor? Is it because you don’t have enough brains to get a real job?” she snapped back at him, eyes flashing. “Maybe I’ll complain to one of the senior partners about your attitude and get you fired.”
“You want to complain about me? Go ahead,” Jesse said in a tight voice. “I’ve been cleaning these offices for six years. I think my record will stand up to your accusations. Bitch.”
The sheer nerve of a janitor calling her a name left her speechless for a moment. He was long gone before she muttered under her breath, “Bastard!”
Jesse quickly opened a closet and took out a camera he knew was kept there for the use of the lawyers. He checked the flash, then quickly went back to where the girl was sitting and shot several quick pictures of the messy room, with her included in the pictures.
“What’s that for?” she asked, jumping up from her desk.
“Evidence. You work in a law office, you must have heard of it. Just covering my behind, ma’am,” he shot back. “What do you think I am? Stupid?”
“Give me that!” she ordered.
“Yeah, that’ll work. Not! I’ll let you have it in James’ office tomorrow,” Jesse told her, “and the three of us can discuss this. By the way, clean this office. I did it once, I’m not going to redo it because of you.” He left the office the way it was.
Unbeknownst to the haughty beauty, Jesse had a secret. It was also a secret from most of the law firm’s staff. Jesse was no ordinary janitor. He was the sole owner of the huge company that maintained a lion’s share of the offices in the greater Los Angeles area. He cleaned this particular building himself for three reasons: First, to keep up with and train various crew members; new hires always worked with him at that building for the first ninety days. Second, it was his first building, the first building his firm had a contract to clean, which made it the start of his dream. And last, his very personal friendship with James, one of the senior partners at the firm.
If they knew about it, other members of the firm might wonder at the close friendship between the tall, handsome Yankee blue-blood lawyer and the shorter, stocky, round-faced Mexican-American janitor. The two men had little in common. The only outward similarity were the men’s’ smiles. They both had smiles filled with the secret to the joy of life. Less visible, they also shared a certain devilish outlook on life. Outsiders would not see these things so they might speculate as to why two such different men spent a few minutes everyday locked in James’ office with a drink, whether it be coffee, cola, or even a cocktail, depending on their mood. Few understood the friendship, a friendship formed at a party held by The Paddle Club, a local and very discrete club for spanking enthusiasts, especially those who favor over the knee spankings.
The Paddle Club was an eclectic mix of all social strata and differing types of people. They had monthly parties in a beautiful old building just outside town. A discrete brass sign by the door read: PC Members Only. The club was a great place for fun and games, especially spanking games, but it was also a good place for socializing and many real friendships had been formed at the parties.
The club, even with its foundation in spanking, was actually very respectable. Drinking was limited, over-intoxication was discouraged and drugs banned completely. Spankings were often done out in the open, publicly, but always voluntarily on both sides. Code words were used to prevent things from going too far. The only time spankings appeared not to be voluntary and code words were rarely used was at a member’s initiation, and then a club member acted as host and monitored things so nothing went too far. Nudity, to any degree, even just bare bottoms, was only by consent. Other than the spankings, all sex was private and normally only between married couples or life partners. Of course, no one under 21 was allowed.
Jesse and James’ friendship had started at the club, at the very bottom. Literally at the bottom. The bottom of a young, blond woman that is. The two had met when Jesse was initiated but they had never really talked until they were both spanking the blond. Jesse was spanking her left cheek and James was spanking her right. At one point they looked up and as their eyes met, they exchanged quick grins and began an unspoken race to see who could paddle the now dark pink, curvy bottom the fastest and hardest. The race went undecided when the girl yelped and said, “Stop!”
The blond jumped up rubbing her very red bottom, but she had a grin on her face and amusement in her eyes as she said, “You two are dangerous!” Laughing, she submitted to inspection to determine the contest winner. There was a drink riding on the outcome.
Jesse was determined to have lost. He bought drinks for James and himself and also for the blond victim. That was it. The contest was over but the friendship had just begun, and has grown ever since. Jesse had been