Twelve Upon A Time... August: The “Yad Gnihton Taerg” on the Mirror Planet Bedside Story Collection Series. Edward Galluzzi
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Table of Contents
Other books by Edward Galluzzi
Twelve Upon A Time...
The “Yad Gnihton Taerg”
on the Mirror Planet
Bedside Story Collection Series
Written by Edward Galluzzi, PhD
Drawings by: Adam, Sarah, Sharon and Hannah Bocik
CCB Publishing, British Columbia, Canada
Twelve Upon A Time... August: The “Yad Gnihton Taerg” on the Mirror Planet
Bedside Story Collection Series
Copyright ©1988, 2001, 2009, 2012 by Edward Galluzzi
ISBN-13 978-1-927360-62-0
First Edition
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Galluzzi, Edward, 1951-
Twelve upon a time... [electronic resource] / written by Edward Galluzzi ; drawings by Adam Bocik ... [et al.].
(Bedside story collection series)
Contents: [v. 8] August : the “Yad Gnihton Taerg” on the mirror planet
Electronic monograph issued in PDF format.
ISBN 978-1-927360-62-0 (v. 8)
Also issued in print format.
I. Bocik, Adam II. Title. III. Series: Galluzzi, Edward, 1951- .
Bedside story collection series.
PZ7.G144Twe 2011 j813'.6 C2011-907392-7
Illustrated by Adam, Sarah, Sharon and Hannah Bocik.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the express written permission of the publisher.
CCB Publishing
British Columbia, Canada
Twelve Upon A Time...
The “Yad Gnihton Taerg”
on the Mirror Planet
“A Keepsake Book”
Presented With Love To
Presented With Love By
I wish to express my appreciation to Joe and Ellen Bocik, my neighbors and friends. Their children’s contribution of 144 drawings appear in the 12 monthly chapters of the original black and white third edition book, Twelve Upon a Time... Each chapter is now part of a new 12 book “Bedside Story Collection Series” and the drawings that appear in each book are printed in the wonderment of color. Each monthly story is unique and illustrated by children whose interpretation of the words help tell the stories, as seen through their eyes.
These colored drawings were created by Adam Bocik (age 12), Sarah Bocik (age 10) and Sharon Bocik (age 7). I also wish to thank Hannah Bocik (age 7 months) for her singular drawing, which appears in the December book. All their drawings represent the genuine imagination only children can bring to life. Their drawings enrich each of the 12 stories and provide parents and their children an enriching experience told beyond the words. Enjoy each of the 12 books in this “Bedside Story Collection Series.” Pleasant dreams!
This is the eighth book in a 12 book “Bedside Story Collection Series” spanning across the 12 months of the year. Each of the 12 bedside stories is reprinted in color from the author’s black and white third edition book Twelve Upon A Time... Each monthly story is unique and illustrated by the original drawings of children whose interpretation of the words can only be seen through their eyes.
This bedside story and all the stories are written to further the imagination of children and to strengthen the parent and child bond through the sharing of heartwarming, silly, absurd and believably impossible tales.
Stay tuned for all 12 of the “Bedside Story Collection Series”.
On the mirror planet, Tenalp, everything appeared topsy-turvy to non-inhabitants of Tenalp. However, to the Tenalpians, everything looked, as it should be. Visitors were confused and bewildered while Tenalpians were unaffected by their mirrored world. What looked backward to the former appeared forward to the latter.
The leader of Tenalp was Sir Ssur. Sir Ssur was a tall standing figure even by the standards of Tenalpians. Tenalpians, on average,