Edgar Cayce and the Cosmos. James Mullaney
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Most if not all stars are born in families. These range from orbiting double and multiple systems in which two or more suns (often of different lovely colors!) would appear in the skies of their planets, to clusters of stars—glittering stellar jewelboxes containing hundreds or thousands of suns to as many as a million in huge stellar beehivelike swarms. Our Sun is a star—our “Daytime Star” as many like to call it. And while it appears to be single, it’s believed that it may actually have a very dim distant red-dwarf companion, slowly drifting through space with it. (At the opposite extreme are double stars orbiting so close to each that they complete a mutual revolution in a matter of just hours and their outer atmospheres are actually in contact!)
Stars Named in the Readings
While references to the stars appear hundreds of times in the Cayce material, only two appear to actually be mentioned by name. One of these is Polaris, better known as the North Star or Pole Star. Within the text of the readings it appears only three times, in the following contexts:
For, as long as an entity is within the confines of that termed the earth’s and the sons [suns?] of the earth’s solar system, the developments are within the sojourns of the entity from sphere to sphere; and when completed it begins—throughout the music of the spheres with Arcturus, Polaris, and through those sojourns in the outer sphere.
(This reading actually does mention the other named star—Arcturus—and also the “music of the spheres,” both of which are discussed below.)
At the correct time accurate imaginary lines can be drawn from the opening of the great Pyramid to the second star in the Great Dipper, called Polaris or the North Star. This indicates it is the system toward which the soul takes it flight after having completed its sojourn through this solar system.
(Note that Cayce referred to Polaris as the second star in the “Great Dipper,” which means the Big Dipper. But it’s actually located at the end of the handle of the Little Dipper. This has always caused the author to puzzle over this particular reading. It is off the top—or second—star at the end of the bowl of the Big Dipper, which may well be what Cayce meant.)
In the lead of these, with those changes that had been as the promptings from the positions of the stars—that stand as it were in the dividing of the ways between the universal, that is the common vision of the solar system of the sun, and those from without the spheres—or as the common name, the North Star, as its variation made for those cycles that would be incoordinant with those changes that had been determined by some—this began the preparation—for the three hundred years, as has been given, in this period.
In these signs then was the new cycle, that as was then—as we have in the astrological—the beginning of the Piscean age, or that position of the Polar Star or North Star as related to the southern clouds. These made for the signs, these made for the symbols; as would be the sign as used, the manner of the sign’s approach and the like.
There are two very important astronomical terms contained in this last reading worth noting. The variation in the position of Polaris that’s mentioned is a direct reference to the Precession of the Equinoxes resulting from the slow wobbling of the Earth on its axis. The other one is “southern clouds.” It was mentioned earlier that Cayce didn’t speak of other galaxies as such. However, the term “southern clouds” is a reference to the two “Magellanic Clouds” visible only from the Southern Hemisphere. These are, in fact, our Milky Way’s satellite galaxies!
The “Stargate” Arcturus
The other star that Edgar Cayce specifically mentioned by name is the radiant golden-orange sun Arcturus. Best seen in the spring sky, it’s the third brightest of the heavenly host visible from the Northern Hemisphere after the blue-white gems Sirius and Vega (which are best seen in the winter and summer sky, respectively). This great star is referenced more than thirty times within the text of the readings alone, all having the theme of its supreme importance both individually and cosmically. Here’s a sampling of those readings:
Also we find the Sun and Arcturus, the greater Sun, giving of the strength in mental and spiritual elements toward developing of soul and of the attributes toward the better forces in earth’s spheres.
(Q) From the information received from this source, I am from Arcturian influences. What is this influence in my present experience?
(A) As just indicated, and is as a part of that. For Arcturus is that junction between the spheres of activity as related to cosmic force, and is that about which this particular environ or sphere of activity rotates, or is a relative source of activity.
As an entity passes on, as has been given, from this present—or this solar system, this sun, these forces, it passes through the various spheres—leading first into that central force, through which—known as Arcturus—nearer the Pleiades, in this passage about the various spheres—on and on—through the eons of time, as called—or space—which is one in the various spheres of its activity …
(The Pleiades Star Cluster that’s mentioned is discussed below.)
In those experiences of the entity in its dwellings in the hills and the plains of Persia, also in Egypt, the beauties and music of the spheres sang and brought into the experience of the entity its studies of the light by day, the joy of the voices of the night, and the star that led the entity—that source from which and to which it may gain so much of its strength in the present; Arcturus, the wonderful, the beautiful! As the bright and glorious light from same set afire, as it were, its meditations in the plains, so may the illuminations do the same in the lives of those the entity contacts through its gentleness and kindness and service.
Arcturus comes in this entity’s chart, or as a central force from which the entity came again into the earth-material sojourns. For, this is the way, the door out of this system.
Not that the sun that is the center of this solar system is all there is. For the entity has attained to that realm even of Arcturus, or that center from which there may be the entrance into other realms of consciousness.
And Arcturus! For the entity has gone out and returned, purposefully.