Why Am I Here?. Joyce Keller
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The system is easy and begins with “unlocking” your karma. To do this, my system isolates certain aspects of our individual makeup, including personality trends, why we’re here, and where we’ve come from.
The Keys
You’ll see that unlocking, or advancing, one’s karma is not difficult if you understand the keys.
Where Is Your Personality Taking You?
The first key is uncovering your basic make-up. These are your character traits, or the way you address the situations in life. The personality has the ability to move us in either a negative or a positive direction, which are both pointed out here.
Where Have You Come from?
The second key is uncovering where you’ve come from. The Soul Memory Tables indicate why you have been born in the present, and what your lesson is.
What Is Your Potential?
The third key is uncovering why you’re here, or the purpose of your birth. This is what you’re here to do now to get rid of karmic indebtedness incurred in the past.
The Soul Potential Tables give an indication of current life lessons, health, money, success issues, and soul mates.
Initiate the Karmic Shift
The fourth key is initiating the Karmic Shift, or the awakening of a new outlook, by recognizing the situations that are in place for our growth. The Challenges List helps identify these situations.
Remove Harmful Attitudes
The fifth key is isolating underlying attitudes perpetuating problems and issues in your life by using the Attitudes, Conditions, and Tendencies list.
Change Your Emotional Condition
The sixth key is to discern where your underlying attitudes are taking you. The Karmic Dictionary is arranged alphabetically for easy reference, and allows you to look up the meaning of difficulties as they arise.
Apply the Lessons of Your Life
The seventh key: use this meaning, or underlying emotional condition, to implement your Life Lessons.
Follow your road with understanding, discernment, and an open heart, and see where it takes you. Don’t be surprised if it takes you where you want to go.
As above, so below
We are all one
God is in all of us, and in all things.
Religions on Reincarnation
Buddhism: Incarnations are caused by karma and earthly cravings that must be overcome in the pursuit of spiritual perfection. Liberation from rebirth is achieved when one overcomes the “three unwholesome roots”: desire, hatred, and delusion—and attains nirvana, or enlightenment, a state of ineffable peace.
Christianity: While early versions of the Bible confirm the theory of reincarnation, no mainstream Christian denomination officially supports the concept.
Hinduism: Reincarnation is caused by imperfections of the soul; ignorance and desire perpetuate the need to reincarnate. The soul perfects itself by purifying and realizing itself, shedding earthly desires.
Islam: The Koran: “He brings back to life the dead earth, similarly ye shall be reborn.”
Judaism: The early Jews believed in transmigration, or the passage of a soul upon death into another body. —Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience
The Life of the Soul
Our Ultimate Purpose
I was a teenager when I first got my driver’s license. My mother saw that as an opportunity for me to deliver to my dad anything he might have forgotten to take to work, including his lunch, sweater, hat, scarf, or gloves. My dad was the pharmacist at a large mental institution on Long Island in New York, and my mother always admonished, “Don’t walk through the wards. Just park outside the pharmacy and please just drop this off to your dad. Don’t stop to observe, bond, or talk with the patients!” She knew me so well. She knew that I found this institution and the people it housed fascinating. I would park far away from the Pharmacy Department, and enter through any doors that might have been left open. Sometimes, I found myself walking through wards where the patients were heavily drugged and in a deep-sleep state. They would be sitting around, watching television or playing cards. Some were wandering through the halls. I noticed something very strange about many of the patients. Some were in period costumes. Some women wore flowing robes and gowns. Some had high pointy hats with veils, while others wore crowns, skull caps, and a wide array of odd-looking head gear. The variety of garb was impressive and intriguing. I wanted to know more. Through the years, I thought often about those patients. As I studied metaphysics and learned about the continuation of existence through many physical lives, I came to realize that these people were reliving existences from previous incarnations. I learned that over-indulgence in alcohol or mind-altering drugs can break through our protective shield, or aura. The damaging of the protective veil that separates our present consciousness from our past-life memories can cause a confused state of mind. We all have that electromagnetic shield, or aura, surrounding us. It can be seen by some psychics and can be photographed using Kirlian photography. When this aura is damaged by drinking excessive alcohol, shock treatments, or use of certain drugs, we can enter a reality that is more of a past-life memory than the present. We can leave ourselves open to the intrusion of disincarnate entities that influence our behavior and cause undesirable and dangerous actions. These visits to the state mental hospital had a profound effect on me and contributed greatly to my desire to learn more about our prior lifetimes, and helped begin an intense search for the truth about life and the possibilities created by reincarnation.
The great mystic, Paramahansa Yogananda, said that we would probably go insane if we had clear recall of our past lives. “God, in His grace and infinite wisdom, pulls down the shield that closes off the memories of our prior incarnations.” The fact that we may remember past lives in bits and pieces, as some did in the mental institution, fascinated me. I began to look for other ways our previous incarnations crept into our present life, perhaps in ways we were totally unaware.
As I quoted Paramahansa