Our Father's Generation. F. M. Worden
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He said, “Taking passengers up is a good money maker.” He was looking forward to the next summer to get going on a tour.
I slept in the office that night and dreamed of Allie and barnstorming. I was awake on and off all night, I was wondering if I could do the things with an airplane Jack had talked about.
At sunup Allie was setting on the cot when I woke up. I got a great good morning kiss. We had breakfast at the diner and a long talk about our future together. She had it all planned out. “We’ll buy a big airplane and charter together and make lots of money. This depression will soon be over and everyone will want to fly, it’ll be great to fly with you.”
I told her she is my whole future, flying or not. “I love you and I want to be with you all the time.” How great it was that she wanted me.
This wonderful time had to come to an end and it did, too soon to suit me. Allie had left in her car to run an errand for Jack.
The doctor and his family showed up around nine a.m. We were loaded and ready to taxi to the runway when Allie showed up. She came running over and banged on my side window. I opened the window and stuck my head out, she gave me a goodbye kiss on the lips and yelled, “Phone me when you get home, I have to know you’re safe.” I waved and shook my head yes.
I taxied to the runway and gunned the Stinson into the air, she lifted off like a bird on the wing. We headed east toward home.
The doctor sat beside me and asked about Allie. The engine makes a lot of noise so we had to talk pretty loud, I know his wife heard our conversation. I told him I was going to marry the girl, but I didn’t want people at home to know just yet. He said he would keep my secret. He told me my girl was a beauty. Of course, I agreed.
When we landed at home, Uncle Bob was there and told me he had charters lined up as far as the eye could see. My Uncle was one good hustler, no wonder he was a rich man.
All that winter I stayed in the air most of the time, I must have gone to or crossed over thirty states.
On one trip, I flew a party of hunters to Colorado for big game, another party to Texas to hunt birds. All the men were nice to me except two state reps. I flew them to the state capital. We hit some rough wind and got bounced a bit. The two men said I was a bad pilot and would not recommend me to anyone. What can you expect of a couple democrats?
In December I flew two well-dressed men to Chicago. We arrived just as a big snow storm hit, I want-a tell ya, I was lucky to find the O’Hare airport. Somehow I had a guiding angel that day, the whole country was socked in and I got a break in the clouds just in time to get landed. I could see both guys were sweating heavy, I acted like it was nothing, but I’ll tell ya, I said a few prayers that time before I got on the ground.
The airport was snowed in, I couldn’t get off and the airport authority wouldn’t give me clearance anyway.
One of my passengers, the little guy, invited me to stay at his home in the suburbs. His house was the biggest place I had ever seen. He had a wife, two young girls and a house full of servants. All the people there treated me super, I had a really nice bedroom and the food was great, I spent the better part of two weeks there.
The storm let up and the airport called and said I could get off, I was sent out in a taxi. On the way, a police car pulled us over and I was held in a police station the rest of the day and all night.
It seems I was the guest of a gangster. The little guy I was staying with was Al Capone’s Jewish bookkeeper, Sam Coleman, the other man was Al’s bodyguard, Eddie Gurney. The cop who questioned me said Eddie was a killer. They kept me for two days until a lawyer showed up and told the police to charge me or let me go, they let me go.
I went back to the airport, the storm was in again. Several other pilots were grounded, too. I met one who was Charles Lindbergh {Lucky Lindy} the guy who flew to France over the ocean. It was great to see him and listen to the men talk flying, these men were the real flyers of the day, most were flying the US mail.
The storm over, I took off early morning and landed in Oklahoma City for fuel and an overnight stay. All the time I was in the city I had cops watching me; I guess they thought I was some dangerous criminal.
Back at home, I told Uncle Bob about my stay and that the two guys were gangsters. He said he knew they weren’t businessmen as they were both packing guns. He got a big laugh out-a the whole thing.
Looking back at that time, I was very lucky to have made it thru the whole thing with no trouble.
Christmas Day, I called Allie and we talked for more than three hours. The airport office looked me up when the bill came in, for two dollars and fifty cents I’d talk to Allie every day if I could.
The first of the year I flew a honeymoon couple to Mexico City. That’s a trip I will never forget, the Mexicans tried to confiscate the Stinson. I was held in jail for a week as the American counsel worked it out, I was a happy guy to get away from there. I pushed the Stinson as fast as she would go to get home.
At home I had a charter waiting to go to Florida. The Stinson needed some work so I got to stay another day. My passenger was a good-looking woman, Wow! I mean good looking. She was about twenty-five and a living doll, trouble was she knew she was beautiful.
Uncle Bob told me she was a beauty queen and that I might get to fly her all over the country. “How ya like that Tommy boy? This girl is going to tour the country, as a representative of some beauty products. I can set it up if you want to do it.”
I told him I would rather not spend time with this girl. I should have told him about Allie but I didn’t.
We took off on a Sunday morning. After three overnight stops, when mostly the weather held us up, we landed in Miami, Florida. She went into the airport office and did some telephone calling.
Soon we had people everywhere, newspaper reporters and loads of people who just came to look. This fellow came to me and told me he was her manager and wanted me to fly him and her to New York City. I asked when I could have the money for the trip. He said he would get the money when we got to New York, I had to call Uncle Bob for advice. He told me to stay put until I got the money, I relayed that to the man and he got mad and started cuss-n me. I told him money first, and then I could fly them to New York. He said he could have the money in a few days. I told him I’d call my owner and see what he had to say. Uncle Bob told me to get to New Orleans as there was a passenger waiting.
I took off early the next morning and just for fun I flew out over the Gulf of Mexico. This was the first time I had flown over a large body of water. Now I knew how Lucky Lindy felt flying over water as far as you could see in all directions. If you go down in the Gulf, it would be all over, not a good feeling.
I came over New Orleans an hour before sunset. It took awhile to find the airport. I landed just as darkness set in, found a tie down and tied the Stinson down, then went to the office to see if they knew where my passenger was. A woman in the office told me my passenger was at a hotel in town, I was to call and let him know I was here. I did, and then I took a taxi to a hotel myself. After eating