Spirit is Talking to You: True Stories of Signs, Wonders, Inspiration, Love and Connection. Joan Doyle
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“When you see nature Justin, do you see the clouds moving sometimes slowly, sometimes swiftly across the sky? Or a single blade of grass growing? Or perhaps the fading sunset? These all are part of a divine plan and order, moving at their own speed, in their own fashion. Our prayers are like that. We give them up to our Creator and then we need to wait for an answer. Sometimes it comes in a few moments, sometimes within weeks and sometimes once in a lifetime. Larry spoke enthusiastically.
“Yes I understand, but what does this have to do with the penny?”
Larry then pulled out the penny he had just picked up outside the restaurant. “Do you see what it says?”
“Yes, of course I do, In God We Trust”
“Exactly. Not in government, not in the money upon which it is printed. Not in love, family, or nations, but in God. The one thing we will always have. It cannot be taken away, nor can we be separate from it, and especially, most especially when we listen.”
“OK, I think I am beginning to understand.” I mused and he continued, “What you didn’t know Justin was that I had been trying to make a decision about selling my old Karmann Ghia, you know the one that I have had since the 60’s?”
“Yes I do, you love that car and I can see how it would be hard to part with.”
“Well I have been going back and forth on the decision to sell it, and to let it go. I don’t use a stick shift and clutch as well as I did at your age. Just before I arrived at the restaurant I was thinking about selling the Ghia again and I decided it was time. And then within a few moments, we look down and find this penny. To me this is a prayer answered in the affirmative - yes, it is a good idea to sell the car.”
Larry gave me the penny with this admonition, “When you are having trouble with a decision, turn it over and see how your prayers are answered. I think you will be very much surprised”
And with that, I silently sent a prayer to God saying, “OK God, I will listen and I appreciate any guideposts, or penny’s along my path that you care to send me. Thank You.”
It wasn’t very long after making my affirmation that I began to find wherever I went, not only pennies, but also nickels, dimes, quarters, and even Euros too! As a seeker on the spiritual Path, always desiring to know God’s will for my life, it struck me as a wonderful, yet so simple reminder of my alignment with a higher power. It is said, “It is done unto you as you believe,” and so it is with me now as I believe that the found penny is an affirmation that I am on my perfect path. I have been amazed by the ways in which such a simple signpost has helped.
I have shared my penny stories with friends who, similarly inspired, have taken up this idea and now have their own stories of affirmation to tell. My wife Joan took on this concept with enthusiasm as you will see from the stories she shares. We hope when you read our stories they inspire you to play with these ideas and find you are not alone. There is guidance and connection available at your feet if you decide to see it. In this on-going conversation with God, thankfully pennies are plentiful and God is patient.....
Spirit is Talking to Me
By Joan Doyle
A book of stories about found pennies, I think, as I get out of bed. I have my doubts. My husband raves about his found pennies, as he feels they are an affirmation that he is on the right Path! They each say, “In God we Trust,” and he is very trusting in God. I’ve rarely met anyone who believes God takes such a personal interest in what happens to him. I totally love his idea that God leaves us signs and I find my own pennies, but people can be so skeptical when we tell our stories. Even if they believe in God or Spirit, they don’t believe God came out of his or her heaven and placed that penny there as a message for insignificant little me or Justin. They smile, indulging their kooky friends, and I can’t help imagining they are thinking “These two have bats in the belfry; someone simply dropped it and didn’t pick it up!”
So yeah, I have written several of our stories out, but I’m not convinced a book of them would be riveting reading. I love to read inspirational material myself. I think it’s a must, actually, if we are to keep guard of our thoughts, and stay in a place of possibility and openness to God or Good or the Universe–whatever you have decided to call it. And yes, we do more than occasionally find a person who has a penny story of their own or a story of how they felt they got a sign of some kind. People on the Path do ask for guidance and even pray for a sign so they can know they are moving in alignment with Spirit and doing what is in the greater good. I remember a woman who found white feathers and believed they were a sign an angel was watching over her and things would work out OK. And there was the lady who found playing cards and felt they had significance for her. The truth is if God is everywhere present, omnipotent and omniscient, then it’s totally plausible that we could see his/her handiwork everywhere.
Yes I believe all people are an expression of Spirit, of God, so people can be angels in our lives, and people drop pennies. Spirit works through people. I have certainly been affected by things people say in passing–something that takes me out of my rut of repetitious thinking or petty concerns. Like the older man at the supermarket yesterday. He was just so sweet as he carried the kitty litter to the car for me. He said to come find him in the store if I ever needed anything carried. He was so obliging it made me think what a spirit of willing service–of love to be more accurate–he brought to his job. I was touched by his attitude and it made me want to have a better attitude myself.
Of course I feel I have many angels in my life; I am grateful for that. Justin is a major blessing and a wonderful encouragement to me in all of my endeavors, as even now he extorts me to put our stories into book form.
I’m still not convinced, as I ready myself for my day at the library where I work part-time. Funny, I think, how I resist getting in the shower when I am warm and dry in my bed in the morning, and how when all warm and wet, I resist going out into the cool air to dry off again. We humans don’t like change much, do we?! Still, if we stay put, it’s not much fun either in the long run. We need variety. Maybe if the book of stories could be more than just about pennies, but signs in general–messages from the universe, love notes from the ever-present Spirit in a myriad of shapes and manifestations, maybe then I could get behind it. I’ve certainly experienced those in many forms. Maybe today I can be more watchful. What we look for we find; I am familiar with that idea. I often tell the people I counsel to watch for love in their relationships–to be love finders, instead of fault finders. OK, I’m decided; I am looking for Spirit’s guidance, looking for a sign that this is the way to go with my writing.
I reach in the closet for my denims. I like this idea of watching for the good in my life. I think it’s bound to increase my happiness whether I write the book or not. I stick my hand in to flatten the pockets of my denims. What’s this? There’s a laundered and folded paper in here. I pull it out. It’s a ten dollar bill. God! That’s better than a penny; the higher the denomination, the more resounding the YES! I can’t wait to tell Justin–talk about an instant answer! Thank you Spirit.
And just in case I was in any doubt that I got full approval for a book about the universe’s messages to us, this was not the only sign I got that day. When I got to work at the library, the very first book in the pile to be checked in on my arrival, out of all the possible topics was, “Finding a Literary Agent.” And with that book was a bookmark inscribed with a quote from St. Francis de Sales. It told me, “Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you.”
I am listening and