Edgar Cayce on the Reincarnation of Biblical People. Kevin J. Todeschi
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Of the more than 14,000 readings given by Edgar Cayce over a forty-three-year period, approximately 2,000 deal with the subject of reincarnation. From Cayce’s perspective, each of us goes through a series of lifetimes for the express purpose of soul growth and development. In that process, the soul is given opportunities and experiences which will best enable the individual to fulfill the purpose for which she or he incarnated. In the language of the readings, the individual is given whatever conditions are needed “to meet the needs of that to make the entity at an at oneness with the Creative Energy.” (254-32)
The readings on reincarnation were given to individuals in order to help them understand soul strengths and weaknesses, as well as their own potentials and challenges. As Cayce entered his trance state, he was given a specific suggestion that enabled him to access the necessary information for a “life reading,” which dealt with the soul’s history. That suggestion was as follows:
You will have before you the life existence in the earth plane (giving name, date, where) and the earthly existence of this entity in that of (giving name and place of the earthly sojourn) and you will give a biographical life of the entity in that day and plane of earthly existence, from entrance and how into the earth’s plane and the entity’s departure, giving the development or retarding points in such an existence.
Cayce’s response to that suggestion would provide the individual with a historical timeline of her or his incarnations, lessons learned, as well as any faults or patterns that had been acquired and needed to be overcome in the present.
Critics of reincarnation often point out that many individuals believe that they were a Cleopatra or a George Washington or some famous personage from the annals of history. Whatever happened to all of the common people? Where are all the farmers, the housewives, the peasants, the prisoners, or the uneducated masses that made up the bulk of history’s population? Although the Cayce readings did give a number of famous identities from the past, the majority of the life readings are filled with names of individuals who were everyday people. In fact, of the more than 10,000 names given in past-life readings, less than two percent are identifiable as “famous.” Of that number, approximately half are characters from the Bible.
Throughout his life, the Bible played an extremely important role for Edgar Cayce. By the time he was a teenager, he had managed to read it through once for every year of his life—a practice he maintained until his death. Raised a devout Christian, he was a lifelong Sunday school teacher, the Bible becoming the basis for his life and teachings. However, the material in Cayce’s readings is deeply ecumenical. Edgar Cayce urged individuals to pursue their own religious preferences, stating that “oneness” should be the undergirding principle of any spiritual journey. From his perspective, what was most important in a person’s life was one’s application of spiritual principles.
Regardless of an individual’s religious preference, however, Cayce believed that the Bible was a handbook for self-understanding. From Genesis to Revelation it portrayed