Shadow Lane Volume Eleven: The Venus Club A Novel of Sex, Spanking and Modern Love. Eve Howard

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Shadow Lane Volume Eleven: The Venus Club A Novel of Sex, Spanking and Modern Love - Eve Howard Shadow Lane

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said Pamela sincerely, “but I have the feeling that he gets up to so much that no one could ever know it all.”

      “But might not full disclosure breed jealousy and resentment?” asked Amanda, not forgetting that she probably had the most to conceal from Pamela if she wanted to retain her budding friendship.

      “I’d still rather know the truth,” said Pamela, then turning the question back on Amanda, adding, “wouldn’t you?”

      “You mean about Colby?” Amanda grinned, trying to imagine Colby even thinking about approaching another girl while they were apart. She simply knew that he would not. She owned him that year, brain, body and soul. He was living for the moment, approximately once month hence, in the London airport when they would reunite after their June separation and spend the next month traveling Europe together. And except for a few local distractions, she was living for that moment too. Because for all the attention she was getting from wealthy Raphael and Jaime the pool boy, it was the hand written post cards from Colby that made her heart contract with joy.

      “All right, Hope, ask your question,” said Alison.

      “Did David play with you that first month you came out?” Hope asked immediately.

      Alison hesitated for just a moment, before admitting, “Yes, but let me explain. He only did it to make me feel better after I found out that Freddie had been playing with Polyxena.”

      Every eyed turned on the fair Netherlander in the bosom hugging toile halter dress. Blushing and sipping her white wine, the thirty something beauty gave a little shrug and stammered, “I was curious.”

      “I find that statement reasonable and I am satisfied,” remarked Hope.

      “There’s something I should add,” said Alison. “About Freddie. Because it’s brought me to a curious emotional pass that most of you have probably never experienced. You see, shortly after I started seeing Freddie I found out that he’s not a top but a switch.”

      Eyebrows were raised all around as a hush fell over the room.

      “Yes, I was surprised too,” said Alison. “He wasn’t ever going to tell me, but it was how he justified having played with Polyxena while dating me.” Polyxena Guzman looked puzzled, so Alison hastened to explain to the fair-haired spa owner, “You see, everyone thought you were a dom when you came to Random Point, including Freddie, who apparently thought you were flirting with him in a mistressy sort of way and became extremely excited by the prospect of subbing to you. When he discovered he had misunderstood you, he pressed his inner reset button and topped you instead. And if I’m not mistaken, satisfactorily?”

      Polyxena blushed and nodded.

      Alison sighed. “When Freddie told me all this I was doubly upset. First because I was jealous of suddenly having to compete with a blonde goddess for the attentions of my man,” said Alison, without rancor, for the hurt had long since been healed by the constant attentions of her loving and loyal fiancé. “But also because I had to confront the fact that that my man is a switch, which didn’t shock, but confused me. I needed to ponder how I really felt about this revelation, so I pretended to be angry only at the fact that Freddie hadn’t trusted me enough to tell me the truth from the beginning. In the interest of fairness and political correctitude, I also felt I had to man up, if you will, and offer him the erotic release he had sought with Polyxena. After all, he is the man I love and I’m sophisticated in the ways of the scene, so why should I want to deprive him of his chosen foreplay? Using his betrayal of me with Polyxena as an excuse to punish him, I became the dominatrix from hell over that poor, hapless man. I thrashed him and told him I would keep on doing so, forever, but that he could never dominate me again,” said Alison before pausing to take a sip of wine. “Well, this unnatural state of affairs went on for a couple of weeks, with me becoming bossier and more brittle every day and Freddie visibly chaffing under my draconian rule, but too miserably abject at having been found to have cheated on me, to protest. Then finally it all came to a head when he found out that I had consoled myself briefly with David, as I said.” Alison nodded somewhat apologetically to Hope, who blew Alison a kiss of forgiveness. “As soon as Freddie found out he had something on me, he shook off the yoke of domestic oppression I had been submitting him to and gave me to understand that my days of domming him were permanently at an end. And he was right. As a dom, I was a tyrant. I became my father. Was I truly mean, or merely resentful at having been forced into the dominant role? (Even though I was the one who forced myself into it.) So my question is this, should we ever try to change our roles?”

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