Sharon. Sioux Dallas
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Deep in her sorrow, Sharon didn’t hear Linda knock lightly, open the door and walk in. “Good morning, merry sunshine,” chimed the lovely, lilting voice of her friend. Surprised, Sharon whirled with a gasp and grabbed for the sunglasses on the table.
“Sharon!” Linda shrieked. “What happened? Did Jeremy do that to you?” she asked through tight lips and a clenched jaw. Linda knew the gossip about Jeremy.
“What? Oh, you mean this?” Sharon answered with a small, nervous laugh. “Heavens no, just clumsy me. I --uh -- tripped in the dark and fell against the uh -- coffee table. Unfamiliar house, you know. I’ve done that a lot lately.”
“Honey, you’d be surprised at the number of women who claim to have tripped or run into something. It is common knowledge that darling Jeremy is not such a darling. It’s also common knowledge that he’s drinking heavily and is constantly in hot water with Gen. Huff. Girl friend, you know I’m not fooled. Now give.”
A couple of tears escaped and rolled down Sharon’s cheek as she ducked her head and turned to walk out of the kitchen. “I’ll get my purse. Linda, you’re a dear to worry about me, but really, I’m fine. Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll be ready.”
“Sharon, you need help, but I can’t help you unless you’re willing to admit it and cooperate.” Sharon waved a hand over her shoulder and went into her bedroom.
When Sharon and Linda met the other two wives, Sharon told them the same story she had told Linda. The women looked at Linda with raised eyebrows and frowns, but she shook her head in warning and started an upbeat conversation. There was some good-natured arguing about what they would do first before they got to the serious business of shopping.
Feeling very protective toward Sharon, Linda declared to herself that she would discuss the situation with Philip that night. He’ll know how to deal with it, she thought.
That evening Linda waited impatiently for Philip to come home. She ran and jumped into his arms talking excitedly and trying not to cry, but babbling in her distress.
“Shh. Calm down, sweetheart. I can’t understand what you’re saying,” He cuddled her closer. It was several minutes before she was able to tell him about the sweet young girl they had learned to love like a little sister.
“Sweetheart,” Philip comforted her. “I know how upset you are. I’m furious. Sharon is a sweet, decent young lady. Several of us have been discussing Jeremy’s drinking, womanizing and irresponsible behavior. He has enough warnings to take him out of the flying program entirely. A man with his behavior is too dangerous to himself, and others, to be allowed to fly. Gen. Huff needs to know of this latest episode.”
Jeremy didn’t come home until late the following afternoon and found orders to report to Gen. Huff. Capt. Pallister had asked permission to be included in the meeting.
“Lt. Taylor, looking at your record I can see you’re not a stranger to breaking rules and getting into trouble. You’ve been given many advantages and you still don’t use common sense. Can you explain to me what is wrong with you?” General Huff asked angrily.
“There’s nothing wrong with me, Sir. People are jealous of me,” he glared at Philip. “My wife is not a good military wife and I’m having problems with her. I’ll take care of it and you’ll not have to see me in here again.”
“I’ve heard that story before. Due to the fact that you’re in a security position, I had your wife investigated as soon as you married. I’m impressed with the excellent report on her. It so happens I know her parents, and yours. Both families are above reproach. You, on the other hand, are a black eye to the service and an embarrassment to this base. The next time you’re brought before me, you WILL receive maximum punishment which will be a demotion in all possible forms. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” Jeremy snapped angrily and jerked a salute. He backed up to turn and leave.
“Hold it, soldier,” the General went on. “Capt. Pallister, did you have something to add?”
“Yes, thank you, Sir. Knowing the serious trouble Lt. Taylor has been in, and knowing the ungentlemanly manner with which he has treated his wife, my staff and I have arrived at a decision. Our recommendation is that Lt. Taylor be required to see Dr. Harrison, who is an excellent psychiatrist.”
“I concur,” Gen. Huff looked at Jeremy. “This will go into your records. Make sure you make the appointment with Dr. Harrison and --”
“That’s not fair,” Jeremy interrupted heatedly.
Gen. Huff continued firmly. “Lt. Taylor, you’d better count your blessings, keep quiet and cooperate. You’re in enough trouble. If your present behavior continues, your rank will be reduced and you could face a dishonorable discharge. You WILL see the psychiatrist. You WILL abide by rules and regulations. You WILL get help for your drinking. You WILL treat your wife with the respect she deserves. You WILL cooperate or what happens to you won’t be anyone’s fault but your own. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” His blue eyes were snapping.
“Yes, Sir!” Jeremy said with a brazen expression. He again saluted, turned smartly and marched out with stiff, angry strides.
“I’m surprised he got this far in the Air Force. There’s a young man with a lot of emotional problems. He’s had the world at his feet and doesn’t have the maturity to deal with it,” Gen Huff observed. He sighed and ran his fingers through thick, wavy, gray hair. At five-eleven he was in excellent physical condition.
Jeremy was in a murderous mood. He accepted the fact that not everyone agreed with him, but chalked it up to their ignorance. He could not accept the fact that he had been disciplined and not allowed to do as he pleased. Too, he was irate that Philip had witnessed his correction and had given his suggestions. Most of all, he was angry at Sharon and blamed her for all that had occurred. Philip outranked him and he could not rave at a superior officer, even one considered a friend. He grinned evilly as he thought of Sharon.
When Jeremy staggered in the door late that evening, Sharon was hoping for peace. She wanted to know what happened at the hearing, but knew better than to ask. Before she could speak he was screaming at her.
“Little Miss Puritan,” he raved drunkenly. “You may have other people fooled, but I know you for what you are, and so does my mother. Your friend, old pretty boy Philip, recommended a psychiatrist for me. He must have gotten the idea from you.”
“Jeremy, what idea do you think Philip got from me? I’ve always been proud of you and supported you.”
“Not like mom does.”
Much to Sharon’s relief, Jeremy staggered over to the couch and passed out. She tried to think through what was happening. Obviously Jeremy has told his mother lies and she has encouraged him in his irresponsible behavior. Dear Lord, what shall I do? Maybe it’s time to confide in Dad Taylor, and maybe my dad. I can’t shoulder this alone. Father, where are you? Why have you forsaken me? Oh, forgive me. I know you never leave us. It’s we that leave you. I’ve tried too long on my own. I’m now leaving it in your hands.
Jeremy roused to see Sharon walking the floor