Red Snow. Sean Ryan Stuart
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“You think you’re up for a hot date this weekend, CPT Grant? I am approving a three-day pass for you, and just to make sure that you enjoy yourself I am to go along with you.”
“OK, sure,” stuttered Jeremy. I don’t know what to say, do you have any particular plans?” He asked sheepishly.
“Yep, don’t you worry about honey, this little Cajun girl is going to take good care of you. Putain alors, tu vas avoir un beau temp” (Shit, you are going to have a good time), she slowly said in French, and smiled at him.
Jeremy wasn’t sure of what she said, but he assumed it was very nasty and he was going to have a good ole time with this Southern Belle. Loretta told him to be ready at 18:30 hours. He returned to his room, and nervously paced the floor until CPT De Faut came by to pick him up. At exactly 18:35 hours, she knocked on his door. Jeremy excitedly rushed to the door and opened it. Miss Loretta Q. De Faut stood before Grant, wearing a spectacular low-cut gown showing a healthy amount of cleavage and long, lovely legs.
“Mama Mia,” he whispered.
“You sure are a sight for sore eyes, ma’am,” he blurted out like a young country boy on his first date.
For the first time, Loretta blushed slightly and looked into his eyes and said, “You don’t look so bad yourself, Jeremy. I am ready to show you the town, so just sit back and let me do the driving.”
“Okay, ma’am, let’s move out and have some fun,” Jeremy answered, not knowing what he was getting himself into.
Loretta led Jeremy to the parking lot. Standing in the red No Parking Zone, was an equally “Ferrari” red Mustang convertible. The car glistened; every piece of chrome sparkled like a diamond necklace.
“Wow, you really know how to make a guy feel good. Where did you pick up this beauty?” Grant stammered.
Loretta suddenly grew silent, and looked down, her eyes tearing up.
“Oh, it belonged to a man who no longer needs it, and I’d rather not talk about it anymore, so let’s get out of here and party,” Loretta answered, her voice breaking with sorrow.
Jeremy realized that he had accidentally blundered, and decided not to push the subject until a more appropriate time. He opened the door for her, and once again admired her incredible body from a more strategic position.
“A tit man, are you, CPT Grant?” she suddenly blurted out.
Jeremy was caught by surprise; he honestly thought that she hadn’t noticed his piercing and lecherous glance.
“Guilty, as charged, ma’am! I am one of those damn Yankees who preys upon helpless ‘Southern Belles.’ I am sorry, Loretta, I haven’t been near or thought about women in months. I guess my eyes are guilty as charged. Please forgive my bad manners,” Jeremy replied with a lecherous smile.
“Now, now, there is no need to apologize, I would be disappointed if you didn’t stare. Hey, you don’t think I spent two hours squeezing into this corset for nothing, do you? I strongly believe that it is the duty of all men to stare at and enjoy ladies bosoms,” Loretta shot back at Jeremy.
Loretta’s beautiful Mustang slowly wound its way through the busy San Francisco traffic. San Francisco’s traffic is nearly always heavy, but Friday night has a way of bringing out even the most aggressive and crazed driver. Jeremy admired her agile handling of the beautiful little red Mustang. Loretta showed traces of driving habits which were extraordinary for anyone; especially for a young and beautiful doctor.
“I am impressed, where did you learn how to drive like that?” shouted Jeremy over the din of traffic.
“What do you mean, monsieur? I always drive like this,” Loretta replied.
“I believe you, but how do still have your driver’s license?” Grant laughed.
“My, monsieur, are we always so critical on the first date? I am a very good driver, n’est-ce pas, cheri? (Isn’t that so, darling)”
“Okay, okay, spoil sport, if you must really know. I spent a year as an exchange student in Paris, France, studying at the Sorbonne, prior to medical school. My French lover, Henri LeClerc Toussaint, taught me how to drive, and make love French style,” Loretta answered with a smirk.
“Well ma’am, if your lovemaking capabilities are half as good as your driving style, I am in for a real treat,” Jeremy answered, laughingly.
“Please, answer one thing for me, where are we going in such a hurry?” Jeremy wanted to know.
“Hang on, Jeremy. We are going after treasure, on Treasure Island. Haven’t you ever been on Treasure Island, cheri?”
“Nope,” answered Jeremy.
“Well, there is this beautiful island, right in the middle of San Francisco Bay, and it is called Treasure Island. It has the most beautiful view of San Francisco, and it’s cheap, even if we have the admiral suite at the Bachelors Officer Quarters (BOQ).”
“Huh, what do you mean, admiral’s suite?” asked Grant suspiciously.
“Don’t you worry, mon cher (my dear), Loretta will take care of ‘The general’.”
“Hold on there, sweetie, what general, who, what are you talking about?” Jeremy asked.
“Haven’t you heard, mon cher? You have been promoted to Brigadier General. Therefore, you deserve an admiral’s suite, okay, oui?”
“Look, cheri, darling, sweetness, I don’t mind a little fun in the hay, but I don’t want to end up in Leavenworth for impersonating a General officer!” stated Jeremy.
“Alors, (And) this is the way you thank me for getting you the best suite in the city? You are worrying too much about going to the Bastille for a few years,” she said, her Cajun blood beginning to show signs of cooking.
“I promise you, mon cher, everything will be just fine” Loretta replied, her voice beginning to take on a slightly irritated pitch to it. Patience, patience she thought, after all, he is only an “homme” (man).
“Well, I hope so. I am not really the confinement type, if you know what I mean. How are we going to handle this?” quizzed Jeremy.
“You just let ‘Tante’ (Auntie) Loretta do all the talking for you.”
“Do you really think anyone is going to believe that a twenty-six-year-old, young-looking captain is going to be a Brigadier General?” Grant asked anxiously.
Jeremy finally calmed down and began to appreciate the idea. He realized that it could have some serious consequences, but it could also have some interesting possibilities. He looked at the beautiful Loretta and blurted out, “You are the most amazing woman, I have ever met. Let’s have some fun and scare the shit out of these Navy squids,” Jeremy stated, as they slowly drove over the Bay Bridge.
“Mon Dieu, (My God), thank God, you are finally